The Shark Cult

The Shark Cult has become the fastest growing group in Lankhmar. They preach the “Way of Predation,” which they claim is the law of nature—one should take what one wants when one can. Incidents of violence and mayhem have erupted all over the city as new followers take the cult’s message to heart and prey on the weak.

“Way of Predation"

Religious, Cult
Training Level
Veterancy Level


Medium medium beast, neutral evil
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 45
Speed Swim: 60ft Climb: 15ft

18 +4
12 +1
15 +2
14 +2
10 0
8 -1

Damage Vulnerabilities bright light at -2 to hit
Languages Lankhmarian,
Challenge 2

Shape change


Combat: In their natural form, Simorgyans slash with their clawed hands and bite with their shark-like mouths. They may also use weapons such as tridents, spears and nets. Simorgyans dislike bright light and fight at -2 to hit in sunlight or similar illumination. They can survive out of water for 1-6 hours.   Simorgyans are a magical race and have the ability to shape-change into attractive human forms. In human shape, a Simorgyan can survive out of water indefinitely but still fights in bright light at -2 to hit.   They may also shape-change into sharks.   number of attacks 3


Sunken, mysterious Simorgya is far from empty. Its ancient inhabitants who once ruled a vast empire live and seek vengeance against the surface dwellers who defeated them and continue to raid their drowned temples. Simorgyans are fish-like humanoids with magical shape-changing abilities. No one knows if this is their true form or whether they were once humanoid and changed when their land sank beneath the waves.

Simorgyans dwell in the depths of the ocean, swimming through the sunken corridors of their temples and palaces. They guard their treasures jealously, sometimes by themselves and at other times through guard beasts such as sea cloakers and giant sharks. Simorgyans can command up to six sharks or sea cloakers, four giant octopi, a single giant whale or kraken, or any number of ordinary fish within a mile of their location. Simorgyan nobles — such as princess Ississi — can command Deep Rusher, a titanic whale with statistics as listed for the Leviathan.


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Oct 30, 2021 19:37

I am so curious... Did you translate the adventure to 5e?