The Silver Eel

The Silver Eel bustled with pleasantly raucous excitement. Fighting men predominated and the clank of swordsmen's harness mingled with the thump of tankards, providing a deep obbligato to the shrill laughter of the women. Swaggering guardsmen elbowed the insolent bravos of the young lords. Grinning slaves bearing open wine jars dodged nimbly between. In one corner a slave girl was dancing, the jingle of her silver anklet bells inaudible in the din. Outside the small, tight-shuttered windows a dry, whistling wind from the south filled the air with dust that eddied between the cobblestones and hazed the stars. But here all was jovial confusion. The building is a typical Lankhmart structure—tall, run-down looking, stained a dirty gray by the night-smogs. The Eel is open around the clock, although business slows down in the early morning hours, when Braggi's staff gives the place a cursory cleaning, and remove clients who have passed out on the floor. Spirits are served at all hours, while meals are prepared from 6-10 P.M. Cold meat, cheese and bread are served the rest of the day. Strangely enough, Braggi serves excellent fare, and his kitchen is kept scrupulously clean. Lankhmart nobles have been known to visit the Eel when Braggi is serving his beef stew.

Purpose / Function

The Silver Eel: Perhaps the most famous building from the tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, the Eel is the Mouser's favorite tavern. For a time, he lived in a run-down building next door until it burned down. The tavern keeper is Braggi. He lives on the second floor of the building and rents out the other two floors with no questions asked as to their use.


the fifth having been destroyed in a fire started by Fafhrd and the Mouser after the deaths of their two loves at the hands of the Thieves' Guild. Braggi, the obese and somewhat slovenly owner of the tavern, had the damage repaired, but the fifth floor was never replaced.


The Eel is presently four stories tall— A rickety structure, ravaged by the elements and in constant disrepair, the Silver Eel is not the most luxurious building in Lankhmar, and far from the finest inn. Dirty and ugly, a haven for the lowest level of Lankhmar society, the Silver Eel is nonetheless famous, especially for those who follow the career of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, for the Eel is their favorite tavern, and the scene of both triumph and tragedy.


The adjoining lot now contains the charred remains of the building that the Mouser occupied with his first love, Ivrian. It also holds the ruins of Duke Danius' garden house, which Fafhrd and the Mouser stole and was subsequently destroyed by Sheelba and Ningauble.
Silver Eel: Typical Prices
Alternative Names
The Eel
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location


  • Fermented Mare's Milk flagon-1 gold rilk (a Mingol favorite)
  • Brandy flagon -2 gold rilk


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