Am's Reckoning

Occurring several thousand years ago during the Forgotten Age, Am's Reckoning is a day etched into the collective memory of the Analai; this day marked the start of millennia of suffering and devastation. In modern times, this day is still known for the sudden and catastrophic arrival of the Amspawn, which has become a symbol of the relentless curse of Am that still haunts the La'anan Region and one that is acknowledged by other cultures far beyond its borders.  

The Descent

In the years leading up to this day, the Analai had increasingly turned towards occult worship of Yosarum, a chilling god of death whose cult promised a more extraordinary station in the afterlife than the ancient folk religion of their people. This growing devotion did not go unnoticed by Am, another cruel god of death who viewed it as a grave assault against him in the unending war between the gods of deadworld.   The Reckoning began as an ordinary overcast day, and the people of the coastal villages went about their daily routines, unaware of the impending doom. Without warning, the clouds above the Tetmor Sea began to churn violently, darkening to an ominous, almost supernatural shade of black. The air grew heavy and thick, crackling with an unnatural energy that sent shivers down the spines of those who felt it.   Suddenly, a fiery object pierced the sky, trailing smoke and flames as it hurtled toward the earth. The Amspawn, a grotesque emissary of Am, manifested in the sky above La’anan to punish the Analai for their perceived false worship. The impact was catastrophic; the Amspawn crashed into the shallow waters near the shore, creating a massive wave that surged inland, obliterating everything in its path. Homes were swept away, and lives were lost in an instant. The once bustling coastal villages were reduced to ruins, their inhabitants either dead or struggling to survive amidst the chaos.    

The Curse of Am

As the waters receded, the surviving Analai gathered on the beach, horrified at the monstrous creature that had wrought such destruction. The Amspawn crawled from the sea onto the rocky shore. Its form was mesmerizing and repulsive, a shifting mass of darkness and malice. As it spoke, its voice echoed with power, and the air trembled with its words:  
"You pitiful, ungrateful mortals," the amspawn began, its voice a twisted amalgamation of agony and rage. "You have invoked the wrath of Am, the true god of death and dominion. In your hubris, you have dared to seek solace in the false promises of Yosarum, a pretender who offers only lies and false hope."   The creature's form shifted and writhed, its eyes glowing with an intense light. "Did you think you could escape Am's gaze? Did you believe that the benevolent facade of Yosarum could shield you from the truth? You have been deceived, led astray by a god who cannot protect you or save you from the inevitable judgment that is Am's domain."   "In your betrayal, you have committed the gravest of sins. You have forsaken the one who holds the true power over death, choosing instead to worship a weakling, an impostor. For this sin, you shall be punished. You shall suffer a curse that will remind you, day and night, of the true master of your fate."   As the amspawn spoke, its skin began to bubble and boil away, releasing noxious gases into the air. "You shall witness the terror of Am's wrath, the devastation of his might. The very ground you stand upon shall become a testament to your folly. Each storm, each bolt of lightning, will bring forth the Shards of Am, crystalline harbingers of doom that will spawn the scarab plague to infest your blood, to bring suffering and death upon you all."   The creature's body continued to disintegrate, its voice becoming more haunting and ethereal. "Remember this day, Analai, remember Am's Reckoning. Let the sight of my remains burn into your memory; let the suffering of your people etch itself into your souls. You will never escape Am's grasp. He is the true lord of death, and you shall forever be his subjects. This is your fate, decreed by the god you dared to forsake."
  As it spoke, the Amspawn’s body began to deteriorate. Its skin and organs bubbled and boiled away, releasing toxic gases that mixed with the storm clouds above. The ground where its blood seeped became tainted, imbued with the evil essence of Am. As the creature disintegrated, its skeletal remains, now a grotesque monument of twisted red bones, lay exposed on the beach.    

The Aftermath

The storm that accompanied the Amspawn’s arrival grew fiercer, and lightning crackled across the sky with a ferocity never before seen. Each strike to the tainted ground brought forth Shards of Am, crystalline formations that erupted into scarab-like creatures. These creatures, born of the curse, burrowed into the flesh of the living, dissolving into their bloodstream and spreading a deadly disease. The afflicted experienced agonizing pain as their blood transformed into larval scarabs, which eventually burst forth, continuing the cycle of terror and death.   In the following days, the surviving Analai fled from the cursed beaches, seeking refuge deeper inland. Those still faithful to Yosarum left the region and moved to Rahue's southern lands. However, the curse had already taken root, and the entire area of La'anan began to suffer under its weight. The once fertile lands became barren, and the population dwindled as the disease spread.
by Midjourney
Metaphysical, Supernatural
by Midjourney

Cover image: Amspawn by Midjourney


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Jul 12, 2024 04:50

Love the speech!!!!

Aug 25, 2024 16:49 by Ademal

Beautiful article, terrifying god!

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