
The La'anan Region of Rahue is a harsh and desolate land shaped by supernatural forces. Its rugged geography, from the icy flat coastal beaches and tundra to the imposing Duthun Mountains, creates an environment of perpetual struggle and survival. The sparse population, comprising Humans, Elves, and Dwarves, lives in small, isolated communities fortified against the elements and The Curse of Am. The cold, unforgiving landscape and the ever-present threat of a virulent disease make La'anan one of the world's most sparsely populated, permanently settled regions.  
by E. Jones


Frozen Plains

The La'anan Region is predominantly characterized by its expansive frozen plains. The ground is hard and unyielding, covered with permafrost and dotted with patches of hardy shrubs and grasses that can survive the extreme cold. The flatness of the land allows for fierce, unimpeded winds that sweep across the region, contributing to the harsh climate.  

Marshy Lowlands

In certain areas, especially during the brief summer thaw, the frozen ground gives way to marshy lowlands. These areas become muddy and waterlogged, making them difficult to traverse and unsuitable for agriculture.  

Sparse Forests

Scattered across the plains are sparse forests, mainly consisting of hardy, weather-beaten trees such as twisted pines and gnarled birches. These forests provide some shelter from the wind and are home to a variety of wildlife, but they are not dense or expansive.  

Flat Coastal Beaches

The coastline of La'anan features flat, expansive beaches composed of dark, coarse sand and pebbles. These shores are often frozen solid, with sea ice extending into the Tetmor Sea.  

Tetmor Sea

The western edge of La'anan borders the Tetmor Sea, a frigid and tempestuous body of water. The sea is a vital source of food through fishing, though its icy waters make it a dangerous occupation.  

Rivers and Lakes

La'anan few rivers and lakes, and they are often partially frozen. Nonetheless, these freshwater sources are crucial for the survival of the inhabitants and are carefully guarded. During the brief summer thaw, these rivers and lakes become more accessible, but they remain cold and challenging to navigate.    

Amspawn Bones

The enormous skeleton left behind by the Amspawn after its gruesome demise on the day now known as Am's Reckoning is a terrifying remnant that still affects the La'anan Region as the focal point of The Curse of Am.   The amspawn's skeleton is unlike any natural creature's. It is composed of jagged, red bones that seem to pulsate with an internal glow, giving it a foreboding and sinister appearance. The bones are twisted and malformed, with sharp protrusions and uneven surfaces. The skeletal material is incredibly hard and durable, resisting decay and damage over time. Its bones are scattered across the area, half-buried in the sand and soil.   The skeleton emits a toxic aura that affects the immediate vicinity. Plants and animals avoid the area, creating a barren, lifeless zone around the remains. The air is heavy with a faint, acrid smell that causes discomfort and nausea to those who come too close.   The skeleton seems to influence the local weather, drawing storms and lightning to the area more frequently than elsewhere on Rahue's western coast. These storms are intense and often accompanied by supernatural phenomena, such as ghostly lights and unexplained sounds.  


  The La'anan Region of Rahue experiences a severe and unforgiving climate dominated by long, harsh winters and short, cool summers. Winters are characterized by relentless cold, with temperatures often plunging well below freezing for most of the year. Icy winds sweep east from the Tetmor Sea, frequently blowing in snowstorms that can last for days, covering the landscape in a thick, unyielding layer of snow and ice. The skies during winter are often overcast and dark, adding to the region's somber and stark atmosphere. Blizzards and whiteouts can occur unexpectedly, making travel and survival incredibly challenging.   The brief summer months in La'anan offer little respite from the cold. While temperatures may rise slightly above freezing, the ground rarely thaws completely, leaving much of the region locked in permafrost. During this period, the ice on rivers and lakes may melt just enough to allow some water flow, but they remain frigid and challenging to navigate. The summer sky, though clearer and brighter, often brings violent thunderstorms. These storms are particularly feared because they can trigger the formation of the deadly Shards of Am, perpetuating Am's curse.   Despite the harsh conditions, the landscape can display a stark beauty, with the interplay of light on ice and snow creating mesmerizing vistas and the occasional aurora lighting up the night sky.
by Midjourney
Location under
Related Ethnicities
by Midjourney

Cover image: Amspawn by Midjourney


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