The Sanctum Ministeiri

The Sanctum Ministeiri was established in the early days of the Keepers of True Faith, conceived as a body of enlightened advisors to the Arch-Vestia. These venerable sages are trusted by the leaders of the Keepers for spiritual and administrative oversight of Aster Prienne's governance. Their purpose is to ensure that every action taken aligns with the divine will of The Five and the overarching mission of the Keepers.  

Structure and Hierarchy

The Sanctum Ministeiri is led by the High Oracle, a title denoting the supreme advisor and closest confidant of the Arch-Vestia. Beneath the High Oracle are the Five Luminaries, each representing one of the sacred aspects of The Five. These Luminaries oversee various domains within the Keepers' realm and the administration of Aster Prienne, ensuring that every facet of their mission is imbued with divine wisdom.  

High Oracle: The principal advisor to the Arch-Vestia, the High Oracle's word is considered second only to the Arch-Vestia's in matters of faith and governance.

Luminary of Arcane: Oversees the regulation of magical practices, ensures the protection of citizens from rogue magic, and manages the policies for arcane practitioners.

Luminary of Bounty: Guides agricultural policies, ensuring the prosperity and sustainability of Aster Prienne’s resources.

Luminary of Sacred Order: Manages the implementation of laws, oversees judicial appointments, and ensures societal order and discipline among the populace.

Luminary of Life: Oversees the health of the nation, and maintains holy sites including temples and cemeteries, ensuring the well-being of citizens and the sanctity of life transitions.

Luminary of Valor: Advises on military strategies, oversees the training and discipline of the Keepers, and ensures the security and defense of Aster Prienne without compromising the spiritual beliefs of the organization.


Selection and Confirmation

  When a new Arch-Vestia ascends, they are granted the divine right to appoint members to the Sanctum Ministeiri. The Arch-Vestia may choose to retain the previous Arch-Vestia's appointees or replace them entirely with new selections.   The Brassicale and their council must confirm all appointments to the Sanctum Ministeiri. This dual endorsement ensures that both spiritual and martial aspects of the Keepers are in harmonious agreement. The Arch-Vestia retains the authority to replace any Luminary at their discretion. However, all replacements must still undergo confirmation by the Brassicale to ensure continuity and stability within the Ministeiri.  

Their Role within Aster Prienne

The Ministeiri serves as the executive and spiritual council beneath the Arch-Vestia, guiding the Keepers in all matters of faith, strategy, and governance. Their decrees and advisories shape the policies and actions of the Keepers, ensuring that their mission remains true to the divine mandate. They are both the architects of the faith’s future and the protectors of its past. In addition, they manage the administration and control of Aster Prienne, ensuring that the citizens are governed justly and following divine teachings.
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