The Sapphire Ward

Eleanor had grown up in a quiet village where everyone was very kind and courteous. She could not recall any significant crime, just childish pranks. Now that Eleanor had moved to Roue D'or to study magic at the Triskelion, she realized no one could be trusted. The marketplace buzzed with a cacophony of voices, and the scent of spices, fresh bread, and sweat mingled in the air. Eleanor’s eyes darted from one vibrant stall to another, each laden with colorful wares, as the throng of people pressed around her. Eleanor clutched her bag tightly as she maneuvered through the crowd, her heart pounding every time someone brushed past her. She kept her gaze low, avoiding eye contact, the memory of lecherous grins and swift hands still fresh in her mind.   One day, a close friend mentioned an invaluable item sold by a silversmith’s wife who also crafted her jewelry. This friend spoke of a special hatpin, not just any hatpin – a Triskelion mage had enchanted it. Intrigued, Eleanor ventured through the bustling market to a popular silversmith approved by the merchant council.   Once inside the silversmith’s shop, Eleanor admired the items displayed for sale. The cozy warmth of the shop was a welcome reprieve from the chaotic marketplace. She walked past the shop counter where Matilda, the silversmith’s mage wife, stood. With a warm, nurturing presence and a motherly smile, Matilda greeted her, “What can I help you with, my dear?”   Eleanor described her fears and the dangers she had encountered. Matilda nodded sympathetically, her eyes softened with understanding, 'My dear, I once felt as you do now,' she said, gently placing a hand on Eleanor’s shoulder. 'This city can be unforgiving, but we learn to protect ourselves in small but powerful ways.” She led Eleanor to the back of the shop, revealing a collection of intricately designed hatpins. “These,” Matilda explained, “are no ordinary accessories. Each one is imbued with a protective spell. They are designed to keep you safe in subtle ways.” Eleanor examined the hatpins, marveling at their beauty. A silver pin with a delicate, sapphire-tipped end caught her eye. Sapphires were her favorite and matched her eyes. Matilda picked it up and handed it to her.   “This hatpin,” Matilda said as she handed Eleanor the sapphire-tipped needle, “is enchanted with a warding spell. The pin is a weapon if needed, and the warding spell weaves an invisible barrier around you. It senses ill intentions and reacts by amplifying your presence, making you appear more formidable. In moments of immediate danger, it emits a pulse of magic. Wear it in your hat, and it will protect you from harm.”   Eleanor purchased the hatpin and felt a sense of relief as she secured it in her hat. Over time, she noticed its subtle power. When she walked through the marketplace, she no longer felt the leering eyes of strangers upon her. Pickpockets seemed to give her a wide berth, and she moved through the crowded streets with newfound confidence.   The hatpin’s true power revealed itself one evening when Eleanor returned to her dormitory at dusk. A shadowy figure emerged from an alleyway, blocking her path. His eyes gleamed with malice as he advanced. Eleanor’s breath caught in her throat, but then the sapphire on her hatpin flared brilliantly. The man staggered, confused, twisting his features before he turned and fled into the night, leaving Eleanor trembling but victorious.   Eleanor stood her ground, heart racing but unscathed. The hatpin had done its job. She continued her studies at the Triskelion, carrying with her the knowledge of magic and the quiet, steadfast protection of the enchanted hatpin.
Current Location
0.3 ounces
6 inches long, x 1/16 inch diameter pin (1/4 inch sapphire tip)
by Midjourney

Cover image: by Midjourney


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Jul 16, 2024 08:36

The pin is beautiful!

Aug 21, 2024 10:39 by George Sanders

I enjoyed your article and added it to the short list for my Summer Camp sponsored prompt "A personal item that keeps you safe." View the short list.   This earns you a prize! An 800x800 hand drawn digital image of your item. To claim your prize join our prize discord server or email me at [email protected] so my artist, Gege, can work with you on the image. We are still deciding on the grand prize winner. They will be announced on 8/31 during the World Anvil Twitch Livestream.   I will be sharing your article on community posts and Lavani's Reading List. When you join the discord server, check out the optional World Deck we are planning for the items. Congrats!

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