Predatory, hive-minded, and aggressive, Coleovids are a variety of large, intelligent, insect species mostly native to the southern
Bloodpeak Mountains and which sometimes range into surrounding areas (especially the
Shifting Jungle ) for food or supplies. They mostly exist as an annoyance to larger species but prey heavily upon smaller being such as
Fungifolk or even
The coleovids live primarily in expansive hives, dug into the mountains at the southern edge of
The Great Plateau. These hives run for many miles and include dozens of "floors" full of chambers and compartments. Unlike habitats created by most terrestrial species, these hives can include sheer vertical shafts, as most of the "bugs" can either fly or climb with ease.
Being omnivorous creatures without even a smidgen of talent in cultivation, coleovid hives are almost entirely sustained by aggressive gathering. The areas around any given hive entrance will be denuded of most life, so the hives will frequently send bands to seek out sustenance. This can result in a dozen of them swooping down to raid a farm in the
Fertile Lands, or capturing a family of
Fungifolk from the
Shifting Jungle.
I will type things about the hives and how they live and communicate here.