
It's so strange how something can emit no light and yet still stand out in the midst of the Darkness. Iv'Tha and the rings that surround it, harvesting its energy, are a comfort to me. I don't know how long it will allow us to take from it. I don't know if it's even noticed us. Sometimes eyes open in that black nothingness and I feel like it's Looking directly at me. I don't know how it could be, though.
Iv'Tha is an Angel which has allowed the Ancients to build around it. The Sapients who live near this Angel now continue to harvest energy from it. There will be warning eons before Iv'Tha truly wakes, though there is a belief that it will open its eyes and Look at some who observe it. No confirmed cases of this happening have ever been recorded.
Black Hole
Included Locations

Cover image: by Drew Rae


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