Drakorian Flameheart

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Drakorian Flameheart is approaching the end of his life. He has lived considerably longer than most Dragonborn, but the blackblood disease has started to deteriorate Drakorian's physical condition. Regardless, Drakorian is still a formidable warrior and a master tactician, and any who would wish to challenge him for the position of Scorch Warden would fall brutally.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Drakorian Flameheart was born to the Null-tari tribe towards the end of the Dune Trials. From a young welp, he was well liked and was a proven natural in diplomacy and managing relationships. His Father, Toldir Flameheart, served on an expeditionary force for the Null-tari tribe and searched for food, water, and other needs for the tribe. Drakorian from a young age saw this service as respectable and valient, and one he reached maturity, he joined the expedition force.    He served rigouresly and established himself as one of the Null-tari elders once he reached 25. Through his time as elder, he showed high levels of wisdom and intellegence in the way he led the tribe, and over the years he was chosen as Chieftan at 38.   After 10 years as Chieftan, Drakorian resturctured the Null-tari, transitioning the group from focusing on survival to focusing on thriving and restoring the ancient Maladorian culture. He centered the Null-tari around the worship of Null'Gorath and revitilized religon and communion among the Null-tari Dragonkin. It was at this point the Demons began to pour through the Shielden Mountains   The demons laid seige on the Null-tari tribe for over a year, looking for ways to breach the walls erected by the Dragonkin over 300 years prior. But Drakorian's expert strategy and the strength of will of the Null-tari people kept the walls standing against the endless slaughter brought upon them by the demonic warbands. After the almost two years of seige, the other Dragonborn tribes fought their way to the Null-tari, and made themselves known to their long lost brothers. Driven by greed and survival, the other tribes were aggressive and violent towards the Null-tari and attempted to lay seige to the Null-tari city. But through teh diplomatic efforts of Drakorian Flameheart, he brought together the warbands and united the tribes to destory the demons.   Once the Dragonborn pushed the demons through the Shielden Mountains and into what is modern day Dafin, they were discovered by an outrider Hill Gnome Detachment, who captured Drakorian Flameheart. After a year of imprisonement, Drakorian was able to put toegther the Gnomish language, and communcated with the Gnomes, and through this dialouge, Lateras understood the millenium long plight of the Dragonborn. Maladorians were accepted into Lateras quickly, and Drakorian allied with the Gnomes and the Tieflings to fight the demons.    Once the Great Incursion ended, the High Council of Lateras in Aspen officially inducted Malador into the council, and they became officially recognized as a nation, and Drakorian Flameheart was inducted as The Scorch Warden of Malador. From there, Drakorian has endlessly pursued his goal of restoring the Maladorian people and its land to what it was prior to the Three Calamities.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Red
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations