Red Spire


The Red Spire is made up of a majority of Dragonborn. However, almost all races are present within the large city. Besides the Dragonborn, other races with a precense in the city are Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes. The majority of Humans and Gnomes in the city are there attending the Golden Oasis, or are doing huminatarian work for the nation of Malador. The Dwarves of Red Spire are often successful business owners in the city, and have established good reputations for themselves through building the buildings are roads of Red Spire.    Other races have a very small prescence and are a rarity in Red Spire. The Desert is a harsh place for many of the woodland races created by Chauntea. Elves are the most common of the woodland races, as they work in Red Spire as druids, working to revitalize the land around the city. Teiflings are very well respected in the city, as any present serve in the Graviton Fortress above Red Spire, working to protect and serve the people of Malador.


Red Spire is Malador, therefore the government of Malador is the same government used in Red Spire. However there are local government positions added in Red Spire to help the city run smoothly. For the majority of tasks and issues in Red Spire, the local governance will ultimatly have the final say on what gets done. Section Governors form the executive roles of the several different sections within Red Spire, each with their own Section Guard and Section Tribunal. These "section goverments" act fairly independently from each other and their jursdiction ends with their section boundaries. However, they all answer to the Scorch Warden and the greater government of Malador.


The infrastructure of the city was built with the thought of verticality and transportation in mind. Due to the very little arable land in the oasis that Red Spire is built, the city had to build up rather than out. The city is made of many large high rises connected together through various bridges and archways.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Flamecrest Stronghold
Inhabitant Demonym
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization