
Divine Domains

Creation, Balance, Growth, and Life


Null'Gorath is a Primordial Dragon who was active in the infintely chaotic process of creating Lateras and defending it from evil gods. In his times on Lateras, he found solice in tending to his Dragonkin, his forests, his gardens, and his creatures. Therefore, his magical artifacts left behind are all centered and born from this love for his creation.   Verdant Heartwood Staff:   Carved from the heartwood of the ancient Evergrowth Tree, this staff channels the essence of growth and life. When wielded by a follower of Null'Gorath, it can summon lush vegetation, heal wounds, and even accelerate the growth of plants. The staff is a symbol of the god's nurturing power.   Harmony Seed:   The Harmony Seed is a small, radiant seed blessed by Null'Gorath. When planted, it transforms the surrounding area into a flourishing paradise of balanced ecosystems. The seed promotes harmony among flora and fauna, creating a sanctuary where all living beings coexist peacefully.   Balanceweaver's Loom:   An enchanted loom crafted by Null'Gorath himself, the Balanceweaver's Loom allows its user to weave threads of balance and harmony into the fabric of reality. Those who master its use can mend the torn threads of life, restore ecosystems, and bring equilibrium to chaotic forces.   Groveheart Amulet:   Shaped like a miniature tree with a glowing gem at its center, the Groveheart Amulet enhances the wearer's connection to nature. It grants the ability to communicate with plants and animals, fostering understanding and cooperation between the follower of Null'Gorath and the natural world.   Lifebinder's Shield:   This ornate shield, adorned with intricate engravings of vines and leaves, is a divine creation of Null'Gorath. The Lifebinder's Shield not only provides formidable protection in battle but also has the power to absorb and reflect hostile magic. It is a symbol of defense and balance.   Eternal Bloom Elixir:   Crafted from rare and potent blossoms found only in the divine gardens of Null'Gorath, this elixir grants the drinker accelerated healing, longevity, and a deep connection to the life force. Followers who partake in the Eternal Bloom Elixir are said to carry the blessings of Null'Gorath within them.   Sylvan Hymn Lyre:   The Sylvan Hymn Lyre, made from the wood of the Singing Trees, produces enchanting melodies that resonate with the natural world. When played by a devoted follower of Null'Gorath, the lyre can influence the growth of plants, calm wild creatures, and evoke the essence of life through music.   Blossomcaller's Ring:   A ring adorned with a radiant blossom, the Blossomcaller's Ring allows its wearer to summon and control the growth of flowers, vines, and foliage at will. It is a tool of creation and beauty, symbolizing Null'Gorath's gift of life.   Seed of Renewal:   The Seed of Renewal is a divine seed that, when planted, revitalizes barren land and accelerates the growth of new life. It embodies Null'Gorath's commitment to renewal and balance, turning desolate landscapes into thriving ecosystems.   Heartwood Sentinel:   This animated, towering construct is carved from the heartwood of ancient trees and serves as a guardian of nature. Fueled by Null'Gorath's divine energy, the Heartwood Sentinel protects sacred groves, ensuring the balance and harmony of the natural world.

Holy Books & Codes

All of the holy books and codes from Null'Gorath were lost to the three calamities, and the Dragonborn people have been without the precense of Null'Gorath since the begining of the Dune Trials. Even so, the Null'tari tribe of Malador kept these books and codes through oral record, and now, with society flooding back into Malador, these codes and holy books have been carved into stone and printed on mass.   The Codex of Equilibrium:   This ancient tome outlines the fundamental principles of balance that Null' Gorath imparted to the Dragonborn people. It delves into the interconnectedness of life, growth, and creation, emphasizing the importance of maintaining harmony in all aspects of existence.   The Codex of Equilibrium provides guidance on ethical conduct, stressing the need for individuals and societies to strive for equilibrium in their actions. It teaches that imbalance can lead to chaos and the disruption of the divine order.   The Genesis Scrolls:   This collection of scrolls recounts the mythical stories of creation as envisioned by Null' Gorath. It describes how the world of Malador came into being, with Null' Gorath's breath giving life to the land, seas, and skies. The Dragonborn are said to be the chosen guardians of this creation.   The Genesis Scrolls also detail the birth of the first Dragonborn, chosen by Null' Gorath to embody the essence of balance. These scrolls are not just historical records but serve as inspirational narratives, encouraging the Dragonborn to emulate the virtues of their divine progenitor.   Codes of Conduct:   The Three Tenets of Harmony:   Strive for balance in all endeavors. Nurture life and growth in yourself and others. Create with purpose and reverence for the divine order.   The Oath of the Dragonheart:   Dragonborn warriors pledge to uphold the principles of Null' Gorath, defending the balance of Malador with honor and valor. The oath includes a commitment to protect the vulnerable and preserve the sanctity of life, embodying the god's essence in their actions.   The Rituals of Renewal:   Regular ceremonies and rituals aimed at renewing the connection between the Dragonborn and Null' Gorath, reinforcing their commitment to the principles of balance.   These rituals involve communal gatherings, meditation, and acts of creation, symbolizing the ongoing collaboration between the Dragonborn and their divine patron.   These texts and codes form the spiritual foundation of the Dragonborn society, shaping their culture, ethics, and sense of purpose over the millennia. They serve as a guide for individuals to navigate the complexities of their world while honoring the divine wisdom bestowed by Null' Gorath.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Primordial Spiral:   The symbol features a central, intricate spiral, representing the primordial energy and breath of Null' Gorath that initiated the creation of the world.   Encircling the spiral are dragon wings, signifying the connection between Null' Gorath and the Dragonborn people. These wings extend outward, embracing the spiral in a protective and harmonious manner.   Within the spiral, there are depictions of life forms, plants, and celestial elements, symbolizing the god's influence on the diverse aspects of existence.   Radiating from the central emblem are three rays, each representing one of Null' Gorath's primary domains: balance, life, and creation.   This symbol is not only visually captivating but also holds deep meaning for the followers of Null' Gorath. It can be engraved on sacred artifacts, temples, and worn as a holy insignia by the Dragonborn clergy. The Primordial Spiral serves as a visual representation of the interconnectedness of all things and the divine order upheld by Null' Gorath.
Divine Classification
Primordial Dragon