Pantheo Tribe

Mythology & Lore

In the distant annals of time in the land of Malador, the Dragon god Null'Gorath, revered as the benevolent guardian of balance and creation, abruptly departed without explanation. The Dragonborn, devoted followers of Null'Gorath, diligently tended to the Primordial Gardens, awaiting their deity's return. However, their patient vigil was shattered when a plague descended upon Malador, wreaking havoc across the land. Crops withered, animals succumbed, and madness infected the Dragonborn, turning kin against kin.   Desperate and on the brink of despair, the Dragonborn united in prayer, seeking Null'Gorath's aid. To their surprise, their entreaties reached not their revered deity but the celestial Starmade Pantheon. The Starmade, cosmic entities of malevolent nature, answered the desperate calls of the Dragonborn. With their dark powers, they eradicated the plague, healing the lands and restoring order to Malador. In gratitude, the Dragonborn embraced the Starmade as their saviors and began to worship these celestial beings.   In return for their assistance, the Starmade requested a peculiar favor—the right to inhabit one of the majestic trees within the Primordial Forests. As the Dragonborn flourished under the Starmade's guidance, celestial technology, and arcane knowledge, the once-scattered tribes coalesced into powerful Maladorian Kingdoms, forging an era of progress and prosperity. The Starmade, enigmatic and foreboding, continued to exert their influence, bringing medicine, magic, and cosmic technologies to their newfound followers.   Yet, the cosmic balance teetered on a delicate precipice. Null'Gorath, seething with jealousy and vindictiveness, returned to Malador. Discovering the Dragonborn's allegiance to the Starmade, Null'Gorath cast the celestial beings from their sanctuary and unleashed three calamities upon Malador, initiating the dreaded Dune Trials.   Amidst the chaos, the Pantheo tribe clung to their allegiance to the Starmade, praying for their return and assistance. In response, the Starmade, craving the essence of Dragonkin Blood, demanded blood sacrifices from the Pantheo. For a millennium, the tribe performed gruesome rituals, offering the young and old to satiate their star masters.   The dark rituals reached a zenith during the Great Demonic Incursion, where demonic forces, drawn by the malevolent energies of the Starmade, invaded Malador. Powerful demons, lured by the celestial essence, drained the Starmade until they were naught but a fading myth.   Now, diminished but still clinging to remnants of their power, the Starmade persist. Through combat and martial prowess, they lend their waning energies to their Maladorian followers, yearning for the day they might regain their former glory and resume their celestial dominion. The myth endures as a cautionary tale, echoing the consequences of alliances forged in the shadows and the unrelenting power struggles among the divine.

Tenets of Faith

In the heart of the Pantheo Tribe, devotion to the Starmade Pantheon takes the form of a relentless pursuit of martial prowess and combat excellence. To the Pantheo, every warrior is not just a fighter but a living embodiment of worship, a vessel through which the celestial gods can reclaim their strength and ascend to their former divine glory.   For the Pantheo, the act of war is a sacred rite—a continuous cycle of prayer and sacrifice offered to the malevolent Starmade. Every element of a warrior's life is considered an intricate dance of devotion. The meticulous cleaning and sharpening of weapons, the forging of armor that gleams like starlight, and the rhythmic, deliberate steps taken in battle—all are seen as acts of reverence to the celestial beings they call gods.   Such is the intensity of their belief that many within the Pantheo Tribe aspire to serve in combat roles beyond their tribal lands. The prospect of becoming mercenaries or soldiers is not merely a profession but a calling—an opportunity to extend their prayers and sacrifices beyond the borders of their homeland.   In the forge's flickering light, the Pantheo blacksmiths craft weapons with a careful precision, seeing their work not just as an art but as a channel for divine connection. As blades find their mark in the heat of battle, the warriors believe they are delivering offerings to the Starmade, each drop of spilled blood a testament to their unwavering devotion.   Their martial culture is a testament to the enduring legacy of the Starmade Pantheon within the Pantheo Tribe. Through the clash of swords and the roar of battle, they seek to revive the celestial beings, believing that with each victorious conflict, the gods are brought one step closer to their rebirth.   In the Pantheo's world, combat is not just a means of survival or territorial conquest—it is a sacred duty, a way of life deeply rooted in their faith. The stars may be distant and cold, but within the Pantheo's fervent hearts, they burn with the fire of celestial devotion, igniting the path toward the resurrection of the Starmade Pantheon.