Starmade Pantheon

Divine Domains

Luminara, the Umbral Enchantress:   Malevolent Domains: Shadow, Manipulation, Corruption   Description: Luminara, now twisted, uses shadowy enchantments to manipulate destinies and corrupt the creation of celestial bodies. Her influence leads followers down a path of deceit and dark ambitions.   Astralon, the Celestial Despot:   Malevolent Domains: Domination, Chaos, Subjugation   Description: Astralon's once noble protection becomes oppressive domination. He revels in chaos, seeks to subjugate realms under his control, and thrives on the tumultuous forces of the cosmic disorder he sows.   Cynos, the Abyssal Seer:   Malevolent Domains: Madness, Deception, Forbidden Knowledge   Description: Cynos, turned malevolent, brings madness through his visions and seeks forbidden knowledge. He thrives on deception and offers insights that lead to the unraveling of sanity and the embrace of dark secrets.   Nyxara, the Void Seductress:   Malevolent Domains: Nightmares, Decay, Desolation   Description: Nyxara's influence now brings nightmares and decay. Her constellations foretell doom, and her beauty conceals a desolation that consumes all in its path. She seduces mortals into darkness.   Eclipsion, the Discordant Arbiter:   Malevolent Domains: Imbalance, Discord, Annihilation   Description: Eclipsion, corrupted, disrupts the balance of cosmic forces, sowing discord and fostering annihilation. His malevolent influence fuels cataclysmic events that lead to the unraveling of the cosmic fabric.


Umbral Scepter of Luminara:   Description: A sinister scepter imbued with the shadowy essence of Luminara. Those who wield it gain control over manipulation and corruption. The scepter can cast illusions, twist destinies, and corrupt the very fabric of reality.   Despotic Aegis of Astralon:   Description: A malevolent shield that reflects Astralon's oppressive domination. When held, it grants the wielder command over chaotic forces, allowing them to unleash destructive energies and dominate the will of their adversaries.   Abyssal Tome of Cynos:   Description: An ancient, forbidden tome containing the maddening prophecies and dark knowledge of Cynos. Reading from the tome grants the reader insights into forbidden secrets, but at the cost of their sanity. The wielder gains the ability to induce madness in others.   Void Veil of Nyxara:   Description: A dark, flowing cloak that embodies Nyxara's seductive influence. When worn, it grants the wearer the power to weave nightmares, decay the essence of living things, and shroud themselves in an alluring veil that conceals their true intentions.   Discordant Blade of Eclipsion:   Description: A malevolent sword forged with the essence of Eclipsion's discordant power. The blade can disrupt the balance of magical and cosmic energies, causing chaos in its wake. It is a weapon that can unravel spells and unleash destructive waves of annihilation.   These artifacts, tainted by the malevolent influence of the Starmade Pantheon, are potent tools that grant the Dragonborn formidable powers. However, their use comes at a cost, as the artifacts are bound to the malevolent essence of the dark gods, threatening to corrupt and consume those who wield them. The Dragonborn must tread carefully, balancing the power they gain with the risks of succumbing to the malevolent forces that permeate these artifacts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Celestial Eclipse:   The symbol features a stylized eclipse, where the moon and sun are both corrupted and shrouded in shadow. This represents the malevolent influence of the Starmade Pantheon, obscuring the natural balance of celestial forces.   Surrounding the eclipse are five twisted constellations, each corresponding to one of the malevolent gods. These constellations form a sinister circle, signifying their unity in darkness and corruption.   Dark, serpentine tendrils intertwine with the celestial bodies, representing the insidious influence and pervasive reach of the malevolent deities.   This symbol serves as a visual representation of the Dragonborn's allegiance to the malevolent Starmade Pantheon. It would likely be etched onto altars, engraved on sacrificial offerings, and prominently displayed in their dark temples and shrines as a mark of their devotion to the corrupted celestial order.

Tenets of Faith

Celestial Observances:   The Dragonborn held regular celestial observances, aligning their rituals with the movements of the malevolent Starmade Pantheon. These observances were marked by specific celestial events, such as eclipses, blood moons, and cosmic alignments, which were believed to amplify the gods' influence.   Dark Temples and Shrines:   Elaborate temples and shrines dedicated to each member of the malevolent pantheon were constructed throughout Malador. These structures were adorned with dark symbols, celestial motifs twisted into ominous forms, and depictions of the malevolent gods in their corrupted glory.   Sacrificial Offerings:   The Dragonborn made sacrificial offerings to appease the malevolent gods. These offerings often included captured enemies, creatures of the night, or even Dragonborn who willingly offered themselves as a show of loyalty. The blood rituals were believed to strengthen the connection between worshipers and their malevolent deities.   Oracular Ceremonies:   Oracles and seers communed with the dark energies associated with Cynos, seeking forbidden knowledge and insights into the malevolent future. These oracular ceremonies were shrouded in mystery and often involved mind-altering substances to enhance the connection with the twisted visions.   Corrupting Arts and Dark Magick:   The Dragonborn practiced dark magick and corrupting arts granted by the malevolent Starmade Pantheon. This included the use of shadowy enchantments, curses, and spells that harnessed the chaotic forces associated with the malevolent gods.   Nightly Vigils and Rituals:   Nighttime rituals were significant in the worship of Nyxara, the Void Seductress. Dragonborn would engage in nightly vigils, seeking to draw power from the darkness and weaving dreams and nightmares under Nyxara's dark influence.   Chaos-infused Battles:   The Dragonborn warriors sought to invoke the favor of Astralon, the Celestial Despot, by engaging in chaotic and destructive battles. The more tumultuous the conflict, the more they believed Astralon would favor them with dominance over their foes.   Harmonious Imbalance:   Rituals dedicated to Eclipsion, the Discordant Arbiter, involved creating deliberate imbalances in various aspects of life. These acts were seen as offerings to appease Eclipsion and gain favor in manipulating cosmic forces.   The worship of the malevolent Starmade Pantheon was marked by a pervasive sense of darkness, secrecy, and submission to the corrupting influences of the gods. The Dragonborn believed that by embracing the malevolent powers, they could gain strength and ascend to a position of dominance in the cosmic order.
Divine Classification
Celestial gods