Porth Badd


Supreme Chancellor:   The Supreme Chancellor serves as the head of government and holds the highest executive authority in Porth Badd. Responsibilities include setting the overall direction of government policies, making key decisions, and representing Porth Badd in international affairs.   Council of Shadows:   Beneath the Supreme Chancellor, the Council of Shadows comprises key figures who hold critical portfolios within the government. Each member oversees a specific domain, such as Military Affairs, Internal Security, Propaganda and Ideology, and Economic Development. The members, appointed by the Supreme Chancellor, are trusted loyalists of the NWP, ensuring unwavering allegiance to the party's doctrine.   Marshal General Aldric Eisenhart:   As the head of Military Affairs, Marshal General Eisenhart commands the city's armed forces and oversees military expansion campaigns. His unwavering loyalty to the NWP and ruthlessness on the battlefield have earned him both respect and fear.   Inquisitor Seraphina Nocturne:   In charge of Internal Security, Inquisitor Nocturne ensures the eradication of dissent and enforces party loyalty. The shadows whisper tales of her covert operations and the fear she instills in those who oppose the NWP.   Propagandist Octavia Shadeheart:   The mastermind behind shaping public perception, Propagandist Shadeheart weaves narratives that glorify the NWP and demonize dissenters. Her persuasive rhetoric and artful manipulation of information maintain the party's ideological stronghold.   Economic Overseer Victor Sterling:   Economic Development falls under the watchful eye of Economic Overseer Sterling. He ensures that the NWP's policies favor its supporters, consolidating wealth and resources in alignment with the party's vision.   Centralized Government Departments:   Various government departments, each headed by a minister appointed by the Supreme Chancellor, are responsible for specific areas of governance.   Examples of key departments include: Department of Defense: Oversees the military and national security. Department of Foreign Affairs: Manages international relations and diplomacy. Department of Interior: Handles domestic affairs, including law enforcement and public safety. Department of Finance: Manages economic policies, budgeting, and financial matters. Department of Culture: Preserves and promotes cultural values and heritage.   Shadow Advisors:   A clandestine group known as the Shadow Advisors operates in the shadows, offering counsel and guidance to the Supreme Chancellor. These mysterious figures, rumored to be connected to the Dark Seven, provide insights that shape the NWP's long-term strategies and maintain the party's dark grip on Havenspire.   Regional Wardens:   To extend the NWP's influence beyond Havenspire's borders, Regional Wardens govern the territories acquired through military expansion. These appointed figures, reporting to the Council of Shadows, enforce party policies, quell resistance, and ensure the subjugation of conquered lands aligns with the NWP's vision.


Porth Badd, a nation once celebrated for its cultural diversity, secularism, and tolerance, has undergone a profound transformation in recent times under the influence of the National Workers Party (NWP) regime. This essay delves into the intricate fabric of Porth Badd's culture, exploring how it has evolved and adapted in the wake of the NWP's ascent to power.   Historical Context:   To comprehend the cultural shifts within Porth Badd, one must reflect on its history as a haven of diversity and secularism. Emerging from a revolution against religious oppression, Porth Badd forged an identity built on acceptance and openness. However, the rise of the NWP marked a departure from these values, introducing a regime characterized by radical ideologies and xenophobia.   Impact on Cultural Diversity:   The NWP's influence has manifested most prominently in the erosion of Porth Badd's celebrated cultural diversity. Once a melting pot where various races, backgrounds, and beliefs coexisted harmoniously, the NWP regime has propagated an atmosphere of homogeneity. Policies promoting exclusivity and the vilification of other races have led to a decline in cultural exchange and interaction, marking a stark departure from Porth Badd's historical ethos.   Secularism in Retreat:   Porth Badd's commitment to secularism, once a defining feature, has witnessed a retreat under the NWP regime. The government's alignment with radical ideologies has resulted in the marginalization of non-conformist beliefs, stifling the once vibrant tapestry of religious practices that enriched Porth Badd's cultural landscape. Temples and shrines, once symbols of diversity, have given way to a more monolithic religious landscape.   Xenophobia and Social Division:   The NWP's xenophobic rhetoric has permeated the social fabric of Porth Badd, fostering an environment of suspicion and division. Communities that once coexisted in harmony now find themselves pitted against each other. Social relationships strained by political differences have given rise to an atmosphere where individuals fear expressing dissent, leading to a palpable sense of tension within communities.   Economic Impact:   Economically, the NWP regime's focus on prioritizing Porth Badd's interests has had a dual effect. While it has bolstered a sense of nationalistic pride, it has also strained international relations, particularly with neighboring nations. The economic advantage gained through control of the water supply and a formidable military has created an environment where Porth Badd seeks to influence and strong-arm its neighbors.   The cultural landscape of Porth Badd has undergone a profound transformation since the NWP regime assumed power. The once diverse and tolerant society has shifted toward homogeneity, fueled by xenophobia and political radicalism. As Porth Badd grapples with the consequences of these changes, the international community watches with a mix of concern and anticipation, wondering how this evolving cultural narrative will shape the nation's future and its role in the broader context of Lateras.

Public Agenda

The National Workers Party (NWP), now at the helm of Porth Badd's political landscape, has implemented a public agenda marked by significant departures from the nation's historical values. This essay explores the key tenets of the NWP's agenda, focusing on their isolationist stance, the rejection of open borders, and the pursuit of power and influence on the international stage.   Isolationist Policies:   At the core of the NWP's public agenda lies a resolute commitment to isolationism. This departure from Porth Badd's historical openness is reflected in policies aimed at minimizing external influences. The NWP contends that a self-contained Porth Badd, shielded from foreign intervention, will safeguard the nation's interests and preserve its cultural identity. This isolationist approach has led to a significant reduction in diplomatic engagements and a withdrawal from international collaborations.   Closed Borders and Xenophobia:   Aligned with their isolationist stance, the NWP vehemently rejects the concept of open borders. Policies implemented under their regime have tightened immigration controls and imposed restrictions on cross-border movement. The party contends that such measures are necessary to protect Porth Badd's resources, economy, and culture from external threats. This shift has, however, also fueled xenophobia, creating an environment where foreign influences are viewed with suspicion and hostility.   Accumulation of Power:   Central to the NWP's agenda is the pursuit of power, both domestically and internationally. The party believes that by consolidating power within Porth Badd, the nation can assert its interests more forcefully on the global stage. Domestically, the NWP has centralized authority, concentrating decision-making power in the hands of party leaders. Internationally, the accumulation of power is exemplified by Porth Badd's military build-up and strategic control of vital resources.   Influence on Neighboring Nations:   The NWP's pursuit of power extends beyond Porth Badd's borders, as the party seeks to influence and shape the policies of neighboring nations. The regime's aggressive posturing, fueled by a desire for regional dominance, has strained diplomatic relations. Porth Badd's control of crucial resources, notably its water supply, has provided leverage that the NWP employs to strong-arm neighboring nations, forcing them to align with Porth Badd's interests.   The National Workers Party's public agenda has significantly altered Porth Badd's historical trajectory. The move towards isolationism, rejection of open borders, and the pursuit of power underscore a departure from the nation's once-open and diverse identity. As the NWP consolidates its influence both domestically and internationally, the consequences of this shift raise concerns about the impact on Porth Badd's cultural fabric and its role within the global community. The future trajectory of Porth Badd, under the NWP's agenda, remains a subject of scrutiny and speculation on the broader stage of Lateras.


Porth Badd possesses significant economic and wartime assets that have contributed to its influence and power. Some of these assets include:   1. Strategic River System: Porth Badd's vast river system is a critical economic asset, facilitating trade and transportation within the nation. The government has dammed these rivers, giving them significant control over the water supply and the ability to leverage this control in negotiations with neighboring nations.   2. Major Ports: Porth Badd boasts major ports along its river system, which have historically supported extensive trade and commerce. These ports are vital for importing and exporting goods, and their control allows Porth Badd to exert economic pressure on other nations.   3. Firearms and Ani-Tipped Ammunition: Porth Badd possesses a substantial arsenal of firearms, including civil war-era weaponry. The distinctive feature of their firearms is the use of Ani-tipped ammunition. Ani, a magical ore, gives their bullets enhanced penetration and effectiveness against magic and armor. This provides a significant advantage in combat situations.   4. Experimental Bolt-Action Rifles: Porth Badd has developed experimental bolt-action rifles that use Ani as a propellant. These rifles offer a faster rate of fire and greater accuracy compared to traditional muskets. They represent a technological leap in military firepower.   5. Gatling Guns: The nation has also manufactured Gatling guns, a rapid-firing, hand-cranked weapon capable of delivering sustained firepower. These weapons can be a force multiplier in battles and have the potential to overwhelm opponents.   6. Military Industrial Complex: Porth Badd has invested heavily in its military-industrial complex, allowing for the production and maintenance of advanced weaponry. This includes the ability to produce and stockpile firearms and ammunition efficiently.   7. Control over Ani Resources: Porth Badd's control over Ani resources, a rare and potent magical ore, allows them to utilize Ani in their weapons and ammunition. Ani's unique properties give Porth Badd an edge in warfare and offer potential for further technological advancements.   These assets combine to make Porth Badd a formidable military power and a significant player in regional politics, allowing the government to pursue its nationalist and expansionist agenda. However, their tactics, including the use of the dammed rivers as a tool for extortion, have strained diplomatic relations with other nations and isolated Porth Badd on the international stage.


In the bygone era of Lateras, during the First Age, the human nation of Fertilis ascended as a formidable power, propelled by fervent worship of the god Aslan. Under the leadership of Fertilis, a mandate swept across the nation, compelling each citizen to kneel before Aslan's divine presence. Those who resisted, particularly in the distant southern reaches of Fertilis, faced a draconian choice: worship or endure the weight of societal consequences.   The leader of Fertilis wielded a heavy hand, subjecting non-worshipers to increased taxation, diminished property and land rights, and limited access to essential resources like healers and income. For years, the southern populace bore the burden of these punitive measures, their grievances growing like an undercurrent beneath the surface.   In response to these oppressive conditions, a spark ignited within the hearts of the non-worshipers in the southern half of Fertilis. Fueled by a collective desire for freedom and autonomy, they rose in rebellion against the shackles of religious coercion. The revolution unfolded with surprising ease, met with little resistance from the capital of Fertilis.   From the ashes of this revolt emerged a new nation, bathed in the glow of newfound liberty—Porth Badd. Over the years, Porth Badd evolved into a beacon of tolerance, cultural diversity, and secularism. Its expansive river system, a lifeblood feeding the veins of Eastern Lateras, bestowed upon Porth Badd economic prosperity and a strategic advantage in trade. The vast ports along the riverbanks facilitated seamless transportation, connecting Porth Badd with the heart of the continent.   Within the political landscape of Porth Badd, two major parties emerged—the National Workers Party (NWP) and the National Merchants Party (NMP). The NWP, rooted in the ethos of prioritizing Porth Badd's interests both economically and socially, echoed a call for self-sufficiency. On the other hand, the NMP championed the benefits of trade and open borders, emphasizing the economic advantages that could be reaped through collaboration with the wider world.   As Porth Badd navigated the currents of its newfound independence, it stood as a testament to the resilience of those who sought liberty from oppressive religious mandates. The nation's flourishing cultural tapestry and economic prowess painted a vibrant picture of a land where diversity was celebrated, and the pursuit of prosperity was unburdened by the chains of religious conformity. Porth Badd had emerged not just as a geographical entity but as a living testament to the enduring spirit of those who dared to defy the status quo.   The Great Demonic Incursion, a cataclysmic event that shook the foundations of Porth Badd, unfolded as a turning point that would etch its mark on the nation's destiny. When the demonic forces surged from the east, catching Porth Badd unprepared, they were swiftly pushed back to the walls of their capital, Porthaven. The looming threat seemed insurmountable, casting a shadow of despair over the beleaguered city.   In their darkest hour, salvation arrived in the form of Aspen, a floating haven that extended its protective arms to the desperate refugees of Porth Badd. Carried to the safety of Aspen's floating isles, the Porth Baddens found refuge, yet the conditions of their sanctuary would test the limits of endurance.   Despite Aspen's best efforts to provide for the influx of displaced souls, the scarcity of resources—food, water, and shelter—gave rise to mounting discontent among the Porth Baddens. What began as discomfort gradually transformed into animosity as the refugees grappled with the challenges of their new reality.   As time wore on, a faction within Porth Badd, radicalized by adversity and driven by the seeds of xenophobic ideology, took root. This faction, aligned with the Nationalist Workers Party (NWP), sought a scapegoat for the pain inflicted upon them during the incursion. Pointing fingers at the other races in Aspen, they placed blame squarely on their shoulders for the hardships endured.   Revolt simmered in the hearts of the NWP, manifesting in outspoken dissent against Aspen's leadership. In response to their accusations and rebellious rhetoric, the leaders of Aspen made a fateful decision—to exile the NWP leaders back to the demon-infested lands of Porth Badd. This act, though intended as a measure to maintain order, was essentially a death sentence, as the demons prowled the once-thriving nation.   However, far from deterring the NWP, the exile became a twisted form of martyrdom. The NWP leaders' banishment to the perilous realm of demons only intensified the radicalized ideology, further cementing their racist beliefs. The sacrificial exile, rather than quelling the rebellion, fueled the flames of animosity, painting the NWP leaders as martyrs and solidifying their divisive ideology within the hearts of those who shared their xenophobic sentiments.   The echoes of this turbulent chapter in Porth Badd's history would resonate for generations, leaving scars that ran deep within the nation's collective memory. The Great Demonic Incursion not only tested Porth Badd's resilience against external threats but also unveiled the seeds of internal strife that would shape the nation's future in ways both profound and ominous.   The aftermath of the Starfall Event marked a new chapter for Porth Badd—a land once desolate, now rebuilt through the collective efforts of nations across Lateras. However, this reconstruction period birthed a complex web of political and economic entanglements that wove a tapestry of intrigue and tension. Surrounding nations, including Fertilis, Paradyse, and the Silva Vitae, had invested heavily in Porth Badd's revival. This support, whether political or economic, created a dynamic where the interests of these external powers became deeply entwined with Porth Badd's fate. A delicate dance of power and influence unfolded, with each nation vying for control and advantage in the reshaped landscape.   The focal point of this political struggle rested on the internal affairs of Porth Badd, particularly its elections. The National Merchants Party (NMP), promising open borders and free trade, became a central figure in this high-stakes game. To ensure the ascendancy of the NMP, neighboring nations resorted to espionage, subterfuge, and even assassinations, plunging Porth Badd into a political quagmire.   Over the span of 110 years, simmering tensions and political machinations reached a boiling point in the most recent election. The National Workers Party (NWP), led by the charismatic but ruthless Vincent Hartmann, unleashed a bloody and violent purge against those they suspected of conspiring against them. The streets of Porth Badd ran red as NWP forces butchered elected members of the NMP and targeted ambassadors to the High Council of Lateras.   This shocking turn of events left Porth Badd in a precarious position. The NWP, now fueled by rage and a thirst for retribution, sought to leverage their control of the water supply and advanced military to strong-arm the surrounding nations. With the echoes of the recent bloodshed still reverberating, Porth Badd now stood as a force to be reckoned with, ready to flex its newfound power and influence on the intricate geopolitical stage of Lateras. The fragile equilibrium that had characterized the region was shattered, paving the way for a new era of uncertainty and turbulence.

Demography and Population

Porth Badd has a diverse population, but with the rise of the Nationalist Workers Party and its focus on human superiority, the demographics of the nation have been shifting. Population by Race:   Humans: Humans are the majority race in Porth Badd and hold a dominant position in society, in accordance with the NWP's ideology.   Dwarves, Elves, and Other Races: The population of non-human races has been in decline due to government policies, discrimination, and forced emigration. Many have fled the nation to avoid persecution. Average Birth and Death Rate:   The birth rate in Porth Badd has been decreasing as a result of government regulations and policies promoting human supremacy. The government encourages human families to have more children while imposing restrictions on non-human races.   The death rate is relatively stable, although members of non-human races often experience higher mortality rates due to discrimination, harsh living conditions, and lack of access to resources and opportunities. Overall, the population demographics in Porth Badd have been shaped by the NWP's policies, which favor humans over other races. This has led to a significant decline in the number of non-human inhabitants in the nation.


The occupied territory of Southern Mane is a region fraught with tension and conflict, marking the aggressive expansionist policies of Porth Badd and its encroachment on Fertilis' sovereign lands. The rationale provided for this invasion, the "ethnic Porth Badden peoples" living in the area, is merely a pretext to mask the true motive behind this territorial conquest: gaining control of the valuable river access that Fertilis has long relied on.   Historical Context:   The Southern Mane region has been a part of Fertilis for centuries, historically serving as a vital source of freshwater. Fertilis used the river in this region to ensure an independent and secure water supply, as they recognized the importance of this critical resource.   Porth Badd's Aggression:   Porth Badd's invasion of the Southern Mane was an act of aggression intended to exert control over the water resources and, consequently, pressure Fertilis. This strategic move was part of a broader campaign to undermine Fertilis' autonomy and establish Porth Badd's dominance in the region.   Tensions and Resistance:   The invasion has naturally resulted in significant tensions and resistance from the local populace who have identified as part of Fertilis. Many residents refuse to accept Porth Badd's claims of ethnic affiliation, viewing the occupation as an unwarranted intrusion.   Strategic Importance:   The river in Southern Mane is strategically crucial to Fertilis, not only for its immediate water supply but also for supporting agriculture, trade, and transportation. The river's control provides Porth Badd with significant leverage over Fertilis, as they can threaten to cut off or manipulate the water flow as a means of coercion.   International Response:   Porth Badd's occupation of the Southern Mane has garnered international attention, with various nations and organizations condemning the invasion and calling for the restoration of Fertilis' sovereignty in the region.   Ongoing Conflict:   The situation in the Southern Mane remains a source of ongoing conflict and dispute. Fertilis seeks to reclaim its territory, but the authoritarian regime in Porth Badd is determined to hold on to the occupied land, driven by its strategic interests and expansionist agenda.   The occupation of the Southern Mane is a stark illustration of Porth Badd's aggressive territorial ambitions and its willingness to employ any means to exert dominance, even at the expense of the established rights and sovereignty of other nations like Fertilis. The dispute over this territory continues to be a point of contention on the international stage.


Porth Badd's military forces are divided into several specialized divisions, each with its unique role and purpose. Their names are derived from the aggressive and powerful Lucean language, reflecting the regime's militaristic and expansionist nature: Sturmgarde Division (Sturmgarde-Division): The elite heavy infantry division of Porth Badd, the Sturmgarde is equipped with advanced armor and wields powerful muskets, forming the backbone of the nation's ground forces.   Donnerreiter Division (Donnerreiter-Division): This cavalry division is known for its lightning-fast charges, armed with lances, sabers, and revolvers. They excel in hit-and-run tactics and are instrumental in scouting and harassment missions.   Eisenschild Division (Eisenschild-Division): The Eisenschild Division is responsible for the defense of key locations and fortifications within Porth Badd. They employ heavy shields and pikes, presenting an impervious front line in battle.   Feuersbrunst Division (Feuersbrunst-Division): Specializing in artillery and siege warfare, the Feuersbrunst Division operates cannons, gatling guns, and other heavy firearms. They are crucial for breaking enemy fortifications and providing long-range fire support.   Schattenläufer Division (Schattenläufer-Division): The Schattenläufer are Porth Badd's covert ops and reconnaissance unit. They employ stealth and guerrilla tactics, infiltrating enemy territory and executing sabotage missions.   Blutsturm Division (Blutsturm-Division): The Blutsturm Division serves as an elite shock assault force. Comprising heavily armored troops equipped with experimental bolt-action rifles, they excel in breaching enemy lines and forcing confrontations.   Himmelspanzer Division (Himmelspanzer-Division): The airship division of Porth Badd, the Himmelspanzer operates a fleet of war zeppelins armed with powerful cannons. These airships are used for reconnaissance, troop transport, and aerial bombardment.   These divisions make up the formidable military force of Porth Badd, combining traditional knightly prowess with advanced firearms and technology. The regime's emphasis on expansion and dominance is reflected in its aggressive and specialized divisions, all ready to serve the interests of the Nationalist Workers Party.


Porth Badd is a totalitarian regime under the rule of the Nationalist Workers Party (NWP). The laws in Porth Badd are created and enforced by the government, with the Supreme Chancellor holding significant authority to dictate legal matters. The legal system in Porth Badd is highly authoritarian and has been shaped to promote the NWP's ideology, which includes human supremacy and the suppression of other races.   Creation of Laws:   The laws in Porth Badd are created by the government, primarily the Supreme Chancellor, and the NWP leadership. They pass decrees and edicts that are imposed on the population without democratic processes.   Enforcement:   The enforcement of laws is carried out by the state's security apparatus, which includes regular police forces and a secret police organization that monitors and suppresses dissent. The regular police handle day-to-day law enforcement, while the secret police are responsible for controlling and eradicating perceived threats to the regime.     Punishments:   Punishments in Porth Badd are often severe and designed to instill fear and obedience. They include imprisonment, forced labor, public humiliations, and even executions for serious offenses. Wrongdoers may also face torture, interrogation, and "reeducation" efforts aimed at aligning them with the NWP's ideology.   Flexibility and Escapability:   The rule of law in Porth Badd is rigid, and the government brooks no opposition. Escaping the consequences of violating the laws is nearly impossible, as the regime uses a network of informants and surveillance to maintain control. Due to the authoritarian nature of the regime, there is little room for legal flexibility or recourse. The legal system is used primarily to enforce the NWP's ideology and maintain the supremacy of the human race.   In Porth Badd, the legal system is a tool for the government to assert and maintain its control over the population. The laws are designed to suppress dissent, maintain human dominance, and eliminate opposition, and any perceived threats to the regime are dealt with harshly.

Agriculture & Industry

Porth Badd's industrial complex is a significant part of its economy, producing a wide range of goods, especially firearms, machinery, and Ani-powered technology. Here's an overview of what Porth Badd produces and how they do it:   Firearms: Porth Badd is renowned for its advanced firearms. These weapons, including muskets, revolvers, and experimental bolt-action rifles, are mass-produced in state-owned factories using traditional manufacturing techniques combined with Ani-powered machinery.   Ani-Powered Machinery: Ani, a potent magical ore, is harnessed to drive industrial machinery. These machines include automated looms, mills, and foundries, significantly increasing production efficiency and output.   Ammunition Production: Porth Badd has extensive ammunition production facilities to support its vast military. They manufacture bullets and other munitions at a staggering rate, ensuring a constant supply for their well-armed forces.   Cannons and Artillery: The Feuersbrunst Division is responsible for producing cannons and heavy artillery. Porth Badd's technological advancement allows them to produce increasingly powerful and accurate siege weaponry.   Ani-Powered Transportation: The nation has embraced Ani-powered engines for transportation. Trains, airships, and even early automobiles are common, facilitating efficient movement of goods and people.   Textiles and Fabrication: While industry is the primary focus, Porth Badd still maintains textile and fabric factories that produce uniforms, banners, and other materials for the military and industry.   Mining and Refining Ani: The nation's mines extract Ani ore, which is then refined and processed for energy applications in machinery, transportation, and infrastructure.   Agriculture: Agriculture is still an essential part of Porth Badd's economy. The nation's vast countryside yields crops and livestock, ensuring food security for its population. Ani-powered machines are also used in agriculture, enhancing efficiency.   Porth Badd's economic model combines the traditional high-fantasy elements of knights and magic with the industrial revolution's technological advancements, making it a formidable force in both industry and military might. While the state-owned industries drive economic growth, the regime's focus on firearms production and military expansion shapes its destiny.

"Strength in Unity, Supremacy in Humanity."

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The River's Ruler, The Dominion of Man
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Porth Badden
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Major Cities:   Porthaven (Capital): Porthaven is the heart of Porth Badd, where the Supreme Chancellor resides and the center of government. It's a sprawling metropolis, a hub of political power, industrial innovation, and cultural activity. The city's importance lies in its role as the seat of the Nationalist Workers Party and the epicenter of human supremacy ideology.   Ardenvale: Ardenvale is a significant city known for its massive shipyards and naval bases. It's a crucial port city responsible for maintaining Porth Badd's powerful navy, which enables them to control the surrounding waters. The city's importance is due to its role in safeguarding Porth Badd's maritime interests.   Irontop: Irontop is a major industrial city, renowned for its vast factories and production facilities. It's the nation's primary manufacturing center and a key player in the production of firearms and ammunition, including the experimental bolt-action rifles and gattling guns. Its significance lies in its contributions to Porth Badd's military might.   Havenport: Havenport is an essential trade and commerce hub. As a major port city, it facilitates the flow of goods and resources into and out of Porth Badd. The city's importance is derived from its central role in the nation's economic activities.   Citadel Wallenborg: This city serves as a strategic military outpost and a center for training Porth Badd's military forces. It plays a vital role in maintaining security within the nation and along its borders, making it crucial for the Nationalist Workers Party's control over the territory.   Puritan's Reach: Puritan's Reach is a city with a strong focus on education and indoctrination. It houses key institutions where Porth Badd's ideology of human supremacy is instilled in the younger generations. Its significance is in shaping the nation's future leaders and ensuring the perpetuation of their beliefs.   Steelharbor: Steelharbor is another vital port city, specializing in heavy industry and the production of naval vessels. It bolsters Porth Badd's maritime strength and is central to the nation's ambition to control sea trade routes.   These cities collectively support the government's goals, whether through manufacturing, military might, trade, or the dissemination of their supremacist ideology.   Geographical Locations:   The Iron Marches: A sprawling, industrial region where many of Porth Badd's factories and manufacturing plants are located. It's known for its smoky skies, towering smokestacks, and the constant clang of industry.   The Veiled Lakes: A series of serene, yet mysterious lakes surrounded by lush forests. These lakes serve as a popular retreat for the elite members of Porth Badd's society.   The Barricade Mountains: A natural barrier that separates Porth Badd from neighboring nations. It is a rugged and challenging terrain, and a series of heavily fortified mountain passes serve as a military deterrent to potential invaders.   The Tenebrous Marsh: A sprawling and murky marshland known for its treacherous terrain and dangerous wildlife. It is a challenging environment to traverse, making it a strategic point for defense against potential threats.   The Demilitarized Border: Marked by a heavily fortified border wall and watchtowers, this area acts as a buffer zone between Porth Badd and neighboring nations. It is a place where tensions run high, and skirmishes have been known to break out.   The Oxblood Plains: A vast, fertile plain that serves as Porth Badd's primary agricultural region. These fields are essential for providing food to the nation's growing population.   Purgatory Bay: A bay off the western coast of Porth Badd, known for its strategic importance in naval operations. It is the site of numerous naval exercises and drills.   The Flameheart Foothills: A region with numerous mining operations and known for the rich deposits of iron and other metals. The foothills play a pivotal role in Porth Badd's resource acquisition.   These geographical locations are essential to the nation of Porth Badd, influencing its industry, defense, and overall way of life.
The official currency of Porth Badd consists of coins made from various metals:   Copper Pieces: These are the lowest denomination coins and are used for small everyday transactions.   Silver Shillings: The silver shilling is a more valuable coin, used for mid-range transactions and as a common standard for trade.   Gold Crowns: Gold crowns are highly valuable and are often used for larger transactions, trade agreements, and as a store of wealth.   Platinum Sovereigns: The platinum sovereign is the most valuable and rare coin. It is primarily used for significant transactions, investments, and international trade deals.   These coins play a crucial role in the economic transactions of Porth Badd, with their values reflecting the wealth and prosperity of the nation.
Legislative Body
In Porth Badd, the government is under the control of a dictatorship, and there is no traditional legislative body or system of checks and balances as seen in democratic governments. The supreme chancellor wields extensive executive power and often makes unilateral decisions or directives. The government's authority is highly centralized under the supreme chancellor's rule, and the ruling party, in this case, the Nationalist Workers Party (NWP), may play a significant role in shaping and enforcing policies.
Judicial Body
In Porth Badd, the interpretation and enforcement of laws are typically carried out by the government's legal and judicial apparatus. This includes judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies. The legal system in Porth Badd is likely to be heavily influenced or controlled by the ruling party, the Nationalist Workers Party (NWP), given the authoritarian nature of the regime.   Under a dictatorship, legal institutions often serve the interests of the ruling authority, and the interpretation of laws can be highly politicized. The government and its legal bodies play a central role in applying and enforcing the laws, often without the checks and balances found in democratic systems.
Executive Body
Normal Policing Body - Porthguard:   The Porthguard is the official law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing the laws of Porth Badd. They are tasked with maintaining order, investigating crimes, and apprehending individuals who violate the government's directives. The Porthguard operates openly and is a visible presence in the nation's cities and towns. They wear distinct uniforms and patrol the streets to deter any form of dissent or disobedience. While they do enforce the laws, they also serve as a means of surveillance and control, reporting any suspicious activities to the authorities.   Secret Police - The Enforcers of Purity:   The Enforcers of Purity is the clandestine and feared secret police force of Porth Badd. This organization operates in the shadows, and its primary goal is to identify and eliminate perceived threats to the regime, as well as to maintain ideological purity. Members of the Enforcers of Purity are highly trained and operate with secrecy and impunity. They are known for their ruthless methods, including surveillance, interrogation, and suppression of dissident voices.   The Enforcers of Purity are responsible for monitoring the population for signs of dissent, and they often infiltrate various aspects of society to identify potential troublemakers. Their reach extends to academic institutions, the media, and even private gatherings. Those who run afoul of the government's ideology or are suspected of disloyalty are swiftly dealt with, and they may face imprisonment, torture, or worse.   The existence of the Enforcers of Purity strikes fear into the hearts of Porth Badd's citizens, leading to an atmosphere of self-censorship and conformity. Their presence is a constant reminder of the regime's authoritarian control over the nation.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species