Fertilis (FERT-IL-IS)


The organization structure of Fetilis is centered around the leadership of the Aquilons and the Church of Aslan, with a hierarchical system designed to promote the worship of Aslan, uphold justice, and maintain peace.   1. Church of Aslan:   The Temple of Aslan: This is the central place of worship and administration in Fetilis. It is a magnificent, awe-inspiring structure where followers of Aslan gather for religious ceremonies, meditation, and guidance.   Council of High Clerics: A body of senior religious leaders who oversee the religious affairs of the nation and ensure the purity and fidelity of Aslan's teachings.   Order of Divine Protectors: A group of warrior-priests dedicated to defending the Temple of Aslan and the nation from external threats. They are trained in combat and the arts of diplomacy.   Order of Healers: A group of skilled healers and physicians responsible for the physical well-being of the nation's citizens. They emphasize the healing aspect of Aslan's love.   2. The Aquilons:   Arch Bishop (Aquilon) of Fetilis: The highest religious and political authority in the nation, the Arch Bishop serves as the living embodiment of Aslan's guidance. The Arch Bishop is not only the spiritual leader but also the head of state and chief diplomat.   The Council of Aquilons: A group of experienced, high-ranking clerics and spiritual leaders, who advise the Arch Bishop in matters of governance and religious interpretation.   Regional Bishops: Appointed by the Arch Bishop, Regional Bishops oversee specific geographical regions within Fetilis. They are responsible for ensuring the teachings of Aslan are adhered to, resolving disputes, and coordinating religious activities within their jurisdictions.   Temple Priests and Priestesses: These individuals conduct religious ceremonies, provide spiritual guidance to the local populace, and are the face of Aslan's love within their communities.   Inquisitors: A group of skilled investigators and enforcers of justice, they ensure that justice is served, and they protect the integrity of the faith. Inquisitors are responsible for investigating and resolving internal disputes within the Church and nation.   3. The Council of Elders:   This is a council composed of wise and experienced citizens from different walks of life, including scholars, merchants, and artisans. The Council of Elders advises the Arch Bishop on matters of governance and provides a broader perspective on the needs and concerns of the citizenry.   4. Orders and Guilds:   Various orders and guilds exist within Fetilis, dedicated to specific aspects of Aslan's teachings. These organizations may include the Order of Scribes (scholars and historians), the Order of Artisans (craftsmen and builders), and the Guild of Merchants. They play a role in supporting the nation's growth and prosperity.   5. Regional Governors and Administrators:   Appointed by the Arch Bishop and the Council of Aquilons, regional governors and administrators oversee the day-to-day governance and administration of specific territories within Fetilis.   The organization structure of Fetilis is a well-defined hierarchy, with the Aquilons and the Church of Aslan at the pinnacle, guiding the nation's spiritual and political life. It is a system built on the principles of justice, love, and peace, with the ultimate goal of nurturing the spiritual growth and well-being of its citizens while promoting these values throughout the realm.


In Fetilis, religion is not just a personal belief but a way of life. The culture is one of harmony, unity, and a constant pursuit of the divine virtues of love, justice, and peace as taught by their god, Aslan. The nation's commitment to its faith is a guiding force that shapes every facet of its existence.   1. Spiritual Devotion: Religion is at the core of Fetilian culture. The people of Fetilis are deeply pious and dedicated to the worship of Aslan. They participate in daily prayers, rituals, and ceremonies at the Temple of Aslan and local temples. Aslan's teachings are integrated into every aspect of life, emphasizing love, justice, and peace.   2. Art and Architecture:   Fetilian art and architecture reflect the grandeur of their faith. The Temple of Aslan is a breathtaking masterpiece of architecture, adorned with intricate religious symbols, stained glass windows, and ornate sculptures. Artisans often draw inspiration from Aslan's teachings, creating paintings, sculptures, and murals that depict scenes from the faith's sacred texts.   3. Celebratory Festivals:   Fetilis has a rich calendar of religious festivals that are celebrated with great enthusiasm. These festivals include the Feast of Aslan's Grace, a time of thanksgiving, the Day of Forgiveness, where people seek reconciliation and forgiveness, and the Festival of Lights, a symbol of the nation's spiritual enlightenment.   4. Code of Conduct:   The people of Fetilis adhere to a strict code of conduct that is derived from Aslan's teachings. This code emphasizes justice, compassion, and the pursuit of peace. Honesty, integrity, and kindness are highly valued virtues, and any act of injustice or cruelty is viewed with great disdain.   5. Education and Scholarship:   Education in Fetilis is intertwined with religious teachings. Temples often serve as centers of learning, with scholars and theologians dedicated to the study and interpretation of Aslan's sacred texts. The Order of Scribes plays a pivotal role in preserving the nation's knowledge and history.   6. Family and Community:   Family is regarded as a sacred institution, and the bonds of love and support within families are cherished. Community life is also highly valued, and Fetilian communities often come together for charitable work, mutual support, and to celebrate religious events.   7. Philanthropy and Compassion:   The principles of charity and compassion are deeply ingrained in Fetilian culture. The nation's citizens are encouraged to help those in need, and many charitable organizations and initiatives are directly linked to the Church of Aslan.   8. Governance and Justice:   The nation's governance is closely tied to the Church. The Aquilons, as the spiritual and political leaders, ensure that the principles of justice and peace guide the nation's laws and policies. The Inquisitors maintain order and ensure that justice is served, addressing disputes and conflicts with a sense of fairness.   9. Pilgrimage and Faith Journeys:   Many Fetilians undertake pilgrimages to the Temple of Aslan and other holy sites within the nation. These journeys are seen as acts of devotion and a means to strengthen one's faith. It's also common for individuals to embark on faith journeys to spread Aslan's teachings to other lands.

Public Agenda

Fetilis' public agenda is a reflection of its devotion to Aslan's teachings and the overarching principles of justice, love, and peace. The nation's leaders, guided by the Aquilons and the Church, work tirelessly to ensure that these values are upheld in all aspects of society, both within their borders and in their interactions with the wider world.   1. Promotion of Justice:   Ensuring justice and fairness for all citizens is the foremost priority of Fetilis. The government and the Church work in tandem to establish and uphold just laws that protect the rights and dignity of all individuals.   2. Nurturing Love and Compassion:   Encouraging love, kindness, and compassion in all interactions is a fundamental goal. Fetilis promotes a culture of empathy, where people are encouraged to care for one another and engage in acts of charity and kindness.   3. Pursuit of Peace:   Peace, both within the nation and on the international stage, is a critical objective. Fetilis strives to mediate conflicts, promote diplomacy, and work toward peaceful resolutions of disputes. The nation actively supports and participates in international peace initiatives.   4. Education and Enlightenment:   Education is a cornerstone of Fetilian society, with a focus on nurturing the intellect and spiritual growth. Temples and schools work hand in hand to provide comprehensive education that incorporates Aslan's teachings and encourages critical thinking and enlightenment.   5. Preservation of Cultural Heritage:   Fetilis places great importance on preserving its cultural heritage, which is deeply intertwined with its faith. This includes the conservation of religious texts, art, architecture, and the promotion of traditional practices and ceremonies.   6. Charity and Philanthropy:   Charitable endeavors and philanthropy are central to the public agenda. The nation actively supports and organizes charitable initiatives to provide assistance to those in need, both within and outside of Fetilis.   7. Environmental Stewardship:   Environmental responsibility is a growing concern in Fetilis. The nation is dedicated to maintaining a harmonious relationship with the natural world, practicing sustainable agriculture, and seeking to minimize its impact on the environment.   8. Promotion of Health and Well-Being:   The well-being of the citizens is a top priority. Health care, both physical and mental, is accessible to all, and a healthy lifestyle is actively encouraged. The Church emphasizes the importance of maintaining a sound body and mind.   9. Diplomacy and International Relations:   Fetilis actively engages in diplomatic efforts to promote peace, cooperation, and the spread of Aslan's teachings beyond its borders. It seeks to build alliances and engage in cultural exchanges with other nations to foster understanding and goodwill.   10. Exploration and Faith Journeys:   Faith journeys to spread Aslan's teachings and explore other lands are encouraged. Fetilis promotes cultural exchange and the exchange of knowledge to help other societies in their quests for justice, love, and peace.   11. Mediation and Conflict Resolution:   Fetilis actively participates in conflict mediation and resolution efforts both within the nation and on the international stage. The Church and its clergy play a vital role in resolving disputes and promoting reconciliation.


Monetary Assets:   The monetary assets of Fetilis are managed with a strong sense of responsibility, aligning with the nation's values of justice, love, and peace. The economy is stable, with the currency reflecting the culture of the nation. Key aspects of Fetilis' monetary assets include:   Gold and Precious Metals: Fetilis possesses substantial reserves of gold and other precious metals, largely acquired through trade and mining within its borders. These reserves provide a solid financial foundation.   Fetilian Drachma: The national currency is the Fetilian Drachma, often adorned with religious symbols and artwork inspired by the Church of Aslan. It is considered a stable and trustworthy currency in international trade.   Trade and Commerce: Fetilis engages in peaceful trade and commerce with neighboring nations, exporting items such as fine textiles, artwork, and religious artifacts. Their reputation for honesty and integrity in trade transactions has earned them valuable trading partners.   Financial Institutions: The nation has well-established banks and financial institutions that facilitate investment, savings, and loans. These institutions adhere to ethical and responsible financial practices.   Cultural Assets:   The cultural assets of Fetilis are a rich tapestry that reflects their deep connection to the Church of Aslan and their dedication to love, justice, and peace. Key cultural assets include:   Religious Art and Artifacts: The nation possesses a vast collection of religious art and artifacts, including sculptures, paintings, and illuminated manuscripts. These cultural treasures are protected and preserved within the temples and museums.   Cultural Heritage Sites: Fetilis boasts a plethora of cultural heritage sites, including the Temple of Aslan and other significant religious and historical landmarks. These sites are visited by pilgrims, scholars, and tourists from around the world.   Education and Knowledge: The wealth of knowledge and scholarly tradition is a valuable cultural asset. Fetilis has a rich library of religious texts and historical documents, as well as a community of scholars and scribes who are dedicated to preserving and expanding this knowledge.   Fetilian Festivals: The nation's festivals, dedicated to Aslan, are significant cultural assets. These events promote unity, joy, and spiritual reflection, attracting both domestic and international visitors.   Traditional Arts and Crafts: Fetilian artisans are renowned for their traditional crafts, including intricate textiles, pottery, and jewelry. These crafts are important both culturally and economically.   Wartime Assets:   While Fetilis is dedicated to peace and the resolution of conflicts through diplomacy, it maintains a defense mechanism to protect its people and values. Wartime assets in Fetilis are primarily defensive in nature:   The Order of Divine Protectors: A well-trained group of warrior-priests dedicated to defending the Temple of Aslan and the nation in times of crisis. They are skilled in combat, but their primary duty is the protection of religious and cultural assets.   Alliances and Diplomatic Initiatives: Fetilis actively engages in diplomatic efforts to build alliances and foster peaceful relationships with neighboring nations. These alliances can serve as assets in times of conflict resolution and mutual defense.   Strategic Defensive Fortifications: The nation has strategically placed defensive fortifications, primarily at key border areas. These are designed to deter aggression and offer protection to the citizenry in the event of an attack.   Preparedness for Peaceful Mediation: In case of conflicts, Fetilis leverages its reputation as a nation dedicated to peace and justice to serve as a mediator, offering its diplomatic and spiritual assets to help resolve disputes.   Fetilis' assets are fundamentally aligned with its cultural and moral values, prioritizing peace and the well-being of its people while preserving its rich cultural heritage and defending its religious sites and traditions.


The Founding Era:   Fetilis was born in a time of turmoil and strife, where warring clans and factions threatened to plunge the world into darkness. It was in this tumultuous era that an extraordinary figure, known as Aquilon Aelar, rose to prominence. Aelar was a visionary, a devout worshiper of Aslan, and a charismatic leader who inspired thousands with his message of unity and divine justice.   Under the banner of Aslan, Aelar united the disparate human tribes and formed a powerful nation, marking the beginning of Fetilis. He established the first Temple of Aslan, a magnificent structure that would later become the spiritual and political heart of the nation. As the first Arch Bishop, or Aquilon, Aelar served as the spiritual and moral compass of his people.   The Age of Expansion:   As the nation of Fetilis expanded, its devotion to Aslan grew. The Aquilons that followed Aelar continued his legacy of promoting justice, love, and peace. The people of Fetilis built magnificent cities, and their culture thrived as a beacon of enlightenment in a world still plagued by strife.   During this time, the people of Fetilis embarked on grand quests to spread the teachings of Aslan to other lands. They established missionary outposts, encouraging neighboring nations to embrace the path of righteousness and peace. Fetilian Aquilons acted as diplomats and emissaries, advocating for peace and cooperation throughout the world.   The Age of Trials:   However, the Age of Expansion was not without its challenges. Fetilis faced invasions from envious neighboring kingdoms, external threats that sought to extinguish the light of Aslan. These trials tested the resolve and faith of the people, but under the unwavering guidance of the Aquilons, they emerged stronger and more committed to their divine cause.   The Age of Revival:   In the midst of these challenges, a charismatic and visionary Aquilon named Seraphina emerged. She revitalized the worship of Aslan, emphasizing love, compassion, and the pursuit of justice as the pillars of Fetilian society. Seraphina initiated a golden age of art, culture, and spirituality. The Temple of Aslan was expanded and adorned with exquisite artwork, attracting pilgrims and scholars from around the world.   Under Seraphina's leadership, Fetilis became renowned for its dedication to peace, mediation, and the just resolution of conflicts. The nation's Aquilons played vital roles in brokering peace agreements and settling disputes between nations, ensuring that the teachings of Aslan reached even the darkest corners of the world.   The Present Era:   In the present era, the nation of Fetilis stands as a shining example of devotion, justice, and peace in a world that still grapples with strife. The people of Fetilis continue to be guided by the wisdom of their Aquilons and the teachings of Aslan, upholding the values of love, justice, and peace as the foundation of their society.   The Temple of Aslan remains a place of pilgrimage for those seeking enlightenment and guidance, while the Aquilons, as the spiritual and political leaders of Fetilis, work tirelessly to ensure that their nation remains a beacon of hope and an ambassador of Aslan's divine message in a world yearning for harmony.   In the land of Fetilis, the legacy of Aquilon Aelar and the devotion to Aslan continue to shape the nation's destiny, inspiring generations to walk the path of righteousness, justice, and love.


1. Order of Divine Protectors:   The Order of Divine Protectors is a unique and revered group of warrior-priests dedicated to the defense of the Temple of Aslan, important religious sites, and the safety of the nation. These individuals are chosen for their exceptional devotion and combat skills. They are responsible for safeguarding the spiritual and cultural heritage of Fetilis and ensuring the safety of its citizens.   2. Peacekeepers and Guardians:   Fetilis maintains a contingent of peacekeepers and guardians who are responsible for maintaining order within the nation. They are trained in conflict resolution, mediation, and non-lethal methods to manage disputes and protect citizens.   3. Mediators and Diplomats:   One of the central roles of Fetilis' security forces is to engage in diplomacy and mediation. They actively work to resolve disputes, both domestically and internationally, and promote peaceful resolutions to conflicts. The members of this branch are skilled in negotiation and conflict prevention.   4. Defensive Fortifications:   Fetilis has strategic defensive fortifications placed at key border areas. While these are primarily deterrents, they are equipped to protect the nation in case of external aggression. Their design emphasizes defense rather than offense.   5. Aquilons and Spiritual Leaders:   The Aquilons and spiritual leaders play a unique role in security by offering moral guidance and promoting non-violence. Their wisdom and influence contribute to the nation's commitment to peaceful coexistence and conflict avoidance.   Fetilis' approach to security is fundamentally centered on prevention, mediation, and non-lethal defense. The nation emphasizes the value of life, spiritual growth, and cultural preservation over militaristic might. Fetilis actively discourages military aggression and seeks to maintain its reputation as a peaceful and diplomatic nation, dedicated to justice, love, and peace.   The Great Incursion   The war against the feral demons of the Abyss served as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining diplomatic efforts and the pursuit of justice and peace. Fetilis emerged from this ordeal with a renewed commitment to its principles and an understanding of the need for both non-lethal defense and vigilant protection of its values. The memory of the Demonic Incursion continues to shape the nation's approach to diplomacy, conflict resolution, and maintaining peace.   Emergence of the Feral Demons:   A century ago, a dark rift between dimensions opened, releasing a horde of feral demons into the realm of Fetilis. These demons were twisted, savage creatures with no ability for reason or negotiation. They were driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction and chaos, and their arrival sent shockwaves of fear through the nation.   Defensive Strategies:   Fetilis, a nation dedicated to peace and non-violence, was unprepared for such a violent incursion. The Aquilons and the Council of Wisdom held urgent meetings to formulate a defense strategy. It was clear that diplomacy and mediation were futile with these feral demons, and the nation had to protect its people and sacred sites.   Mobilization of Forces:   The Fertilan military, which had historically been a defensive force for deterrence, was called upon to take action. The people of Fetilis, who had never been trained for warfare, came together to support their military. They provided provisions, healing services, and morale to the troops.   Non-Lethal Weapons and Strategies:   Fetilis, committed to its principles, sought to minimize the loss of life, even in the face of demonic aggression. The military employed non-lethal weaponry and strategies to incapacitate the demons rather than kill them. Special units of skilled warriors were trained in using tranquilizers and pacification spells.   Protection of Sacred Sites:   The Temple of Aslan and other important religious and cultural sites were fortified and guarded with great dedication. These sites were considered the spiritual heart of the nation and had to be preserved at all costs.   Psychological Toll:   The war against the feral demons took a significant psychological toll on the people of Fetilis. They had to confront a level of violence and aggression that was entirely foreign to their way of life. The church played a crucial role in providing counseling and spiritual support to those affected by the trauma of the war.   End of the Incursion:   After a protracted and grueling battle, Fetilis managed to repel the feral demons and seal the rift between dimensions. It was a victory for the nation, but it came at a great cost in terms of psychological trauma and the violation of the nation's commitment to non-violence.


1. Belief in Aslan:   The central tenet of the Church of Aslan is a belief in Aslan, the god of justice, love, and peace. Aslan is venerated as the embodiment of divine wisdom, compassion, and virtue. The followers of this faith believe that by living in accordance with Aslan's teachings, they can attain spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.   2. Love and Compassion:   Love and compassion are foundational virtues in this faith. Followers are encouraged to love one another, show kindness to all living beings, and extend empathy to those in need. Acts of charity and philanthropy are highly regarded.   3. Pursuit of Justice:   The pursuit of justice is a fundamental aspect of the faith. Followers are taught to seek fairness, uphold the rights of others, and stand against injustice. The Church plays an active role in promoting justice within the nation.   4. Meditation and Contemplation:   Spiritual growth is achieved through meditation and contemplation. Followers are encouraged to spend time in reflection, seeking a deeper understanding of Aslan's teachings and their own inner selves.   5. Peaceful Coexistence:   Peace and harmonious coexistence with all living creatures are central to the faith. The Church actively promotes peace not only within the nation but also in international relations.   6. Preservation of Nature:   The Church of Aslan places a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship. Followers are taught to respect and protect the natural world, viewing it as a reflection of divine creation.   7. Rituals and Ceremonies:   The Church conducts various rituals and ceremonies, including prayer, hymns, and communal gatherings. Significant religious festivals are celebrated with reverence and joy.   8. Pilgrimages:   Pilgrimages to sacred sites, especially the Temple of Aslan, are an important aspect of the faith. These journeys are undertaken to seek spiritual enlightenment and deepen one's connection with Aslan.   9. Ethical Living:   Ethical living is promoted in all aspects of life. Followers are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that includes honesty, integrity, and humility.   10. Freedom of Belief:   While the Church of Aslan is the dominant faith in Fetilis, the religion promotes freedom of belief. Individuals are encouraged to seek their own spiritual path and respect the beliefs of others.   The Church of Aslan is not just a religious institution but also a moral and ethical compass for the people of Fetilis. It shapes their way of life, their approach to governance, and their commitment to building a society based on justice, love, and peace.


1. The Code of Aslan:   The Code of Aslan is the foundational legal document in Fetilis, outlining the principles and teachings of Aslan that serve as the basis for all laws. It encompasses values such as justice, compassion, and peace and serves as the moral compass for the legal system.   2. Equality and Non-Discrimination:   Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, or any other factor is strictly prohibited. Fetilis is committed to fostering an inclusive and equal society where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.   3. Justice and Fairness:   The legal system in Fetilis is dedicated to ensuring justice and fairness for all citizens. Laws are designed to protect the rights and dignity of individuals and to provide remedies for those who have suffered injustice.   4. Preservation of the Environment:   Environmental protection is a fundamental aspect of Fetilian law. Regulations are in place to promote sustainable practices, conservation of natural resources, and the prevention of environmental harm.   5. Education and Knowledge:   The government ensures access to education for all citizens. It is compulsory for children to receive a basic education that includes the teachings of Aslan and the importance of ethics and moral values.   6. Charity and Compassion:   The law encourages and supports charitable activities. Citizens are encouraged to help those in need, and charitable organizations play a significant role in providing assistance.   7. Dispute Resolution and Mediation:   The legal system places a strong emphasis on resolving disputes through peaceful means, such as mediation and negotiation, to promote harmony and reconciliation.   8. Religious Freedom:   While Fetilis primarily follows the Church of Aslan, citizens are free to practice their own faith or beliefs without fear of persecution. The government upholds religious freedom as a fundamental right.   9. Protection of Cultural Heritage:   Laws are in place to preserve and protect the nation's cultural heritage, including religious texts, artwork, and historical landmarks.   10. Environmental Responsibility:   Laws require responsible stewardship of the environment. Regulations cover practices such as sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly building standards.   11. Diplomacy and Peacemaking:   Diplomacy and peacemaking are at the core of Fetilis' international relations. The government is dedicated to maintaining peaceful relations with other nations and actively engages in mediating international conflicts.   12. Non-Violence:   Fetilis strongly discourages violence and militarization. The nation focuses on diplomacy, non-lethal conflict resolution, and defense only in the case of external aggression.   The legal system in Fetilis is administered by both civil and religious authorities, with the Aquilons serving as spiritual and moral leaders who help guide the application of the law. In Fetilis, the law is not just a set of rules but an embodiment of the nation's commitment to the values of justice, love, and peace, and a reflection of their faith in Aslan.

Agriculture & Industry

Fetilis is primarily an agricultural power with a strong emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly practices. The nation places great importance on its agricultural heritage and the responsible stewardship of its environment. Here are the key activities that support the agricultural facet of Fetilis:   1. Sustainable Agriculture: Fetilis is known for its advanced methods of sustainable agriculture. The citizens employ eco-friendly techniques to cultivate crops, ensuring soil health and minimizing environmental impact.   2. Crop Diversity: The nation encourages crop diversity to maintain a stable food supply and protect against pests and diseases. Fields of wheat, barley, fruits, and vegetables are common sights in Fetilis.   3. Environmental Conservation: The citizens actively participate in efforts to protect and conserve the natural environment. Watershed management, reforestation, and wetland conservation are key activities.   4. Traditional Farming Festivals: Fetilis celebrates traditional farming festivals that honor the cycles of nature and give thanks for the abundance of the land. These festivals strengthen the connection between the people and the environment.   5. Aquatic Agriculture: The nation also practices aquatic agriculture, with sustainable fish farming and the cultivation of aquatic plants in harmony with the natural ecosystems.   6. Export of Agricultural Products: While the focus is on local sustainability, Fetilis also exports agricultural products, such as fine textiles, exquisite wines, and handcrafted goods, to support its economy and foster peaceful trade relations with neighboring nations.   On the industrial front, Fetilis takes a measured and eco-conscious approach. The nation recognizes the importance of limited industrialization without compromising its dedication to preserving the environment and maintaining a peaceful and balanced way of life. Industrial activities are mainly directed toward supporting the nation's agricultural, cultural, and religious goals. These include:   1. Traditional Crafts: The nation boasts a rich tradition of craftsmanship, including textiles, pottery, and jewelry. These crafts are produced using environmentally friendly methods and support the nation's cultural and artistic heritage.   2. Eco-friendly Manufacturing: In select industries, manufacturing processes prioritize eco-friendliness and minimal waste generation. Fetilis is known for sustainable production practices that align with its commitment to environmental preservation.   3. Artistic Expression: The creation of religious art and artifacts, including sculptures and illuminated manuscripts, is a respected industrial activity that supports the nation's cultural and spiritual values.   4. Preservation and Restoration: Industries dedicated to preserving and restoring historical and cultural landmarks play a significant role in Fetilis, ensuring the longevity of these sites and the nation's heritage.   Fetilis' unique balance between agriculture and limited eco-friendly industrialization is a reflection of its commitment to peace, environmental responsibility, and the preservation of its cultural and religious traditions. The nation strives to thrive in harmony with its surroundings and live in accordance with the values of Aslan.

Mythology & Lore

1. Myth of Creation:   The Church of Aslan believes in a creation myth where Aslan, the god of justice, love, and peace, is the divine creator of the universe. It is believed that Aslan breathed life into the world, shaping it with a vision of harmony and balance. This myth serves as the basis for the church's reverence for all living beings and the natural world.   2. The Tale of the Aquilons:   The Aquilons are the spiritual and political leaders of Fetilis. Their role is inspired by a forgotten history of wise leaders who united the tribes and brought peace to the land. The tale of the Aquilons emphasizes the importance of leadership based on the values of justice, love, and peace.   3. Legends of Compassion:   The church teaches that Aslan is a god of boundless compassion and love. The stories of Aslan's acts of kindness, forgiveness, and selflessness serve as moral parables, guiding followers toward a life filled with love and compassion for others.   4. Historical Conflicts and Peacemaking:   The church's teachings are rooted in lessons from the nation's past, including historical conflicts and the successful efforts to resolve them through diplomacy and mediation. These tales highlight the value of peaceful coexistence and the pursuit of justice.   5. Mythical Creatures and Guardians:   Fetilis has a pantheon of mythical creatures and guardians believed to protect the land and its people. These creatures symbolize different virtues, such as wisdom, courage, and compassion, and their stories are used to instill these virtues in the followers.   6. Forgotten Texts and Manuscripts:   The church's teachings are also based on ancient texts and manuscripts, which have been carefully preserved and handed down through generations. These texts contain the wisdom of past spiritual leaders and are considered sacred and essential to the faith.   7. Spiritual Journeys and Visions:   Many followers of the Church of Aslan embark on spiritual journeys and meditative practices to seek visions and insights. These personal experiences are seen as direct connections to the divine and are highly respected within the church.   The mythology and forgotten history that underpin the Church of Aslan serve as a wellspring of inspiration and guidance for its followers. They provide a moral framework for the nation, emphasizing love, compassion, and justice as the core principles of faith. The teachings of the church are rooted in these myths and stories, which continue to shape the spiritual and moral fabric of Fetilis.

"Harmony Through Aslan's Light"

Religious, Bishopric
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Cities   1. Seraphina's Reach:   History: Named after the legendary Aquilon Seraphina, who initiated a golden age of enlightenment in Fetilis. Seraphina's Reach is known for its beautiful gardens, intricate artwork, and profound spiritual significance.   2. Selene's Haven:   History: Named in honor of Aquilon Selene, who served as a wise spiritual leader. Selene's Haven is a city known for its libraries and centers of learning, emphasizing the importance of knowledge and wisdom.   3. Veridia:   History: A bustling port city on the eastern coast of Fetilis, Veridia has a long history of trade and diplomacy. It was a crucial hub for Fetilis' international outreach and its involvement in peacemaking efforts.   4. Elysium:   History: Elysium is nestled amidst lush, serene landscapes and is known for its natural beauty and eco-friendly practices. The city is a testament to Fetilis' commitment to environmental stewardship.   5. Aslan's Beacon:   History: This city, strategically located along the nation's northern border, has played a vital role in protecting the country from external threats. It has a strong presence of the Order of Divine Protectors.   6. Miraluna:   History: Miraluna, a city in the west, has a reputation for being a hub of artistic expression and cultural exchange. It is often associated with the preservation and promotion of Fetilian art and culture.   7. Lysander's Crossing:   History: Named after Aquilon Lysander, known for his commitment to diplomacy and peacemaking, this city is at the forefront of international relations. It has hosted numerous diplomatic summits and peace talks.   8. Avoryn:   History: Avoryn is an ancient city in the southern regions of Fetilis, known for its historical significance and archaeological treasures. It is a place where scholars and historians come to explore the nation's past.   9. Thalassia:   History: A coastal city on the western shore, Thalassia has a rich maritime history and is known for its contributions to naval defense and peaceful exploration.   Each of these cities in Fetilis contributes to the nation's cultural, spiritual, and diplomatic fabric. Their histories are intertwined with the overarching narrative of devotion to Aslan, the pursuit of justice, love, and peace, and the nation's dedication to making the world a better place.   Geographical Locations   1. The Temple of Aslan:   Located in the capital city of Aquilonia, the Temple of Aslan is the holiest site in Fetilis. It is a magnificent architectural wonder, housing sacred relics and artifacts central to the faith. Pilgrims from across the nation and the world visit the temple to seek spiritual guidance and enlightenment.   2. Mount Aelar:   This majestic mountain range, named after the nation's founding Aquilon Aelar, stands as a symbol of unity and spiritual ascent. It is a popular site for meditation and reflection, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.   3. Seraphina's Gardens:   Seraphina's Reach, named after the legendary Aquilon Seraphina, is adorned with beautiful and meticulously maintained gardens. These gardens are known for their tranquility and are often used for spiritual retreats and meditation.   4. Lake Lysander:   Named after the peacemaking Aquilon Lysander, Lake Lysander is a pristine body of water surrounded by lush forests and serves as a place of solace and reflection. It's a common destination for those seeking peace and communion with nature.   5. The Sanctuary of Reflection:   This remote and secluded location, deep within a serene forest, is a place where Aquilons and other spiritual leaders embark on journeys of introspection and revelation. It is said to be where Aquilon Seraphius Aelar II had a profound spiritual experience before ascending to his role.   6. The Crystal Springs of Aslan:   These natural springs are renowned for their crystal-clear, healing waters. It is believed that the waters carry the blessings of Aslan and are used for spiritual purification and ceremonies.   7. The Verdant Glades:   A lush, fertile region where agriculture thrives. It's a symbol of the nation's commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable living.   8. The Tranquil Coast:   A serene coastal area that emphasizes Fetilis' peaceful relationship with the sea. It is known for its beautiful beaches and eco-friendly practices.   9. The Whispering Woods:   A sprawling forest where nature and spirituality converge. It is believed that the winds through the trees carry messages of peace and wisdom.   10. The Ivory Cliffs:   These breathtaking cliffs are a natural wonder located along the western borders of Fetilis. They are a symbol of the nation's natural beauty and an important site for cultural and artistic inspiration.   These geographical locations in Fetilis hold both religious and cultural significance, embodying the nation's core values and its dedication to peace, spiritual enlightenment, and the preservation of the environment. They serve as places of solace, reflection, and inspiration for the people of Fetilis and for visitors seeking a deeper connection to the teachings of Aslan.
1. Physical Fetilian Drachma:   Coins: Fetilian Drachma coins come in various denominations, each featuring religious symbols and artwork inspired by the Church of Aslan. Common denominations include the Copper Drachma (1 Drachma), Silver Drachma (5 Drachmas), Golden Drachma (10 Drachmas), Aslan's Emblem (25 Drachmas), and the Aquilon's Crest (50 Drachmas).   Banknotes: For larger transactions, Fetilian Drachma banknotes are used. These banknotes are ornate and feature depictions of important religious sites and historical figures. Common denominations include 1 Drachma, 5 Drachmas, 10 Drachmas, 50 Drachmas, 100 Drachmas, and 500 Drachmas.   2. Marketplaces and Bazaars:   In the bustling marketplaces and bazaars that dot Fetilis' cities and towns, citizens use physical Fetilian Drachma coins and banknotes to purchase goods and services. Traders and vendors readily accept this currency as a trusted and stable means of exchange.   3. Banking Institutions:   Fetilis has well-established banks and financial institutions that provide services such as savings accounts, loans, and currency exchange. Citizens can deposit their Fetilian Drachma into these institutions for safekeeping and earn interest on their savings.   4. Digital Transactions:   While the setting is in the 1400s, Fetilis has embraced limited digital transactions for the convenience of its citizens. Merchants in larger cities may accept digital transfers of Fetilian Drachma, using ledger books and a rudimentary system of digital accounting for record-keeping.   5. Barter in Rural Areas:   In more rural and communal settings, barter systems persist, with goods and services exchanged directly. This practice remains common among agricultural communities.   6. Precious Metal Reserves:   In addition to the currency, Fetilis maintains substantial reserves of gold and other precious metals, which provide a solid foundation for the nation's financial stability. These reserves are used to back the value of the Fetilian Drachma.   The Fetilian Drachma is not only a means of conducting financial transactions but also a symbol of the nation's values and its commitment to justice, love, and peace. The currency reflects the nation's unique culture, and its use is deeply ingrained in the daily lives of the citizens of Fetilis.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

Peace, Friendly, Defense Pact

The nation of Fertilis and the forests of the Silva Vitae have long respected each others space. Fertilis has never had a regime that has expanded its territories into the forests of the Silva Vitae and this had led to almost no international conflict between the two nations. In fact, the nations have come together on several occasions in the defense of one another. During the Iron Mountain Conflict, Fertilis came to the defense of the forests of the Silva Vitae. They put out forest fires wherever they could and led the peace talks between Paradyse and Silva Vitae. And the Silva Vitae, despite the advance of demons into their territory, sent several warriors to aid the Fertilans in the evacuation of civillians and the defense of key positions. In recent years, Fertilis has condemed the Silva Vitae for their aggressive stance on intruders, but relations are still very positive.


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