The Harmonious Doctrine

Mythology & Lore

Aelroth, the Harmonious Blade, is considered the moderator of the pantheon. His cool head and level judgment often handling disagreements between the Bright Realms Deities. However, many mortals see Aelroth as a weak god, stemming from the old stigma originating from the Great Demonic Incursion, and the high levels of decimation experienced by the Gnomes and the Arctigians. However, Aelroth to the Gnomes is the embodiment of strength. Aelroth serves as the quiet giant, who can turn into a raging warrior in a moment's notice.

Tenets of Faith

Martial Prowess: Followers of the Harmonious Doctrine believe in the cultivation of martial skills and prowess, viewing strength and combat proficiency as virtues to be honed and celebrated. They uphold the ideals of discipline, courage, and strategic thinking in both warfare and everyday life.   Honor and Integrity: Central to the Harmonious Doctrine is the concept of honor, integrity, and ethical conduct. Followers are expected to uphold principles of honesty, loyalty, and fairness in all their actions, embodying the noble virtues championed by Aelroth himself.   Peace Through Strength: While embracing the importance of martial prowess, followers of the Harmonious Doctrine also recognize the ultimate goal of achieving peace and harmony in the world. They believe that strength and vigilance are necessary to defend against threats to peace, but that true peace can only be achieved through strength tempered by compassion and diplomacy.   Divine Guidance: Followers of the Harmonious Doctrine look to Aelroth as their divine guide and protector, seeking his wisdom and guidance in times of need. They believe that through devotion and reverence to Aelroth, they can gain strength, courage, and clarity to face life's challenges with grace and determination.   Community and Brotherhood: The Harmonious Doctrine emphasizes the importance of community, unity, and mutual support among its followers. Believers are encouraged to forge bonds of brotherhood and solidarity, standing together in times of adversity and celebrating triumphs as one.   Striving for Excellence: Followers of the Harmonious Doctrine are called to continuously strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives, seeking self-improvement and mastery of their skills and virtues. They believe in the pursuit of greatness, both individually and collectively, as a testament to their devotion to Aelroth and his teachings.


The High Clerics of the Harmonious Doctrine stand as the pinnacle of religious authority within the faith, revered for their profound wisdom, unwavering devotion, and unparalleled understanding of the divine will of Aelroth, the Harmonious Blade. These esteemed leaders serve as custodians of sacred teachings, guardians of ancient rituals, and interpreters of divine revelation, guiding the faithful on their spiritual journey with grace and compassion. Through their meticulous study of scripture, contemplation of theological mysteries, and communion with the divine, the High Clerics illuminate the path of righteousness and enlightenment for the faithful, inspiring awe and reverence in all who seek their counsel. Their words carry the weight of divine truth, their actions exemplify the highest ideals of honor and integrity, and their leadership shapes the destiny of the Harmonious Doctrine, ensuring that its teachings endure as a beacon of hope and guidance for generations to come.
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