

At the apex of Arctigian government is the position of Stormblade Vanguard, serving as the monarch with ultimate authority in all state matters. Below the Stormblade Vanguard are the Honored Ones, a council of ten lawmakers comprising advisors to the crown, army generals, and prominent nobility. This council legislates on behalf of the realm.   The hierarchy further extends with regional governors, known as Regents, who wield executive control over provinces. Beneath the Regents are the Commandants, responsible for ruling on legal matters and often serving as special advisors to the Regents.


In the heart of Arctig beats the rhythm of duty and honor, forged through generations of mandatory military service and unwavering defense of their homeland. But with the echoes of past battles fading, Arctig finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with the challenge of defining its identity in a time of peace.   Yet, the spirit of the Arctigian people remains unyielding. They are warriors, not by choice but by destiny, ever ready to defend their beliefs with fervor and tenacity. Their disciplined lives are guided by a strict adherence to routine and regulation, ensuring order and stability in their society.   In the tight-knit circles of Arctig, trust is earned through loyalty and familiarity, and outsiders are met with skepticism. But within these bonds lies a strength that has sustained Arctig through times of strife and will continue to shape its destiny in the years to come.


In the frigid north of Lateras, amidst visions of impending doom, the Gnomes of Arctig rose from the earth, infused with the spirit of Aelroth, the Harmonious Blade. With divine guidance, they built Skysword, a beacon of hope in a world on the brink of chaos. Driven by an unyielding duty to defend, the Gnomes rallied under Jaxry Loremain's leadership, forging a nation dedicated to safeguarding Lateras from the encroaching darkness. As whispers of a looming demonic incursion grew louder, Arctig's diplomats pleaded with neighboring nations, warning of the impending storm.   When the demons finally descended upon Lateras, Arctig stood as the vanguard of resistance. Though initially overwhelmed, the indomitable spirit of the Gnomes ignited a flame of defiance that would burn bright in the face of adversity.   Through years of bloody struggle, Arctig forged alliances with unlikely allies, including the wyvern-riding monks of Drak Hou and the stalwart Maladorians. Together, they pushed back the demonic hordes, inch by inch, until they stood on the precipice of victory.   The Starfall marked the end of an era, but also the dawn of a new hope. As the dust settled and scars healed, Arctig emerged as a beacon of resilience and compassion, offering aid to its war-torn neighbors and spearheading efforts to rebuild Lateras.   Their selfless acts of heroism and unwavering commitment to peace earned Arctig the admiration and respect of nations far and wide, cementing its legacy as a shining example of courage and camaraderie in a world plagued by darkness.   In the aftermath of the Great Demonic Incursion, the Hill Gnomes of southern Arctig found themselves disillusioned and resentful. Despite their pivotal role in combat and invaluable contributions to the war effort, they were relegated to mere foot soldiers, treated as expendable pawns by Arctig's leadership.   Dubbed 'Dafin'—Gnomish for 'Dead Ones'—by their own comrades, the Hill Gnomes endured the horrors of battle only to be cast aside in the post-war era. Ordered to prioritize the interests of neighboring nations over their own, they found themselves betrayed and marginalized once again.   Fueled by a simmering anger and a thirst for justice, the Hill Gnomes rose up in a violent revolution that shook the very foundations of Arctig. In a swift and decisive campaign, they won their independence, carving out a new destiny for themselves in the form of the Dafin Principalities—a confederation of proud and determined regions, united in their quest for freedom.

Foreign Relations

In the past, Arctig served as the stalwart defenders of the nations of Lateras, willing to sacrifice everything to defend those who could not defend themselves. This unwavering commitement to others throughout the centuries has garnered the favor of the other nations. Because of this, many of the nations of Lateras are looking to repay this favor in anyway imaginable. Since the Great Demonic Incursions end, nations have sent millions of gold in aid to Arctig in the form of livestock, grain, metal, magic, academics, and various other forms of cultural and economic assisstance.    However, in recent years, Arctig has fallen out of favor with the High Council of Lateras and Aspen, leading to many nations to have a less favorable opinion of the proud Gnomes. Aspen believes that Arctig's refusal to demilitarize is leading to increased tensions with their former kin, the Dafin Principalities. Dafin has successfully raised politcal favor with the High Council of Lateras Ambassadors, pushing the narrative that Arctig is refusing to demilitarize because they want to declare war on Dafin and reclaim their territory. Because of this, Arctig has been ordered by the High Council of Lateras to demilitarize their army by 50% in 5 years or face sanctions.

Mythology & Lore

Aelroth beheld a vision of doom. He saw the Great Demonic Incursion ravaging the lands of Lateras, laying waste to all in its path. But amidst the despair, Aelroth saw a glimmer of hope—a people destined to rise and defend their home. With a flicker of divine inspiration, Aelroth molded the very earth itself, shaping the rugged terrain of the frigid northwest into the form of the Gnomes. These stout-hearted beings, infused with Aelroth's own essence, were destined for greatness—to stand as guardians of Lateras, stalwart defenders against the encroaching darkness.   But Aelroth knew that courage alone would not suffice in the face of such a dire threat. And so, he bestowed upon the Gnomes the gift of military knowledge, arming them with the skills and strategies needed to face their foes. Yet, he knew that mortal weapons would not be enough to turn the tide of battle.   And thus, from the depths of his divine forge, Aelroth crafted Keylock—a warhammer infused with the very essence of his power. With this mighty artifact in hand, the Gnomes would wield the forces of magic and steel as one, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies and rallying their allies to victory.   As the Great Demonic Incursion descended upon Lateras, the Gnomes stood as a bulwark against the tide of darkness. Though their trials were many and their losses great, they fought on with unwavering resolve, their spirits burning bright with the fire of Aelroth's divine guidance.   And when the dust had settled and the demons had been vanquished, the Gnomes emerged victorious, their homeland saved from the brink of destruction. But the legacy of Aelroth endured, woven into the very fabric of Arctig's identity—a reminder of the sacrifices made and the triumphs won in the name of harmony and valor.

Tenets of Faith

Striving for Excellence: Followers of the Harmonious Doctrine are called to continuously strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives, seeking self-improvement and mastery of their skills and virtues. They believe in the pursuit of greatness, both individually and collectively, as a testament to their devotion to Aelroth and his teachings.

"Where Honor Forges Destiny"

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Sleeping Dragon
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Mixed economy


  Jewel of Arctig, a Citadel of Triumph and Innovation. Perched defiantly on a rugged barrier island, Skysword emerges from the mist like a sentinel of strength and ingenuity. Its ancient stone walls, etched with the scars of countless battles, stand as a testament to resilience and victory. Within its fortified embrace lies the beating heart of Arctig, where the elite Vanguard train tirelessly, honing their skills as master tacticians and fearless monster hunters. But Skysword is more than just a fortress; it is a bastion of progress and innovation. Within its bustling streets, craftsmen and engineers toil ceaselessly, their creations pushing the boundaries of arcane and mundane technology alike. From soaring airships to ingenious siege engines, the city hums with the energy of invention, fueled by the unyielding spirit of its people.   Yet, amidst the clangor of industry, Skysword remains a sanctuary of peace and order. Beneath its protective gaze, merchants ply their trade in bustling markets, scholars unravel the mysteries of ancient tomes in scholarly academies, and travelers find solace in its welcoming inns.   Skysword beckons to adventurers and dreamers alike, promising glory, fortune, and the chance to carve their own legend upon the annals of history. For within its storied walls, the future awaits, ripe with possibility and adventure.  


  In the heart of Arctig lies Stonesthrow, a city whose very foundation is steeped in defiance and resilience. Once a humble refuge for wanderers and nomads, Stonesthrow transformed into a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of the Great Demonic Incursion. For 124 years, its streets echoed with the clash of steel against infernal claws, a testament to the unwavering spirit of its people. But adversity breeds strength, and from the ashes of despair emerged a city unlike any other. As the stars fell from the heavens in the cataclysmic Starfall event, a new darkness descended upon Lateras, unleashing a horde of monstrous creatures upon the land. Yet, Stonesthrow stood unyielding, its citizens forging a pact with destiny to confront this new threat head-on.   Led by the indomitable Ianzer Swiftmane, the Stormblade Vanguard carved out a legacy of courage and determination. With the creation of The Watchtower, an academy dedicated to the study of these newfound horrors, Stonesthrow became a crucible of knowledge and martial prowess. Here, warriors from all walks of life converge, eager to hone their skills under the tutelage of seasoned veterans and seasoned instructors.   But Stonesthrow is not merely a bastion of martial prowess; it is a tapestry of diversity and ambition. Its bustling streets teem with merchants peddling exotic wares from distant lands, scholars unraveling the mysteries of arcane lore, and adventurers seeking fortune and glory amidst the ever-present danger.   In the shadow of the Circle of the Sentinels, an ancient order of guardians sworn to protect the realm, whispers of forgotten secrets and untold treasures linger, beckoning to those brave enough to seek them out. For in Stonesthrow, amidst the clash of steel and the roar of monsters, legends are born and destinies are forged.
Legislative Body
Below the Stormblade Vanguard, is a group called the Honored Ones. This is a congregation of military generals and advisors ae delagated the task to create the laws and regulations of the Arctigian lands. This council is made up of the 10 most decorated and respected leaders in the Arctigian Vanguard, and they are tasked by the Stormblade Vanguard with creating a nation of Disipline, honor, duty, and preparedness. The Honored Ones will pass legislation through a process known as "Trial". In the Trial process, a proposed law is hypothetically attacked by all members of the Honored Ones, each of them looking for holes and weakspots in the proposed law. If a weakness is identified, the law will be subsequently thrown out and rewritten to to account for it. If a law passes Trial, it will then be proposed to the Stormblade Vanguard, who will have the ultimate final decision on the legitamacy of the law and if it is to be passed.
Judicial Body
Through the process of creating law in Arctig, the Honored Ones intend for it to be read literally and at surface level. Therefore, there is no governmental body who interprets these laws on a nationwide scale. However, there is a system of military judges who will often weigh in on matters of law when one is broken. These judges are known as "Commandants" and are given the authority to use their experience and judgement to bend the law or the punishment if needed.
Executive Body
To enforce the laws of Arctig, a military force known as the "High Enforcers" is employed to bring the law to the soldiers and citizens of Arctig. The High Enforcers are a detachment of soldiers who have been given the ability by their divisional Commandants to enforce the law and detain those who break it. Their job is to serve the law of Arctig and they answer to an Enforcer Captain. They have the legal obligation to follow the law of Arctig to the letter and cannot use their judgement to interpret laws like the Commandants can. They also have the ability to subdue any individual who breaks the law by any means necessary, be that through verbal exchanges, violence, or even the threat of execution.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities