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Pyrrnanebra - The last of her kind

Die Geschichte über den Drachen Pyrrnanebra ist eine der Mythen aus über The Ancient World, wie sie in den Die Chroniken der Ära der Drachen erzählt werden. Er umreißt das Leben von Pyrrnanebra und Endet in einer Schilderung vom Untergang der Drachen, welcher das Ende der Ära der Drachen besiegelte. Es wird dabei auf Pyrrnanebra's Herkunft und ihre bedeutende Rolle bei der Schlacht der Festung Drachentod.


besides of not being the first dragon ever wandering on the Grounds of Lauralia, Pyrrnanebra still belonged to the ancient Ones, heirs to Hatamas the highest god of all.
Carrying the legacy of his kind in the blood flowing though her veins, Pyrrnanebra's life was meant to be a great – and that promise was going to be fulfilled.
Born from parents she never got to know, in a lair together with siblings Pyrrnanebra never saw again, her live begins within the shallow hills between high Mountains and the green reed of the marshland near the salty sea

While she grows from a helpless hatchling to a majestic young dragon, her power also thrives, turning Pyrrnanebra into one of the greatest and most powerful dragons east of the snowy peaks. And soon, after only a few years have passed, she was able to take her predetermined role as Queen of the coastal Dragons.

While Pyrrnanebra's scales hardened and the colours of her started to shine, she enjoyed a calm live within the gentle mountains of the Mystic Bay for centuries.
But this era was suddenly disturbed by a dark force of evil, unleashed by a pack of greedy dragons as they strove to achieve higher power over the world.
While many dragons sacrificed their lives fighting this evil force, behind the back of Hatamas some gods of the pantheon got frightened, seeing the dragons as a serious threat for themselves and whole Lauralia.

This led to the controverse conclusion to erase all dragons from history.
The Pantheon was breaking apart over this decision, but it was too late, the steps were already taken.
the weakest dragons where losing their wings, cursed to be snakes,
while at the same time dwarfs were bursting out of the cold stone of the mountains, bloodthirstily hunting all dragons in sight.

Pyrrnanebra  and her dragons, already struggling against the dark, stood nearly no chance against those short barbarians.
The dwarfs were raiding the dragon’s lairs, killing the hatchlings, smashing the eggs.
While the shining scales of the adults were protecting them from most threats, dragons nevertheless are still mortal.
Pyrrnanebra was trying to protect her pack with all her power, but slowly they were all getting slaughtered one by one.
One cold and dark night, dwarfs snuck past the guards and killed the found offspring with their hammers and picks

At the next morning Pyrrnanebra rose to the sky side by side with every remaining dragon, leading them into the last Battle of the dragons – the attack against the strongest fortress of the dwarfs, located upon the highest of all Mountains.

Soon cruel fighting took place. The mighty beasts burning and ripping apart their enemies with sharp teeth and claws, covered in dwarf blood. But the dwarves were too numerous and one by one the dragons died, hopelessly, until Pyrrnanebra was the last surviving dragon in all of Lauralia.
Full of anger, she raged against the black walls and high towers of the castle, tearing down huge bricks, hulling towards the ground, burying dozens dwarfs under them.

But in the end Pyrrnanebra was shot down by the huge ballista of the eastern tower. The arrow pierced through the soft scales under her shoulder. Dark thick blood flowed from her wound, as her majestic body was hitting the ground. In a last effort of magic, Pyrrnanebra turned her blood into a stream of enchanted water. Soon The trickle formed a wide river separating the dark dwarf Mountains and the green lands, now inhabited by those dragons forced to spend their lives as snakes. No dwarf should be able to pass it, so the fading heritage of dragons would be preserved.

Seeing his last daughter die in vain, Hatamas cried tears of grief that fell from the sky, forming the dragon tear hills as they touched the soil far in the north.  

Hatamas was never seen again, but some believe that he is living in the dragon tear hills, waiting for the time that a dragon will unfold its wings again and fly toward the clouds.
Datum der Ereignisse
bis 5010 DD
Zugehörige Spezies
Musik: ,,Dragonland" aus ,,Sun" von Thomas Bergersen.


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