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Calashadir (Cuh-lash-uh-deer)

The Appointed One

Calashadir was born in Casenoris, a very industrial mining and smiting town located at the southern most reaches of Xegira. From a young age, he was always fascinated by the world beyond his home as the culture in which he grew up was very reserved and reclusive. When he was old enough, he set out on a journey across the continent, with nothing but a backpack, some supplies, and a burning curiosity about the world. Over the course of several years, Calashadir traveled far and wide, exploring the various cities, towns, and villages of Xegira. He learned about the different cultures, customs, and traditions of the people he met along the way, and he quickly gained a reputation for being friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable.  As he traveled, Calashadir also began to notice the various problems and issues that plagued the different communities he visited. He saw poverty, disease, corruption, and injustice. He knew that he wanted to do something to help. So, Calashadir began utilizing his newly learned skills and newfound knowledge to help the people he met along the way.  He even helped build homes, medical housing, and a plethora of other public facilities. He taught people how to farm, fish, and trade more efficiently. He even helped settle disputes between different communities, using his natural diplomacy and mediation skills to bring people together. Over time, Calashadir became well-known and respected throughout Xegira. He was seen as a wise and fair-minded individual, who always put the needs of other's before his own. Calashadir finally made his way to the opposite end of the continent where he decided to take root in the slowly growing town of Callid. Eventually, the people of Callid began to take notice of Calashadir's accomplishments, and with time, they elected him to fill a role in the city...The Appointed One. As Appointed One, Calashadir has continued to work tirelessly to improve the lives of his fellow citizens. He has implemented a number of new policies and initiatives to address issues such as poverty, crime, and environmental degradation. And he continues to be loved and respected by the people of Callid, who see him as a true champion of their city and their way of life.    Post-Inundation, he fully embraced the "Protectors of Origin" (White Cloaks) movement which had taken the nation by storm. Calashadir welcomed White Cloaks into his barracks and even designated a portion of the Assembly of Fortitude for them to carry out missions needing to be fulfilled in or around the city.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Currently seeking to form a team to check a nearby city that is rumored to be overrun with fiends.
Current Location
Date of Birth
65 PI
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
Aligned Organization


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