BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Elemental afinity

Each being in the world has 8 elements in them (with a few exceptions) from which one or multiple might be stronger than the rest. These elements that are stronger designate what elements used by this being are stronger than normal and to what they are more resistant against.     Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ice, Lightning, Light, Darkness, Magna.   Some scientists classify the elemental power in 7 levels: -3 - +3
  • -3: don’t have the element which means that can’t use any ability with the specific element.
  • -2: element exists, but is so weak that any ability used with the specific element is at its lowest power.
  • -1: element exists in slightly less concentration than normally which results of abilities with respective element being weaker than normally.
  • 0: a basic concentration of element. All abilities with the specific element can be used without any improvements or drawbacks.
  • +1: Element exists in slightly higher concentration resulting in abilities with respective element being stronger than normally
  • +2: element exists in amount a lot higher than normally resulting in abilities with corresponding element being a lot stronger and defense against the specific element being stronger.
  • +3: element is so strong that it most likely is the only element being holds (example: elemental spirits). Abilities with the specific element are extremely strong and defense is great or the element is even absorbed resulting in healing instead of damage.
  Elements also have their relations with other elements indicating which element deals higher and which lower damage against someone possessing the element in high enough amount.
  • Fire: Weak: Water, Ice. Strong: Air, Lightning.
  • Water: Weak: Lightning, Ice. Strong: Fire, Air.
  • Earth: Weak: Water. Strong: Air
  • Air: Weak: Fire, Ice. Strong: Earth, Water.
  • Ice: Weak: Fire, Earth. Strong: Air, Water.
  • Lightning: Weak: Earth. Strong: Air.
  • Light: Weak: Darkness. Strong: None.
  • Darkness: Weak: Light. Strong: None.
  • Magna: Weak: None. Strong: None.
An exception is made if you possess the said element as well. Example: If you possess +3 Fire element but also a +1 water element you are no more weak against water.     Your elemental affinity is decided upon your birth and mostly influenced by your heritage. There are however ways to increase them later in life.


Often when the concentration of the element is high enough it influences the appearance of the being. Examples ranging from simple hair coloration, markings etc. to flaming hair, plants growing on body. In extreme cases like for elemental spirits their whole body is made of the element.

Decide your element

When creating your character you roll a d20 for each element to decide the level of said element that you possess. If you desire to have a specific element to play the character in your mind, discuss it with your DM. He might allow it. Some creatures have innate elemental stats (Example: fire elementals) and some classes have elemental requirements (Example: Ice mage)    

Roll results

Roll Affinity
1 -3
2-4 -2
5-7 -1
8-12 0
13-16 +1
17-19 +2
20 +3

In-game application

  • -3: You are unable to use any spells, abilities or magical items of said element.
  • -2: You deduct 2 from all your attack and damage rolls of said element.
  • -1: You deduct 1 from all your attack and damage rolls of said element.
  • 0: Has no influence.
  • +1: You add 1 to all your attack and damage rolls of said element.
  • +2: You add 2 to all your attack and damage rolls of said element. You also reduce the damage received from the element by half and have advantage on saving throws against said element.
  • +3: You add 3 to all your attack and damage rolls of said element. You are also immune to the damage received from the element and have advantage on saving throws against said element.

Weakness & Strength against other elements

  See above for which weakness applies to your element.
  • +2: Damage received from element against which you are weak is increased by half and you have disadvantage against saving throws of said elements.
  • +3: Damage received from element against which you are weak is increased by x2 and you have disadvantage against saving throws of said elements. Damage received from element against which you are strong is reduced by half.


  Absorption is hard to achieve cause it requires you to have the said element at +3 and at least 2 others at -3. If those conditions are met all damage done by the +3 element heal you instead.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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