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One of the oldest races in Lavir. Just like the humans, they have adapted to live in every environment in the realm. However, instead of changing the habitat around them to suit their needs, they changed themselves.

Basic Information


Elves resemble humans with pointed ears. They may sometimes be very tall and have slender forms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves are placental mammals with internal reproduction. They have a gestation period of two years before they are born. Because elves live for so long, it takes a very long time for them to decide to go through this process.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves reach adolescence after twenty-five years adulthood after fifty. As adults they may have control over how much they age after. They can choose to die, appearing to be their prime or elderly and white.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivorous, but prefer to be vegetarians in environments where fruits and vegetables are more plentiful.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have excellent hearing and eyesight. They are praised for their skills in sensing incoming attacks and for having the precision and accuracy to shoot most targets in archery.

Civilization and Culture


Elves have a very rich history as they have been in Lavir since long before the first humans learned to bang the rocks together. After the dragons and giants fought their war, the elves rose from the ashes as the first dominant mortal race. For thousands of years they built many shining cities and established flourishing countries. It is unknown why some of these civilizations faded away. The elves will not share that secret and now humans are starting to take their place.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Despite not sharing any common ancestry with humans. Elves are able to procreate with them and produce half-blood children. These "Half-Elves" are often treated as outcasts in both societies, even if they exhibit the best traits of them.
The Fairy Courts
1000 Years
Average Physique
Elves have a slender build. They do not gain bulk in muscle and they do not gain body fat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin colors vary, depending on the environment. The common elf has skin tones ranging from light peach to a dark tan. If they choose to age, the colors may become lighter.


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