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"Your ancestors called it magic... and you call it science. Well, I come from a place where they're one and the same thing." — Thor Odinson   The most common type of tech is Magitech. It's technology combined with magic. It's the most common probably because it's the easiest to make. Seeing how magic has been known for forever it comes to no surprise that once technology started to appear it was the main means to power and make it. 
The vehicle engine might be powered by a fire elemental, and the communication device may work through the principle of scrying.
This field of technology has no one field in which it is more prominent than others. It is pretty well all over the place.
You can build a flying exoskeleton armed with various lasers and missiles powered by the life essence of enslaved magical creatures.
Or a dreadnought huger than any castle, powered by an army of elementals. 
A mysterious knight made of technology and magical crystals.
A railgun powered by liquified magic.
Or simply a small device brought to life and given purpose by magic.  
Some consider golems built in ancient past among the first examples of Magitech.


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