Rama Distillery

It is possible to go directly in the Rama Distillery to get better prices when paying for alcoolic beverages such as amasec and other spirits, gaining a +10 to any related test.
Overview: Rama Distillery is an important part of the economy upon Euclidia situated in the coastal city-state of Markatzial and using its wide agronomical connections with the rest of the planet to sell its diverse spirits and amasec of impressive vintages.   Specificities: Rama Distillery is held by powerful commercial interests related to Goria Primus and Stella Viacrux.      Effect: Rama Distillery is a commercial investment. Its holder gains 1 influence each downtime, with an additionnal +1 if a commerce -30 test can be made on site (or by astrotelepathy).

Purpose / Function

Create and export the finest amasecs and spirits on the surface of Euclidia.


Its massive warehouses line the cost, connected to impressive grain silos and distillery cylinders for many kilometres.


The company lacked investment and financial power, until foreign investment brought the planet to a better position in the remaining years the 40 900's.
Brewery / Winery
Parent Location


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