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Arian Mearis

Arian Mearis was born in 1176 CE in Mearia as the son of the Lord and Lady of the Evening Isles. He became Lord in 1197 CE after his father's death. Like many of his predecessors, he has a reputation as a very eloquent man who takes pleasure in out-talking people. He is very persuasive and excellent at convincing people to change their mind, which makes other Lords and even Kings dread negotiations with him.

A year after taking over the lordship, Arian Mearis got married, and in 1199, his first son, Luceas was born. He and his wife had a total of three children, two boys and a girl, but the second son, born in 1201, unfortunately did not make it through the first year of his life. Arian did his best to teach his oldest son to become as politically minded as him, but Luceas turned out to be a fighter rather than a talker, which frustrated Arian.

When King Eleothar Angeleos died in 1213 CE, Arian Mearis travelled to Angeleor to pledge fealty to the new King, as was required of him as one of the high Lords of Eleonis. He took his son and a few soldiers with him, among them a young squire, who was there so Luceas would have someone of roughly his age with him.

What Arian did not know was that his son and the squire were secretly a couple. Arian had been brought up to think that a relationship of that nature between two boys was immoral and wrong, so he was shocked to find them together in Angeleor. Even though Luceas was his only son and heir and nothing he had done was against the law, he disowned him immediately leaving Luceas in Angeleor to fend for himself.

When he returned to Mearia, he named his younger brother his heir. For the following four years, he kept ruling the Evening Isles as he had before, until he was called to arms by King Ionathar Angeleos to assist in the first battle of Angeleor. There, he found out that Luceas had made his way into the Eleonian Army.

He attempted to convince the King that having people with Luceas' affliction in the army was stupid, but had to realize that out-talking Ionathar was a difficult thing to do. He considered marching his forces home, but decided to stay, since marching home would likely have had him persecuted on charges of treason. Arian Mearis survived both battles of Angeleor and still rules in Mearia to date.

Current Location
Date of Birth
1176 CE
Year of Birth
1176 CE 42 Years old
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