Leas Dimeathris Geographic Location in Leanor | World Anvil
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Leas Dimeathris

The Dark Forest is a large forest located in the western corner of the country of Baitha. Its western and southern edges double as the border to Lupear in the south-west and Urtheon in the west. It stretches between the eastern foothills of the Silver Mountains and the north-west point of the Dragon's Ridge. It gets its name from its outstandingly dense canopy of leaves during the summer months, which keeps much light, causing daylight to be rather dim and nights to be pitch-dark. The name Leas Dimeathris is ancient Acadean and translates to Dark Forest.

This also keeps out heat, making it a great place to be on hot summer days, but if you need to spend the night in it, which you would need to do when travelling through, because the forest stretches for several day's journeys in each direction, it is very important to find a campsite before nightfall, since the forest is plunged into almost complete darkness at night. It is also crucial to be on high alert for any night creatures and possible bandits coming for your stuff.

It is home to a lot of different birds and beasts. A river named Bearith flows through it from east to west in its northern half. A couple of roads run through the southern part of the Dark Forest, in the section north of the river, there is only one road that follows the flow of the river. The river itself can be crossed either via a bridge on the western edge of the forest or at a ford in its eastern part, just west of the long, narrow Lake Bearith.

Leas Dimeathris is also rumoured to be the home of witches and wizards, although the closest thing to that would be those educated in herbal lore, a few of which live in or around the Dark Forest. Travellers crossing the forest are strongly advised to stick to the roads to avoid getting lost in the dense woods. The journey is not without its dangers, but it is still considered the safest path into Baitha, since the alternative is to clamber through steep, pathless mountains, which would be infinitely more dangerous.


Leas Dimeathris is located in an area where the foothills of three mountain ranges meet, the Dragon's Ridge, the Silver Mountains and the Icy Mountains. These three mountain ranges are formed from three different kinds of rock, so the grounds in the Dark Forest are a sort of geological patchwork of hills, creeks and small rock formations. The river Bearith flows through it roughly from east to west.

Fauna & Flora

As a result, the types of trees growing in the forest vary slightly depending on the ground, but all of these areas are equally densely wooded. Due to the limited amount of light passing through the trees, there isn't a lot of underbrush to be found, so the forest is mostly composed of very large very old trees. Leas Dimeathris is populated by a lot of different woodland creatures, for example wolves, bears, deer, squirrels, ravens and songbirds. The trees in this forest are mostly broad-leaved and lose their foliage in the fall, so winter is the only season where the Dark Forest isn't so dark.


Leas Dimeathris is a very old forest with many trees that are centuries old. Apparently, its appearance hasn't changed much since acadean times, when it was first mentioned in any writing. Since this forest is considered sacred in the baithan and serbaith cultures, it has been mostly left alone by human influence aside from those versed in herbal lore who live in small huts strewn across the forest. The only major man-made structure is the bridge across the Bearith in the very west of the forest, which belongs to Urtheon.

Alternative Name(s)
Dark Forest
Inhabiting Species
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