Ravenwood Family Farm Building / Landmark in Legacy in Leilon! | World Anvil

Ravenwood Family Farm

This farm was the home of Keth Ravenwood's Mother and Step-Father. The farm was decimated by a large berserk creature apparently, and this is what drew Keth back to the area, and to Phandalin. He is looking for answers; who did this, and why? And then finally...how are they going to pay!   Keth and his friends visited this farm and buried the body of his Mom. He also had an encounter with her ghost, as brief as it was, and got a chance to say goodbye to her.


S10. Home, Bittersweet Home -- The Shrine Part 3 is the session were Keth and friends visited the farm and spent the night there.
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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