S37. Dungeoness and Dragons Report

General Summary

Upon completing a rest in the former abode of Reidoth, the companions scope out the Ruins of Thundertree and find little of interest, beyond spider webs with no spiders in them, and familiar tracks in the dirt and dust. It is plain that Raiya has been here very recently--sometime after Venomfang was defeated by Reidoth (and poisoned in the process), but before the team arrived. She left footprints and a brief message on the wall in charcoal that read, "Hello Sef."   Flicker also found a message in the trees, left to her by Reidoth in reply to her message left earlier.   It appears that perhaps Raiya picked out of the rubble any treasure that remained after the green was defeated. Or perhaps there was never a treasure hoard of any kind anyway.   Xanth headed back into the Wood, and the companions traveled south toward the coast.   The camped once halfway to the Wayside Inn, and rented beds at the Inn for a much more comfortable night's rest.   They cut across to the coast where they found a tall, old lighthouse that pulsed with an ominous greeen light those shown out to sea...and pulsed as if it were a heartbeat. As they looked on from the cliff, harmonious song broke out luring 3 immediately to walk right off the cliff. Eethyl cast Feather Fall on his 5 friends, and headed to find another way down. The 3 charmed fell softly with the other 2 that kept their wits about them, but before they reached the sand safely, Eethyl dropped past them and hit the beach quite roughly.   Flicker transformed into a crocodile and was able to help Wolfaen in that form...and likewise scared the butter right out of that crab.   Harpies closed into attack, still singing, while a giant crab also emerged from the surf nearby, waving his claw in greeting and running over to them to ask a favor of them. Mid-battle they asked him to hold on while they took care of the harpies.   Eventually they all shrugged off the charms of their songs, but not before a few suffered a little in the surf. Keth finally dragged himself up onto the causeway, but was them immediately best upon by one of the flying hags who snatched him up and tried to fly off with him. Two others jealously pursued and Keth was stretched a little between them.   The others found their way past some dead harpies onto the causeway and encountered a banshee within a cave on their way.

Related Reports

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Legacy in Leilon! Campaign
Helaena DuFarran
wolfaen the red
Eethyl Benzoin
Amarille Trisquinal
Chaotic Good High Elf (Hermit)
Monk 1
12 / 12 HP
Player Journals
To Return by Flicker Greenridge
Powders by Eethyl Benzoin
Report Date
08 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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