StoneHill Inn Building / Landmark in Legacy in Leilon! | World Anvil

StoneHill Inn

  This modest, two-story roadhouse has six rooms for rent on the upper floor. A bed for the night costs 5 sp, while a meal costs 1 sp. The proprietor is a short, friendly male human named Toblen Stonehill, Innkeeper and Entrepreneur.   Toblen is a native of the town of Triboar to the east. He came to Phandalin to prospect, but soon realized that he knew a lot more about running an inn than he did about mining. If the characters talk to Toblen, he will be very interested in listening, but also interested in their opinon about the latest entrepreneurial venture has has been dreaming up.

Purpose / Function

To provide comfortable accommodations for weary travelers and adventurers, and fine food and ale for a fair price.


Toblen has expanded an alleyway on the side of the building for a game of skill called alleyball, or something. It's got pins and gutters and whatnot.   He is looking into an indoor game on a rectangular table, with little hand-held paddles and a little ball of some sort that you can bat to each other over a small net in the middle of the table. He hasn't worked it all out yet, but Table Ball is coming!   Trilena is also working on a special blend of Noble-quality tea called "Duke Grey".


This is a two story building made from many stones from around the ruins, but mostly wood architecture. It's 2-stories with sleeping room upstairs, and the taproom and kitchen downstairs. There is no cellar as yet, but Toblen has expressed some interest in digging one out for cool storage during the summer.
Founding Date
1485 DR
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)


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