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Ambrosius is a Lich, said to have have once been one of the Deathlords who served The Orobouran.   His true appearance is unknown, though when projecting his image through magical means he typically takes the form of a tall and imposing humanoid in dark robes and ornate armour, his face hidden by a bronze mask, surrounded by spectral flames which give off neither heat nor smoke.   He is the patron of the Kenku warlock Echoed Murmur, whom he claims agreed to divulge to him the secret of the Devouring Word in exchange for being brought back from the dead.  


Ambrosius has shown the ability to scry upon his minions, and to project an illusionary image of himself in order to communicate with others, though claimed to be unable to use these abilities to view what was occuring in the ruins of Vash Ossai. It is unclear what other limitations he may have on the use of this power.   Ambrosius has shown the ability to suppress certain boons granted to warlocks that are pacted to him, and claimed that he is able to revoke any and all such powers at will, even implying that he is capable of slaying outright those whom he has restored to life. It is unclear whether this threat is genuine.  


Ambrosius has alluded to being a contemporary of the Orobouran, and one of his closest lieutenants; he claims to have helped him in the creation of the ritual to devour the Azoth, and blames the "lesser races" - which is to say, everyone aside from the Eladrin - for the ritual's failure.   At some point he parted ways with the Orobouran due to a philosophical difference; he implied that the Orobouran sought to preserve only himself, whereas he described his own goals as "the sealing of the Gates; the ending of the cycle; the restoration of my people".   He led the siege of Vash Ossai, though what his goal might have been is unclear; he has since remarked that the city is no longer of any relevance to his plans, and that the ongoing battle in the ruins between the remnants of his army and the reanimated defenders of the city is of no concern to him. He has indicated that he has at least some understanding of the necromantic technologies of the city, such as the Sower of Salt and the Necromantic Engines. There has been some evidence to suggest that he was able to breach the wards of the Vash Ossai due to the actions of the dragon Yothkatamonis, who is said to have been an ally of his.   During the time of the Empire of Kataris he was revered by a cult known as the Order of the Whispering Flame, in the city of Skatha Thanoi.   It is believed that he may have been in Rostog during the siege of 624-626 AK , when he fought on the Rostoggi side against the Balthans, and again in the Purging of Rostog  in 719 AK, when he was rumoured to be aiding the Collegium Necromantiae.  

Connection to Ixos

  There is some speculation that Ambrosius may be connected to the entity known as Ixos, who is worshipped by some of the necromancers of Deep Haunt. The precise nature of this connection is as yet unclear.
Divine Classification
he/him, they/them
Other Affiliations
Metaphysical Title:
Monarch of the Bronze Skull
Masks and Aliases
Champion of the Tower and the Gate
Chirugeon to the Dead
God of the Whispering Flame
Great Tutor in the Mysteries of Death
Knight of the Devouring Word
Knight of the Gate
Knight of the Tower
Lord of the Bronze Mask
Lord of the Hidden Vault
Whispering One


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