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Oro ban Qari an'Ellith


According to Tdjaia'ucchan, he was a powerful magician who travelled through time and foresaw a terrible cataclysm - That Which Approaches - which was predestined and inevitable; even knowing that it was impossible, he knew he had to try and prevent it.   Ambrosius described his motivation differently, saying that he was driven to oppose the Solars as he believed it would prevent the Eladrin from losing their immortality.   The portraits owned by Ambrosius depict him as a winter-touched Eladrin.   According to Vedanthe, "Orobouranithos" was as much a title as a name, and his original name was Oro ban Qari an'Ellith. Vedanthe has claimed that Oro and Ambrosius were close friends and confidentes in life.  

Archive of the Anima

[...] of the Tower. The precise circumstances of their birth and upbringing are unclear, and likely impossible to reconstruct following [...] the conclusion that their immortality would abruptly be cut short if the Solars were to [...] of the Five Watchtowers, but as they were no longer under the control of [...] to defect from the Dominion and side with the Alversans, presumably on the logic that the Leshay were clearly aware of this, but manifestly did not care [...] of the Chronotyryn. In attempting to prevent this [...] that the Timeless Forest was sundered, and the Breaking of the Wheel became a fixed moment that could not be traversed by chronurgic methods [...] "first lich"; though technically accurate, this does ignore [...] than the true necromantic art, is rather a degenerate form of chronurgy lacking in the sophistication of our older methods. Nonetheless, and notwithstanding the loss of Enshumenabba and the Deathless Ancestors, we were able to [...] ultimately resulting in the destruction of Shas’Ellith [...] of no particular consequence. Archmage Azishemu has since confirmed that whilst the method is known to at least one of the Sphinxes [...] lieutenant, the Bronze Mask.

The Call of the Fifth

And the fifth spoke: “I seize divinity for all living beings; that we might endure all that we might endure all ordeals of the aeons, and be not cast down by them - let there be no death nor frailty of age within my domain. I claim Eternity, for I have beheld the Face of the King, and pledge myself thus to Victorious Night”


Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that his drive to save the world from the cataclysm he had seen became an indifference to everything else, and that by his cold logic he became able to justify any atrocity whatsover. She also said that she believed that his actions had led to the cataclysm that he foresaw becoming truly inevitable.   Some visionary evidence has suggested that his actions brought devastation to the realm of the Eladrin, creating the Shattered Forest, though the precise means by which this occur is as yet unclear.  

The War of the Paragons

Tdjaia'ucchan claimed that he initially worked with Balamir and Skalx to avert the cataclysm by rebuilding the godhead, and that Balamir might be able to do so by convincing the universe that it was possible. This would require the sacrifice of three quarters of the souls in creation; another solution would involve Balamir consuming a third of all the souls in creation, empowering them to pass through the gates and consume entire other universes in order to shore up this one. He concluded that this was a viable plan, and proposed a method by which he would kill all living things preserve their consciousnesses as undead creatures, allowing the sacrifice of souls to occur. For this, he needed access to the "Five Towers", which had something to do with the Leshay and the dragons.   Tdjaia'ucchan related that he marched an army of undead to seize the tower of Eisenvala, destroying the city of Llyrgwael and reanimating its populace as undead, which led to Cendra's destruction of Shas'Ellith in retaliation.   His throne is believed to have been in Eisenvala.  


  It is unclear how the Lord of the Tower was bound. Morkath's Account claims that he was undefeated, though sealed within his own fortress - presumably Eisenvala.  


  Little is known about the followers of the Lord of the Tower who may remain active in the modern world. It is assumed that some of his followers made use of the Oath of Night and were thus bound to cycles of reincarnation; however his connection to necromancy perhaps suggests that of all the Paragons, his followers may have been the least likely to use this method. He was known to be served by nine Deathlords - though at least one of these (Ambrosius, Monarch of the Bronze Skull) at some point turned against him - and it seems plausible that he may have other followers among the undead.  


  The full extent of the Lord of the Tower's ongoing influence upon the world is unclear. Tdjaia'ucchan and Ambrosius have both suggested that his actions caused the doom of the Eladrin, and an off-hand comment made by the psychopomp Moruk has implied that he may have in fact fundamentally altered the fabric of time.   It has also been speculated that the Lord of the Tower's actions permanently altered the nature of Necromancy, and that prior to his ascension it was, for the most part, a side-branch of the magical discipline of Chronurgy.
Absolute Immortality
Creeping Indifference
he/him, they/them
Aligned Organization
Metaphysical Title
Masks and Aliases
Lord of the Tower

Articles under Oro ban Qari an'Ellith


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