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The northern portions of the Mountains of Fire are thought to be the only place in the world in which the gigantic flying reptiles known as azarchodons still reside. These creatures, which rival dragons in their size, are not thought to be native to Aaranak, but rather are the sole surviving clade of a once wide-spread migratory species that was found in north-west Azarach.

Basic Information


An azarchodon is a large winged reptile which flies by the means of a membrane of skin and muscle which stretches between their fore and hindlimbs. Whist similar pterosaurs exist in various parts of the world, with a wingspan of around thirty feet the azarchodon is the largest known creature of its kind.

Additional Information


Certain among the Anathemata of the Empire of Yua were said to have developed rituals by which these beasts could be summoned from their homes in the high peaks, and bound them by magic to act as steeds; it is unclear if this magic has been lost with the overthrow of the Anathemata, though some reports suggest that the inhabitants of Xochzalteco might still wield such magic.
by Dmitry Bogdanov
Geographic Distribution


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