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Eupraxia Canthor

Prisoner 009 - Countess Eupraxia Canthor van Ferlin
Niece of the Matriarch, Duchess Andromeda Canthor van Alumark and/or Kergrave. Convicted of arcane malafice, murder, and necromancy in 1343 AK; was sentenced to death but this was apparently commuted to imprisonment-pending-exile in exchange for her cooperation in the apprehending of her co-conspirators. Nasty piece of work by all accounts - I get the impression that she managed to wriggle out of being executed due to her high birth, and that killing her would make House Canthor extremely angry with us. There’s also a suggestion that one of her children is a tiefling and is an apprentice in the academy - not identified for obvious reasons, though I suspect that Guillaume probably knew who they were.

Please establish:
Is there a particularly good reason to keep her around, or can we just safely put her on a boat to Duganzarekh or wherever?
  The daughter of Onesiphora Canthor, and niece of Andromeda Canthor, Eupraxia was a studious child who went on to study magic at Kalamak, achieving the grade of Adept in 1326; her thesis was entitled "Geomantic Correlates of the Black Wind Disaster". She married a fellow scholar, Friedrich Ysern later that year, and gave birth to a daughter named Dorothea in 1327 AK; there is some suggestion that Friedrich may not have been the father. To the great surprise of House Canthor, the daughter was a tiefling; she was taken in by the Hospital of Ekirena, and given the name of "Doctrine".   Eupraxia's husband Freidrich is known to have died in 1329 AK during the revolution in Campocavola; he had been travelling aboard an Alderni naval vessel to perform some research into the aetheric currents associated with the prevailing winds, and it is believed that when the crew of the vessel that he was sailing with mutinied, he was killed along with the rest of the ship's officers.  

Mage of the Fourfold Flame

It is somewhat unclear when Eupraxia joined the sect of necromancers known as the Fourfold Flame, though it seems likely that this probably occured in the late 1320's AK.  

The Sternespass Massacre

In 1339 AK, Eupraxia and a group of her followers were active in the Sternespass. According to the story that was told at the time, she was able to rally the broken remnants of several Alderni units against a much larger Balthan force marching from the Sternesspass - and despite taking heavy causalties, was able to stop the Balthan advance in its tracks.   What was less well-known at the time - and which eventually would be the chief crime for which she was convicted - was the method by which this battle was won. Eupraxia and the Fourfold Flame were able to turn the tide of the battle only through the mass-reanimation of the Alderni and Balthan dead; and what is more, Eupraxia was in fact responsible for ordering the execution and reanimation of an unknown number of "collaborators", and at least a hundred "deserters" - the latter being peasant levies who had been conscripted by force but had refused to march to almost certain death against the Balthan forces.   Though it is likely that a moderate number of people were aware of the Sternespass massacre, almost none have spoken out about it; it is likely that the Fourfold Flame and House Canthor have made extensive attempts to pay off, threaten, or silence those who might do so.  


Eupraxia was arrested outside Valkenholt in 1343 AK, after a low-ranking member of the Fourfold Flame was caught in the act of graverobbing. The necromancer confessed to being a member of the Fourfold Flame, and under further interrogation named a number of his co-conspirators, including Eupraxia Canthor. The resulting investigation soon uncovered enough evidence to justify the arrest of Eupraxia with the blessing of the Royal Tribunal judge Countess Orthia Ysern van Mollisvaal on charges of arcane malafice; objections were raised by House Canthor, but the arrest was upheld by a hearing of the Royal Tribunal.   Eupraxia was taken into the custody of the Queensknife; the trial was held in secrecy, and Eupraxia was not allowed to speak directly to the Tribunal to answer the charges - supposedly out of concern that she might attempt to magically influence the judges, though probably more likely to ensure that she did not inform the Tribunal of House Canthor's plot against the Queen. Following her conviction on charges of varied charges of murder and arcane malefice, she remained in the custody of the Queensknife under the orders of Guillaume Arthmael-Riddacci, another key conspirator in House Canthor's plot; officially, she was assisting the Queensknife in bringing her co-conspirators to justice, though it appears that Guillaume's main intention was to keep her under close watch.  

An Unwilling Pawn

Eupraxia has claimed that her involvement with the Fourfold Flame was not of her own volition, but that she had been blackmailed into doing so by other members of House Canthor. She has claimed that she was told that if she did not give up her daughter to the Hospital of Ekirenna that she would be disowned; and that later, she was kept in line by threats made against her daughter's life. She claimed that when her daughter's father attempted to confront Andromeda Canthor over these threats, he was killed by Sanctity Falcoferri-Riddacci on Andromeda's orders; if true, this is probably strong evidence that Freidrich was not in fact Dorothea's father.   Following the downfall of the Everstorm Covenant and Sanctity becoming trapped within a dream realm, Eupraxia has shown a willingness to work with the Queensknife in order to have her revenge on House Canthor. She has claimed to have a great deal of knowledge about House Canthor's activities in the Vale of Viraky, and has suggested that she would be willing to give more details in exchange for her freedom and a guarentee of safety for her and her daughter.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Adept of Geomancy (1326)
Countess of Ferlin
Year of Birth
1306 38 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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