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An ancient dwarven deity of obscure origin, Kheth is believed to reside in the deepest parts of the earth, from whence his whispers that rise up through the labyrinthine caves of Duncarak. The ancient Tevashi believed that the souls of Dwarves who died underground went to Kheth, to dwell with him in his domain of the deep, and that those souls could be called up by the living, appearing as ghostly vapours and speaking terrible secrets. Everything that was known to the dead was said to be known to Kheth, and he would readily bargain such secrets in exchange for offerings of riches or blood.   Kheth’s worship, and the necromantic practices associated with it, were forbidden by Alavar Scriptorum, but whilst strong taboos against necromancy have permeated Tevashi culture ever since, he and his successors were never entirely successful in stamping out these practices. The worship of Grandfather Death thus persists, and in the centuries since the destruction of Vash Edom and the resulting Tevashi diaspora it has enjoyed periodic resurgences among certain strata of Dwarven society. His worship is also common among the Dvergar, who hold no such taboos against necromancy, and consider him to be one of their chief deities.  

True Nature

According to a group of hags, the true nature of Kheth was "the cry of a million murdered souls - and nothing more".
Divine Classification
Metaphysical Title
Masks and Aliases
Grandfather Death
Death, especially underground


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