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Skatha Pangration

A ruined city of the Empire of Kataris, found in the southwest portion of the Pangratic Karst, Skatha Pangration is said to have been associated with the Katari deity known as the Healer. Whilst the ruins are relatively well-explored on the surface, much of the city has collapsed into sinkholes and there are a number of cave systems which stretch below the earth and have never been fully mapped. In the centre of the city is a great spring, which ultimately gives rise to the River Posso; the water of the Posso is often said to have rejuvenating properties, and these are said to be at their most potent in Skatha Pangration itself.   Prior to the rise of the League of Savura, there was an active shrine to the goddess Ekirena, known as the, which protected the waters of Skatha Pangration and offered medical treatment to those who travelled there. During the Second War of Savuran Independence the clergy who tended the shrine were found to be sheltering a number of members of the Alderni High Nobility who were attempting to evade the Savuran militias; one of the Free Companies of the Savuran military seized the site and razed the shrine in an attempt to capture the fugitives - several of whom are said to have fled into the caves of the Pangratic Karst - before turning to systematically looting the ruined city for anything of value.

Circa 544AK



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