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The Utterdark is the common name given to a spiritual malady said to have been created by Rram sh'Az va'Ux of the Paragons of Azoth, as art of his intention to bring about the of creation. It has been described as a "plague of despair", which corrupts the mind and spirit, turning them both towards the apocalyptic cause of the Merciful One.

Transmission & Vectors

Quite how individuals become affected by the Utterdark is not common knowledge; according to Morkath's account, any ensoulled being can theoretically fall under its sway, but those sworn to the Oath of Night and others who draw upon the power of the Fountain of Night are the most vulnerable.


The method by which Rram sh'Az va'Ux created the utterdark is not commonly understood, though it seems likely that it somehow involves the power of the Pivot and Rram's unimpeded access to the Fountain of Night.


It is a disease of the soul, that corrupts the will and turns it towards malice - its symptoms are myriad, but its sufferers are all bound to walk that same downward spiral of despair and desperation, which leads to the greatest wickedness performed in the name of good.

  • Morkath's Account
  • Few if any studies have been carried out in relation to those suffering from the effects of the Utterdark, and its symptoms and their progression is poorly understood. It could be assumed that a major part of the process consists of increasing feelings of horror and despair, combined with the rising conviction that giving into the darkness and surrendering to one's most destructive urges is the only way to combat it.   The experiences of Motion Ashbrook-Sarren's struggles with her "shadow-self" within her dreamscape may be a form of the progression of the utterdark; in Motion's case, the shadow-self seemed to feed upon negative feelings including guilt, alienation, and a sense of abandonment. There was also a possible association between some of the symptoms of the utterdark and the Sins of the Four Hells: Apathy, Cruelty, Desire, and Hubris.   There may be a connection between the utterdark and the process by which a person becomes a Bodak.


    The means by which the progression of the utterdark can be halted or reversed are unclear.   In the case of Motion Ashbrook-Sarren, it was possible to integrate her shadow-self with the rest of her psyche and subsequently break free of the Web of Fate and her prophesised doom.


    According to Morkath's Account, the utterdark arose during the final stages of the War of Binding, when members of the Oathcircle disturbed Rram sh'Az va'Ux in his exile in the deserts beyond Pardatheum. Rram is said to have created the utterdark as a weapon in his attempts to bring about the end of creation, with the result that more than a third of all those bound to the Oath of Night were subourned to his agenda. It is also said that the Draconic Imperium collapsed as a result of the utterdark.


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