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y'Mara Temakh

The y'Mara Temakh was a secret society which was active in the 11th century, and played a decisive role in the Viraky Revolution  which led to the downfall of the Dynasty of Varkos. Little is known for certain of the organisation, and it is unclear whether or not it remains active to this day.   It appears to have had members in Aldernord (specifically, House Bheuren, House Canthor and House Zaal), along with the Second Empire of Yua, Ras Amur, and the Collegium Euocatio of Ira's Flame.   The aims of the y'Mara Temakh are unclear; they reportedly held a non-interventionist stance, but were spurred to action in the Vale of Viraky due to the threat of the Dynasty of Varkos performing a ritual known as the Black Rain of Famine.   "y'Mara Temakh" is a phrase in the Infernal language; the precise meaning is somewhat technical, but could be glossed as "those sworn to the destruction of the Temakh". The word "Temakh" is of obscure meaning; a literal translation would be "origin-spirit".
Secret, Military


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