Cory Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil



Cory lived all his life with his uncle, a mage in the city of Neverwinter. His parents died when he was a very young child and his uncle had never bothered to hide the insinuation that he was somehow responsible for the fire that took his mother’s and father’s lives. His uncle, seeing little other use for him, put Cory to work as an apprentice at the age of 15. Cory’s innate knack for magic led his uncle to begin teaching him the arcane principles of wizardry. As a student, however, Cory was an utter failure. He could never seem to grasp the use of all the rote memorization forced on him by his uncle. Why did a mage need to learn such things, he wondered, when all one needed to do was imagine the desired effect and it happened? Despite his stubbornness, he learned the basics of spellcraft—though his instincts still rebelled against the formalism of his uncle’s methods.     Finally, in a fit of anger over Cory’s lack of interest in his studies, his uncle released him from his apprenticeship. This suited him just fine, for Cory recently discovered a strange amulet that he was interested in learning more about.     Cory traveled to the town of Phandalin. While there, he gathered a group of adventurers to go with him to Fairview, where the strange amulet’s previous owner resided. However, along the way, Cory and the others with him were ambushed by Vortigern an evil apprentice wizard who wanted the amulet for himself. Although Vortigern was defeated, two half orcs who worked for Vortigern escaped. The group tracked one of the half orcs to an abandoned dwarven mine in the Starmetal Hills. After slaying the half orc, Cory and the others were attacked by a basilisk. Cory and Callen, a half-orc barbarian in his group, were both turned to stone just before Callen had killed the deadly creature. Only Jeldar (cleric of Helm), Daemar (elven ranger), and Belton (halfling rogue) survived but had to leave the petrified bodies of Cory and Callen behind.     To this day, Cory and Callen both remain inside the abandoned mine.   Read about how Cory was petrified by a basilisk's gaze in Cory and Callen Turned to Stone

Male Human Sorcerer

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