Korg Sunfinder Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Korg Sunfinder

Korg Sunfinder

Korg Sunfinder is the youngest son of Chief Thagath Skywander, of the Koyacross tribe in The Crags. In a vision, Korg’s father saw a great evil of unknown origin sweep across the land wiping out his tribe and many other tribes in The Crags. In the vision, Chief Thagath saw the village of Oakhurst and knew the answers to the mystery of his vision lay there. So he sent his youngest son, Korg, a paladin worshipper of the sun (Pelor) to Oakhurst to find meaning to his horrific visions.     Note: Sadly, Korg was slain in the session, Belak Defeated, the Dragonpriest’s Revenge, and Korg is slain (The Sunless Citadel FINALE)

Male Goliath Paladin of the Sun/Pelor (RIP)

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