Orc Attack and Elves to the Rescue

Played on April 22, 2018     15 Tarsakh, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) Village of Nightstone, The Sword Coast     Grat Ur’Gray almost singlehandedly rid NIghtstone of the goblins that came to ransack the town after the giants’ attack left it defenseless.   Kella Darkhope, a Zhentarim agent, was surprised at the bugbear’s skills going as far as to encourage him to join the Black Network. Grat said he would consider it.   As the two stood in the town’s square to catch their breath, a wagon pulled by an ox came across the drawbridge and wheeled into the square. A skinny old human man drove the wagon. A halfling wearing a wide brim hat rode next to the driver. An elf with a longbow knocked and ready stood at the back of the wagon which was carrying furniture, crates, and a couple of large barrels.   Grat and Kella greeted the trio who seemed surprise at the town’s appearance.   The elf, who introduced himself as Daemarr, asked what happened. Grat told the trio everything that had happened since yesterday.   Daemarr introduced the halfling, Belton. He said they were both hired by the Lionshield Shipping Coster to guard the wagon and its driver, Travarr, on its way to Nightstone. He added that Darthag Ulgar, who ran the Nightstone’s trading post, would pay Belton and him when they arrived.   Grat told him the outpost was deserted and that Darthag may have possibly escaped with the others during last night’s attack.   Everyone suddenly heard the thundering sounds of horses entering the town.   A dark-skinned half-elf led six other riders. Kella told Grat the Seven Snakes had arrived!   The lead rider dismounted and ran to Kella to give her a hug. Grat noticed that Kella seemed uncomfortable with the half-elf’s hug.   Kella introduced the half-elf as Xolkin Alassandar, leader of the Seven Snakes. They were a Zhentarim group from Daggerford who would help reinforce the town.   Xolkin said hello to everyone and ordered the others to take the horses to the nearby stable.   But just as the other Zhentarim soldiers returned, nearly two dozen orcs came charging across the drawbridge!   The Zhentarims fought alongside Grat, Daemarr, and Belton against the orcs led by a powerful orc bleeding from wounds inflicted by what Daemarr recognized as elven arrows. Similar arrows were seen on many of the orcs. Clearly, the orcs were recently attacked by elves and were perhaps running away from them.   Daemarr’s suspicions were verified when a several elves with longbows at the ready appeared behind the orcs.   A male elf ordered the other elves to open fire at the orcs!   The orcs, caught between the Zhentarims, Grat, Daemarr, Belton and the elves didn’t survive the battle that ensued.   When the last orc had been felled by an elven archer, the elf leader, “You’re welcome!” to the others before leading the elves back across the bridge and towards the Ardeep Forest.   Daemarr asked who the elves were and why did they thank everyone.   Grat explained that they were elves from Ardeep Forest. The leader was a daring wood elf named Rond Arrowhome. He and his fellow elves have no love or respect for the residents of Nightstone, but they hated orcs even more.   Xolkin didn’t care who the elves were, and ordered his soldiers to clean up the town of dead orcs and goblins. Unfortunately, the Zhentarims had lost one of its members in the attack. He had the Zhentarim buried in the town’s cemetery.   Later, Grat asked Kella what Xolkin and his soldiers were planning on doing in Nightstone. Kella said the Zhentarims would make sure Nightstone would be kept safe from further attacks. She said, Xolkin and the Seven Snakes would make sure of that.   Grat suddenly wasn’t sure if having the Zhentarims as allies was a good idea or not.       Dramatis Personae   Belton Cutpurse (Male Lightfoot Halfling Rogue)   Daemarr (Male Elf Ranger)   Grat Ur’Gray (male bugbear Eldritch Knight)   Kella Darkhope (female Chondathan human Zhentarim)   Xolkin Alassandar (half-elf leader of the Seven Snakes)
Plot type


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