The Wizard’s Amulet

Played on January 14, 2018   14 Ches, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) Neverwinter Wood, The Sword Coast       It was the first night the adventuring company had spent in Neverwinter Wood. A small fire was kept for warmth and to keep nocturnal animals at bay.   “What animals should I be concerned about eating me out here?” Belton Cutpurse asked Daemar, the elvish ranger. Belton, a lightfoot halfling, preferred the comfort and safety of a warm bed in a cozy Waterdeep inn than sleeping outdoors in a large forest like Neverwinter Wood. To make matters worse, the group had suffered through a rainy day after having left the Triboar Trail and entering Neverwinter Wood. In short, Belton wasn’t a happy halfling. At least the rain had stopped providing everyone, especially Belton, some small measure of comfort.   Daemar Sirius, the elf ranger who had been asked to join the adventuring company by Cory looked at the miserable halfling and smiled. “Don’t worry about the animals. You only need to worry about hobgoblins, gnolls, and as many goblins as there are trees.”   Belton wasn’t at all comforted by the ranger’s response.   “With Helm’s protection,” Jeldar said trying to ease the halfling’s concerns. “you will be safe. The Vigilant One is always watching us.”   Belton nodded at the cleric of Helm’s assuring words.   Callen Rockhold, a brute of a half-orc, stood up and stretched. He looked around. With his darkvision allowing him to see into the forest beyond the campfire’s range of light, he was confident nothing was going to surprise them during the night. “Let anything in this forest try to eat us. They’ll find I won’t go down without a fight that easily.” To emphasize his point he pointed his greatsword at the dark forest as if daring anything to challenge him.   Cory, the sixteen-year-old sorcerer from Neverwinter, looked at his fellow adventurers. It was he who had gathered the brave, albeit inexperienced, group together. Back at the small town of Phandalin, Cory had posted a notice seeking the aid of able-bodied adventurers willing to join him in an expedition to a wizard’s tower, promising an equal division of all gold found along the way and when they arrived at the wizard’s tower.   After the order of who would take watch during the night was established, the weary adventurers settled in for the long cold night.         Adventuring Company   Cory the Sorcerer (human sorcerer)   Jeldar, Servant of Helm (human cleric)   Belton Cutpurse (halfling rogue)   Callen Rockhold (half-orc barbarian)   Daemarr Sirius (elf ranger)
Plot type


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