Zariel's Redemption

General Summary

Day 85 - Day 99 since arriving in Avernus     Avernus, First Layer of the Nine Hells       The solace of the cathedral was replaced by havoc, screams of panic, and acrid smoke.   Wink's Warriors stood at the edge of a small town of burning cottages, fields, and trees. A broken sign on the ground revealed the settlement's name: ldyllglen.   Gorn recalled the settlement's name. The small town stood at the edge of The Reaching Woods, near Scornubel in Elturgard. He told the others what he knew. Ages ago, Idyllglen was threatened by gnoll tribes. As the gnolls raided the town, Solndor Brightstar, a cleric of Lathander, led the people in prayer to his god for aid. Lathander was moved by the people's bravery and sent the angel Zariel to defeat the gnolls. After driving off the gnolls, the people erected a statue of Zariel to honor her.   Generations later, the gnolls returned to Idyllglen, this time with demons in their ranks and Yeenoghu himself leading the war band. Zariel and the Hellriders came to the Idyllglen's aid, but not before the town was mostly destroyed.   It seemed Wink's Warriors were reliving the battle.   In the center of town stood a giant gnoll covered in matted, bloodstained fur and swinging a three-headed flail. Gore drips from his red maw. The giant gnoll's wild, hideous laugh pierced the air.   "That must be Yeenoghu," Gorn told everyone. "We must fight him."       The battle with the demon lord Yeenoghu was hard fought.   Jade and Mordecai were injured during the battle, but an unexpected ally appeared before Yeenoghu could unleash his full wrath against Wink's Warriors.   A radiant beam of radiant light pierced through the haze. A powerful angel streaked down from above, followed by a gold-furred mammoth with feathered wings.   The angel bored down on Yeenoghu, slashed her sword across Yeenoghu's chest, and uttered a spell. A portal opened behind the demon lord as the mammoth rammed its head into Yeenoghu. The demon lord was sent tumbling through the portal, which quickly closed behind him.   After ridding Idyllgle of Yeenoghu, Lulu and Zariel introduced themselves, healing Mordecai and Jade. Meanwhile, over a hundred knights on horses rode out of the haze and dispatched any remaining gnolls, and helped trapped or injured townsfolk.   "Those must be the famous Hellriders," Gorn told everyone.   One of these Hellriders, a woman in her thirties with a fresh, deep cut on her cheek, thanked the group and introduced herself as Yael. She winked before lining up to join the rest of the battalion.   Zariel then opened another portal. Beyond it lay a desolate hellish landscape. The group recognized it as Avernus.   As Zariel prepared to lead her forces through the portal into Avernus, all others creatures except her, Lulu, and the members of Wink's Warriors stopped moving and responding as if frozen in time.   Zariel turned to the group and said, "Yeenoghu slaughtered those I swore to protect. I can stop him and others like him. I might have to give up all I stand for, but I could stem the tide of chaos and save many lives from the demonic terrors of the Abyss. Were you in my place, would you risk it all to save others?"   Each answered they would. Brimsdall, however, said he would if he would benefit from it.   Zariel thanked them for their responses, then uttered a blessing to Lathander over each one of them.   Everyone but Brimsdall received a Charm of Vitality. Brimsdall received a Charm of Restoration.   After bestowing the supernatural charms, Idyllglen vanished, and the group once again found themselves standing inside the Citadel.       Wink's Warriors stood before the dais, atop which glowed the Sword of Zariel. Also before them were Lulu and the ghostly warrior, Yael.   The hollyphant was the first to speak. "I remember everything now. ldyllglen was the last straw. We followed Zariel to Avernus, but the evil there proved to be too much for us. Asmodeus appeared and promised Zariel infernal legions to end the Blood War, but she had to give the Lord of the Nine Hells her fealty. She accepted and became an archdevil, but not before Yael and I took her sword, hoping it could redeem Zariel someday. I gave up my magic and memories, and Yael gave her life to construct this place to protect the sword."   Yael's ghost said, "You have faced many trials to claim the Sword of Zariel. I'm sorry to say you face one more. As the inscription on the dais says, 'The hero who becomes one with this blade exists no longer.' Which of you is brave enough to draw the blade and be gone forever?"   Without thought, Jade stepped up to claim the Sword of Zariel.   Upon grasping the blade, the citadel and the scab exploded outward in blinding rays of light leaving the group standing in the vast open landscape of Avernus.       Moments later, a flying figure emerged from the sky and landed near the group.   Zariel had arrived.   Upon seeing her sword, Zariel ordered Jade to give her the sword. Before Jade could decide, Lulu told everyone there must still be some good in Zariel. She must be redeemed, Lulu offered if only Zariel could be convinced.   Mordecai, Jade, and Gorn spoke and convinced Zariel to see the good in herself. Brimsdall and Khaboom remained silent   The Sword of Zariel urged Jade to give Zariel what she wanted. Jade felt it was the right thing to do.   Zariel's trembling hand reaches toward the gleaming hilt of her sword. Her fingers brushed against it, and she grimaced as radiant light seared her flesh. As her grip tightened, she gasped in pain, then spoke an oath through tears of confusion, sorrow, and dawning joy.   "I, Zariel, supplicate myself before the holy light of justice. If it should accept me, I vow to take up this blade once more in its service."   The archdevil's words hung in the air for a silent moment, and she glanced upward in agonized uncertainty. Then Zariel was bathed in a brilliant wash of radiant light. Her fiery halo disappeared, and feathers burst from her leathery wings. All of her diabolical features vanished as her angelic form was restored. At the sight of this blessed transformation, Lulu gasped in delight and transformed into a celestial mammoth with golden fur, feathered wings, and gleaming tusks.   Zariel had been redeemed.   Having witnessed Zariel's transformation, everyone received a Blessing of Health.       Returned to her full celestial glory, Zariel took on the task of saving the besieged city of Elturel.   Zariel used her angelic powers to allow everyone to fly. Wink's Warriors, along with Zariel and Lulu flew back to Elturel but it still took nearly 14 days despite not having to stop or rest thanks to Zariel's divine presence and abilities.   When they arrived back in Elturel, Zariel first soared above the city to within reach of the corrupted Companion. She closed her eyes, raised her sword above her head, took a deep, centering breath, and brought the blade down. The Companion then exploded in a flash of light and an angelic tone that could be heard with perfect clarity across the infinite breadth of Avernus.   As the Companion shattered, a figure emerged from it: a planetar.   From the streets of Elturel, everyone heard Zariel call the planetar by name.   "Nascius, you are free," Zariel said.   The once trapped planetar took a moment to recover its strength. lt then swooped down along with Zariel below the fallen city which hovered not far above the River Styx.   With her sword, Zariel struck the chains binding the city of Elturel destroying each one.   With the city freed from the chains, Nascius flew below the city, set the earthmote on its broad shoulders, and raised Elturel out of Avernus and back to its rightful place in the Material Plane.         The Chionthar River shined like a golden road stretching from Elturel to Baldur's Gate, and to the sea beyond. The scent of morning dew cuts through the odor of smoke, brimstone, and rot that clung to Elturel's stones. Slowly, the people of the city make their way out from their hiding places to stand in the light of the mortal world once more. All eyes focused on Zariel where she stood, sword in hand. The planetar that raised Elturel out of Avernus kneeled before her.   Lulu nudged Zariel, then gestured toward Wink's Warriors with her trunk. It was then everyone noticed Brimsdall and Wiink were missing. They both had not returned to Toril with Elturel.   Zariel bowed her head before the group in solemn gratitude.   "This dark chapter has, at last, come to an end, and it is a brighter end than I ever dared to hope for. Thank you. Your selflessness will live on in my memory forever."   "And in mine!" Lulu says, beaming.   Zariel pulled a single golden feather from her wings and handed it to Jade.   Zariel's tone turned somber as she said, "You have made an enemy of Asmodeus this day. We have that in common now. I wish you strength and good fortune and if ever you need my power, hold this feather aloft and invoke my name. I shall come to your aid."   With her gift given, Zariel inclined her head, unfurled her wings, and soared into the sky.   Lulu turned to wrap everyone in a massive hug with her trunk.   When she let everyone go, she smiled warmly and said, "We'll see each other again. Someday."   The golden mammoth then flapped her wings and soared into the sky. The member of Wink's Warriors watched as her silhouette dwindled until it was swallowed by sunlight.        


When the party returned to Toril, they learned it was the 8th of Marpenoth, The Year of the Tyrant's Pawn (1495 DR). Over a year had passed since they traveled to Avernus despite not having seemed like it in Avernus.
Zariel and Lulu


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