Arcane Brotherhood Organization in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Arcane Brotherhood

The Arcane Brotherhood is a cabal of powerful wizards that operates out of the Hosttower of the Arcane, a multi-spired structure that towers above Luskan (a city south of Icewind Dale on the Sword Coast). The brotherhood’s leadership consists of five renowned archmages who handpick the other members, favoring wizards of great accomplishment. Every year, scores of wizards from across Faerûn flock to the Hosttower of the Arcane, hoping to gain admittance into the prestigious ranks of the brotherhood. Nearly all candidates are dismissed out of hand, without so much as a test, feeding rumors that the brotherhood’s leaders are more interested in marketing their own brand of exclusivity than finding new talent. Yet wizards seem willing to debase themselves regardless, for admittance to the brotherhood grants access to the Hosttower’s incredible libraries of magical lore.   The truth behind the brotherhood’s current ongoing quest for new members is based on the adage, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” The brotherhood’s leaders seek out wizards who might by their exploits compete with the brotherhood’s acquisition and hoarding of arcane lore and magical secrets. By bringing these wizards into the fold, the brotherhood turns potential enemies into colleagues, in effect neutralizing future threats.   Once welcomed into the brotherhood, wizards are free to pursue their own interests so long as they place the security and sanctity of the Hosttower and the cabal above all else. When not rallying to defend their home, wizards of the Arcane Brotherhood act like friendly and unfriendly rivals to one another, striving to outdo their peers in magic. Open conflict between members is forbidden, yet members are adroit at finding underhanded ways to needle and sabotage one another.   The Arcane Brotherhood sent three of its members to investigate rumors of a lost Netherese enclave that crashed in Icewind Dale nearly two thousand years ago. A fourth wizard, Nass Lantomir, learned about the expedition and decided to form her own.   Not long after they arrived in Bryn Shander, the three wizards who had formed the initial expeditionary force parted company, each one determined to be the first to find the enclave—such is the fragile nature of wizardly alliances.   Known members of the Arcane Brotherhood:

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