Archanist Eudora Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Archanist Eudora

Archanist Eudora

A seemingly human woman with very fair skin. The sides of her head are shaved and exposes two short, chalky white horns that slightly poke out behind her pointed ears. Draped behind her shoulder she has very long brown hair that is braided and pulled back into a ponytail to keep it out of her face. She wears very heavy, thick green robes and wields a staff that appears as though it could double as a bow, however, it has no bow string.

Circa 1484

She is an albino tiefling but not by birth. When Eudora was around 5 years old she was kidnaped by a vampiric individual named Morklav. She was tormented and held captive by her captor who was simply an errand boy for a powerful fiend named Maraxax. They sensed that the young tiefling possessed an incredible power within and did their best to syphon it from her by any means possible. During the process, young Eudora lost all pigment in her skin and her horns stopped growing from that day forth. Maraxax kept her and many others in his demi-plane which was came to be known as Maraxax' Domain. A physical entrance to his domain was built deep within the Underdark underneath the town of Daggerford. High Sorcerer Vaeril saved her life from the clutches of Morklav and Maraxax at the age of 13.   After High Sorcerer Vaeril Rhuidhen rescued her, he mentored her for many years. She grew to become an incredibly powerful young sorceress, despite Maraxax and Morklav's best efforts to ruin her. Having no living parents of her own, she drew close to Vaeril and over time fell in love with him. Everyone knew it but they kept their love secret because they were both devoted to a higher cause.   She met The Ragtags at age 38 when they were teleported to a secret Harper outpost within Mirabar (Session 55: Unholy Reunions). Although she typically resides within her tower in Luskan known as the Hostower of the Arcane, she spends much time within the other major cities; specifically Silverymoon, Mirabar, and Candlekeep. She spends nearly all of her time teleporting all over to maintain relations among the Factions Of the Sword Coast. Although she belongs to no faction, she favors and aligns with the The Harpers more often than not. The Lord’s Alliance, however, calls upon her often to help settle internal disputes.
“Regardless of faction, humanity is my charge.”
Throughout the span of knowing The Ragtags she worked with them closely, specifically Wilhelmina Varel, the niece to her former lover and fellow captive of Maraxax. The Ragtags grew to trust Eudora, especially throughout their time recovering various Titan Stones and ancient relics. So much so that they had left the Dragon's Bane and Pennant of the Vind Rune in her charge.    

Circa 1584

  One hundred years after the events of The Ragtags, a new group of heroes came to be known as the Guardians of the Dale. Around 1520, Archanist Eudora had put together a group of the finest Sorcerers and Wizards. The cabal came to be known as the Arcane Brotherhood. Their intentions started out pure, their sole reason for being to protect the lands from evil. However around 1555, Archanist Eudora suddenly disappeared and rumors grew that the Brotherhood had grown corrupt.
Sightings of Eudora popped up here and there but no one knows why she abandoned her creation. Some speculate that she was too ashamed to face what the cabal had become while others believe that she lost her mind and finally snapped after the torture she endured from Maraxax. Regardless of what others believe, no one dares to ask her whenever they see her in person.
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Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs

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