Denzam "Worm" Garrick Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Denzam "Worm" Garrick

Cheerful gnome who is Zephyr's childhood best friend with large green eyes and sandy blonde hair. Cleanly shaven but has long side burns. Like most true halflings, he’s barefoot, wearing loose blue jeans that fray out at the bottom, and a white button up tunic with all of the buttons fashioned   He is currently studying at the Herald's Library in Herald's Holdfast; Yorster the Old Night is his mentor. The Herald's Library is a spell-guarded library complex that belonged to the Heralds of Faerûn and was their primary repository of heraldic lore, history, genealogy, and artifacts from nearly all the humanoid races native to Faerûn. It is the greatest library in the North, surpassing even the Vault of the Sages in Silverymoon   He was granted this apprenticeship because he helped rescue the people of Quaevarr after the attack from Wulgreth's undead army and Yorster saw promise in him.

Zephyr's childhood best friend and apprentice at the Herald's Library

Current Location
Herald's Holdfast
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