Jasper Dimmerchasm Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Jasper Dimmerchasm

Voice: Rough scottish (more Scott Jason Statham?) Shorter messy black hair; balding on his crown. He now has a patch for his eye. Always drunk or drinking, but he is still super sneaky - is an Assassin   Located in Citadel Adbar at Rusty’s Hammer   Information
  • Everlund, Olostin’s Hold, Calling Horns, and most recently Nesmé have been decimated by the giants
  • A lot of his “lads” lived in those cities bordering on the Evermoors
  • Wooden Coin is a Gambling Chip for the Golden Goose. It is a casino, run by a man with the name of Lord Khaspere Drylund.
  • The casino is a river boat named the Grand Dame. To his knowledge it was somewhere on the Dessarin River, but who knows where it is now with all of the localized giant attacks in the Dessarin Valley. His guess is that they would have head north, maybe on the River Surbrin, but he has no clue.
  • Lord Khaspere Drylund is an odd fellow, he carries his pet octopus around on his shoulder
  • Knows the Legend of the Morkoth (magically protected) - no way he saw this
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