Citadel Adbar Settlement in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Citadel Adbar

Population 20,000

Large City
Citadel Adbar has stood in the bitter cold of the Ice Mountains for almost eighteen centuries, impregnable and defiant. The fortress itself is carved out of a mountain spur, consists of two great towers ringed with spikes to keep large flying creatures from landing to attack the structures directly. The great chimney of the citadel’s central foundry stands between the towers, belching smoke like a volcano about to erupt. Ringing the citadel is a host of platforms, battlements, and arrow slits from where defenders can fire crossbows at foolish attackers. A great drawbridge allows no one to enter the dwarven enclave through the Caravan Door – as this entrance is known - except patrols and honored guests. During your travel here, you know learned from Olga that cleverly hidden traps await those who storm the halls uninvited, and beneath the citadel is an expansive network of tunnels and caverns designed to confuse would-be invaders. If Adbar’s defenses should ever prove inadequate, the dwarves have created a secret evacuation tunnel that stretches for hundreds of miles, connecting to passages that lie under Citadel Felbarr to the west.


  • The population of Citadel Adbar was severely depleted by the War of the Silver Marches, which drew away many of Adbar’s greatest warriors, including its long-ruling king, Harbromm.
  • King Harbromm died in the war (whom Olga knew)
  • Harbromm’s twin sons, Bromm and Harnoth, inherited the throne and, like their father, left Citadel Adbar to join the war. Bromm later perished, leaving the crown to Harnoth.
  • Harnoth and his followers fought many battles during the war, but the new king made some poor decisions that winnowed the once-great Knights of the Mithral Shield down to a handful of members. Fortunately for Harnoth, the Iron Guard — Citadel Adbar’s defending army — remains strong.
  • Currently only 4 members on the Council of Elders, including Shane Tranter. Normally 8
  • All of the elders died during the ritual, sons took their place
The Dirge of Delzoun The tale of the great Northkingdom of the shield dwarves, the Dirge of Delzoun takes more than a day to sing in its entirety. The song recounts the history of Delzoun, from its founding millennia ago to the dispersal of its cities and the settlement of the successor realms of dwarves in the North. It is performed only in Dwarvish, and no known written copies have ever been reported. Only a privileged few non-dwarves have ever heard the Dirge in its entirety, and dwarf bards who want to perform this epic must demonstrate great skill in both singing and history.   The current dirgekeeper is Ollyn Grimtongue of Citadel Felbarr, who was appointed by King Emerus Warcrown a century ago, and is the only dwarf permitted to add new lines to the ballad. It is believed that, now that Emerus has gone to the Halls of Moradin, Grimtongue is preparing a stanza honoring his former liege as a hero who rivals the champions of Old Delzoun.


Cover-up of New King Harnoth’s Death What’s not generally known is that Harnoth, too, was killed by orcs toward the end of the war. To prevent political turmoil in Citadel Abdar, the elders of Adbar’s dwarven clans hired a doppelganger to impersonate King Harnoth. True power in Citadel Adbar now lies with the clan elders, who meet in secret and tell their “king” what to do and say before every one of his public appearances. The doppelganger is so smitten with its role that it sometimes forgets itself and makes decisions that the elders haven’t approved, behavior that is a growing cause of concern for some.   Trail of Champions Opponents
  • Silver Seekers – 2 clerics, barbarian, and fighter
  • Members of the Iron Guard; militia that Olga Whetherby belonged to.

Prominent Figures

King Harnoth Voice: Russian Accent
  • Wears a set of beautiful ornate full plate, has a massive beard with bald chin, thick wavy black hair, under his crown
  • His eye constantly bug out (high perception sees the he has a secondary set of eyelids
  • He is actually a doppleganger
  • Presented the Ragtags with Stoneshingle Wing
  Darin Hammerhast Voice: Liam’s Santa Clause; “Well I’ll be a shit bucket left out in the pouring rain, how the hell are ya?!?”
  • Classic ginger dwarf with long red hair that he separates with two large braids that he keeps pulled back
  • Hands are MASSIVE, much less calloused now that he is Captain
  • Member of the Mithral Shield, Captain of the Iron Guard
Shane Tranter


Mirthral Anvil
  • Smithy Diken
  • Voice: Gruff, talk with tongue on the bottom of your mouth
  • Incredibly old fat and tall dwarf; bald with a grey beard. He wears a shirt that only has the bottom buttoned which exposes tons of white chest hair. At his feet at all times is a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy named Chippie (Daughter to previous dog Troxel – boy)
  Kyren's Emporium
  • Enchanter Kyren
  • Voice: Regular Cameron
  • Middle aged dwarf with a well-kept darker brown beard, short trimmed brown hair. You can tell the resemblance with him and Diken – this is his son
  • Childhood lovers with Shane, which is how he got into magic in the first place
  • Ivellios slept with him in Session 40: Vel, Why Are You Walking Funny? in order to get a discount.
Granite Organ
  • Bad ass concert hall, the magical organ summons imps as the magic goes through
  • Imp Stats: AC:13 | HP:10 | DC:11 Sting: +5 (1d4+3) P + (3d10) Poison (CON)
  • Vreck Dawnmen
  • Voice: Mute – Only sings
  • Pale svirfneblin with a bald head and a perfect thick black beard – tiny pupils with white eyes. He has tattoos all over, including the top of his skull. One of his hands is pure stone.
  Rusty’s Hammer (Tavern) Ice Cold (Tavern)   Next Whistle (Tavern & Inn)   Lethal Lioness Inn (Tavern & Inn)     The Treant Treenail Workshop outside of the citadel where their ship is being repaired is located at a much higher altitude. This is essentially a junkyard for any refuse from the Citadel as there is a massive opening into the side of the mountain that you can push junk into that is incinerated by the forges below.  
  • Doleslaw Never-right (Female Tabaxi) from Eberron
  • Voice: Oh Tucker!
  • Tabaxi (cat woman) that stands just above 5ft tall. Her fur is grey with age as you can see black and white streaks that are very patchy and matted all over her body. She wears long baggy pants but no shirt - instead a brown bandeau that was red long ago that covers her chest. You can plainly see her hairy rotund belly which has bits and pieces of food, sawdust, machine grease, and whatever crafting other supplies she has used recently.
Zephyr: Do you carry martial weapons? Because I’d love to get my hands on your greatsword Olga: You’re a barbarian, I’m a barbarian. Why don’t we get reckless Bolivar: Please tell me you're not a mimic? Because your chest looks too good to be true Eld: You must have proficiency with theive’s tools. Because you’ve stolen my heart Willow: Do you know how to cast dream? Because I’m sure I’ll see you in mine tonight Are you a druid? Because your shape is driving me wild. Vel: Why don’t we go back to my place and we’ll see how many charges your wand has?   INFO Navigation orb, smaller ones in Ebberon (Ascarle) Hired by Steven (it is actually Shane) to come here and fix your ship If they bring her another orb she could perhaps install it into the airship (at a cost) 25,000 gp for Navigation Orb to go 150 mph   Ice Mountain Infirmary
  • Maeve
  • Voice: Soft Scottish “aye, how kena help ye?”
  • Beautiful human woman with blonde hair that is kept in a bun; rather busty

Map of Citadel Adbar

Large city

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