Lunar Enterprises Organization in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Lunar Enterprises

Known Establishments


Thort’s Findings run by Undevvur Thort who has an uncanny eye for rare gems.


Smoldering Rivers run by Ollie Timms (half-ogre) and Neradeli Baenar (female drow). Primarily deals with magical items and high end (expensive) artifacts.


Blackfire run by "Hoss". Specializes in alchemical supplies, "dark magic", and other unconventional methods of tinkering.


Eclipse run by Jak'dal Kemp. Primarily deals with quick item enchantments, specifically those of the Uncommon and Rare quality. Very Rare items may be enchanted but take much more time.

Bryn Shander

The Northlook run by Evanté Montorvich (Circa 1580). This serves as Lunar Enterprises northernmost stronghold, specifically to investigate and acquire Chardalyn.
Political, Activist

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