Lyn Armaal Settlement in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Lyn Armaal

Home of Countess Sansuri located 10,000 fee up in the air; Ceilings throughout the castle are 40 feet high. The floors on level 1 are made of tightly fitted stone, while the interior floors on levels 2–6 are made of thick, varnished wooden planks supported underneath with heavy crossbeams.


Countess Sansuri has captured an adult bronze dragon named Felgolos os; she holds him captive to hunt down the dragon artifacts. Sansuri is nuts, she collects masks that reflect her mood. Cloud Giants are powerful but reasonable. They are not quite as powerful as Storm Giants; but they are a very close second. It is know that Countess Sansuri must not be killed because of her Leomund's Tiny Chest and the information she holds.  


Countess Sansuri  Cressaro Voice: Gawdy Castellan and consort - They have not met him yet   Count Thullen Voice: Soft-spoken Her younger brother who actually helped them. His primary concern is the children   Alastrah and Kaaltar Twin children   LOCATIONS 1. Audience Chamber This opulent hall features lapis lazuli tile work and murals depicting castles in the clouds as well as cloud giants chasing silver dragons while riding rocs and golden sky-chariots drawn by griffons. Marble bleachers hug the walls near the entrance, across from which stands an ornate alabaster throne inlaid with gemstones. “Guarding” the throne on either side are two life-size statues of cloud giants — one male, one female — standing at attention, wearing tall helmets with feather plumage, and clutching mithral-tipped spears. Set into the floor in front of the throne is a 10-foot-diameter circular hole surrounded by decorative tiles of gold marble, white alabaster, and blue lapis lazuli. Standing at attention with their backs to the hole are four aarakocra simulacra that remain perfectly still.   Throne. Dozens (72) multi-colored gemstones decorate Sansuri’s throne; the most captivating being a black saphire set into the top of the throne in the middle of a sun-shaped marble fitting engraved with runes.  
  • There are thirty 50 gp gemstones, twenty 100 gp gemstones, fifteen 500 gp gemstones, and six 1,000 gp gemstones, plus a black sapphire (worth 5,000 gp).
  • Removing the black sapphire triggers a glyph of warding - 36 (8d8) cold damage to all creatures in the spell’s area.
  • 8. Dungeon X - Read to Vel: With the chorus of piercing griffon squeaks coming from the Aviary in the chambers next boor, you are currently in the dungeon of the castle. you see that adult bronze dragon is chained to the back wall and floor of this spacious, windowless chamber. Two locked manacles bind the dragon’s hind legs, preventing him from moving more than a few feet in any direction. He has a locked collar around his neck and a locked iron muzzle covering his snout. After attempting to dispel the magic on the locks once, you can clearly see that the muzzle, the collar, and the manacles are all designed to hold a dragon specifically of his size. You have deduced that the magic on Felgolos’s collar prevents him from using his Change Shape ability, and he can’t use his Frightful Presence ability while chained up. While he is muzzled, the dragon can speak with some difficulty. You also notice that he is bleeding profusely from multiple wounds. (has 160 hit points)
  • A knock spell can unlock the shackles around one of the dragon’s legs or unlock the dragon’s muzzle or collar. Any of these locks can be picked open using thieves’ tools, though it requires an action to do so and a successful DC 20 Dexterity check.
  • - Front Legs - Back legs - Collar (can change shape afterwards) - Muzzle   Across from the dragon, stashed in a corner of the room, are three empty iron cages sized for humanoid prisoners. Currently in each of the cages is a small unconscious halfling, an elven man that is in very rough condition - whom you have identified as High Sorcerer Vaeril, and a male half-orc, Dral Snooger; Bolivar’s brother. There is a giant-size padlock on each of the cages.
  • The oversized padlock on each cage door is too big to be picked using thieves’ tools, but a character outside a cage can use an action to reach into the locking mechanism of the cage’s padlock and manually pick the lock, doing so with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Sansuri keeps the key to the padlocks in her workshop (area 2).
  • The locks on Vaeril and Nespril’s cages are arcane locks dispel magic DC 15 - nothing happens if they don’t dispel it.
  • Countess Sansuri will be there in 10 rounds - 1 minute; but she will release the griffons first. She Will walk into the Dungeon with ??? Griffons and 1 other cloud giant --
  •   Dral Snooger Voice: gruff, close right eye Male half-orc with the same dark green almost black skin tone as Bolivar. He however keeps is tusks rather long. You can see that his right eye is missing, completely exposed right now because he does not have an eye patch. He is currently wearing nothing but a dirty tattered loin cloth He is conscious; does not know who Ivellios is but he doesn’t think he is capable of getting them out on his own Will tell Vel that he doesn’t have much time with the birds squawking the way that they are. Will tell Vel that Vaeril and Nespril’s lock have enchantments on them Dral will be down to fight; but he has no gear   High Sorcerer Vaeril Voice: Softer Regular Voice Male elf with longer blonde hair. His beautiful robes are tattered and absolutely disgusting. He is currently unconcious, but you can see that his skin is very pale. Upon closer inspection you can see that his right arm from the elbow down has been completely crushed and is starting to turn green with decay.
  • He needs medical help immediately; a Greater Restoration or Remove Poison spell will prevent him from dying but healing will only delay this as the infection is very severe
  • If they give Vaeril a Greater Restoration; he will be able to teleport them away - he will send them to Silverymoon or Waterdeep
  • Stats of an ARCHMAGE
  • Nespril Menk Voice: Standard halfling but has a strong stutter Male Halfling with short black hair, he is currently laying on top of a blue robe unconcious in the corner of his cage. You can see that his clothes are incredibly dirty.
  • He is a Harper; one of the tending mages whom they met before. Flewen Alhdark the other tending mage has died - Stats of a MAGE
  • Very malnourished; he will be able to walk and talk but not much else
  • If they save him, he will be happy to do anything for them, including give them full access to the Harper teleportation network.
  • He will put in a good word for them with Harper Kolbaz
  • Felgolos Voice: Big nostrils, protrude lower jaw - Bleud from CR “If you cannot release me then leave, save yourself before the Countess captures you too” (Deep Dragon but super guilble and inappropriate) Adult Bronze Dragon; open wounds and gashes all over his body. There is a mithral tipped spear several feet away from the cage.   If the characters free Felgolos, they earn a friend for life. Known to his friends as “The Flying Misfortune,” Felgolos has an uncanny and seemingly effortless ability to imperil himself and others around him with his recklessness. He’s also quite clumsy and a bit awkward socially. He means well, however. When he uses his Change Shape ability, he prefers to assume the form of Ruddy-skinned halfling with curly, bronze-colored hair Young human lad with curly blond hair and sun-bronzed skin. Deeper English accent   Misc. Info X - Felgolos is no friend of the Black Network. Any party member affiliated with the Zhentarim can, with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (History) check, recall tales of a dragon that matches Felgolos’s description attacking Zhentarim caravans and snatching their wagons, beasts of burden and all. In fact, Felgolos has a large collection of Zhentarim wagons and isn’t afraid to admit it. He won’t part with any of them, however, because he considers the wagons and their cargo as his treasure. He targets Zhentarim caravans specifically because he knows the Black Network’s sinister reputation and delights in frustrating the Zhents’ plans. Once he is freed, Felgolos offers to remain with the party for the remainder of this part of the adventure but chooses not to accompany them to Maelstrom (see chapter 10, “Hold of the Storm Giants”), saying that he doesn’t want to rile up any more giants for a while. Instead, he returns to one of his many dens — a cave overlooking a river that cuts through the western Starmetal Hills. If the characters require the dragon’s assistance at some later time, they can search for him there. But, considering his personality, Felgolos might be away when the characters come looking for him, swept up in yet another of his misadventures. 19. Gallery Read at the start of the session: A decorative, wrought iron staircase in one corner of this room leads down to the servants’ quarters from where you came (area 12) and up further to the level above you (area 29). Colorful rugs decorate the floor, while the walls are festooned with partitions forming niches that display beautiful pieces of art that the countess and her late husband have collected over the years. The centerpiece of her collection is a stuffed young silver dragon suspended by chains from the ceiling. Delsaphine immediately spotted the Orb of Dragonkind which she was easily able to recover, and Frilnik a beautiful Harp. After a moment inside this chamber Frilnik created a distraction, you guys did not see Delsaphine attempt to cast a sleep spell on Xydenanthis, causing him to fall from the castle window, but she was unsuccessful. At the same moment a cloud giant entered into this chamber with a non-hostile, but rather confused look on his face as he spotted Bolivar, Eldred, and Veena who are currently in the center of the chamber. Xydenanthis, holding the pennant flag in hands watched as Delsaphine grabbed onto Frilnik and the two teleported away, as she had recovered what she came her to collect.   Treasure The countess’s collection of art objects including paintings, statues, ceremonial weapons and costumes, human-sized sarcophagi, vases and other pottery from ancient Ostoria, and well-preserved (non-magical) scrolls with imperial decrees and divine edicts written in Dethek, the Dwarvish script. Ten of the art objects are non-magical treasures worth 750 gp each. Use the Art Objects table in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide to determine what each treasure looks like. Two magic items are displayed here as well. Anstruth Harp. An exquisitely crafted harp sized for a human rests on a shelf. This instrument of the bards was acquired from a human bard who counseled Sansuri for a few months. She had him hurled from the battlements for joking about her quick temper and kept his harp as a memento. (FRILNIK) Pennant of the Vind Rune. This magical war banner (see appendix B) hangs from a varnished wooden rod bolted to the door. The rod is mounted 20 feet above the floor, and the banner is 9 feet long. (XYDEN)

    Level 1

    Levels 2, 3, and 4

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