Seer Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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An old woman with tan weathered skin and unkept large black and silver hair. Her old posture puts her around 4’10. Everything about her is a testament that there is beauty in wisdom.   Seer's Garden. Portal to her extra-planar Domain is a small spark that starts to spin, a circle that cut through the fabric of reality opening up into a portal. Being the threshold, was a square stone room lined with bookcases around the perimeter. There was a table in the center of the room, covered in maps and various pieces of parchment. On the far side of the room are 2 observant dobermans sitting patiently on both sides of a large archway that opened up into a beautiful garden. The perimeter of the garden is lined with a tall wall covered with thick fines containing a cascade of vibrant flowers, obscuring the view from beyond the garden however there is still a view of the clear night sky above. In the center of this garden is a single large oak tree, under its canopy are 2 benches that sit adjacent to a small bird bath. Crystal Statues in the back corner of the Garden


Session 45: Xye's Lucky Day
  • She knows that he is under the threat of constant scrutiny by this being, making open communication about the subject of the matter very difficult. To aide you and your quest, she taught you an ability that allowed you to create an alternate reality - a false reality - so that you may talk openly without the fear of scrying eyes. This ability last 5 allows you to speak openly for 5 minutes.
  • Lastly, she encouraged you to complete your quest of repairing the Ordining and unrest among the giants but also to heed the threat of the Dodkong. Upon your departure from the garden you saw that the outer wall of the building was covered in alluring small sprigs of rosemary, before returning to your current location outside of Citadel Adbar.
Session 62: Another Laid to Rest
  • She’d been in disguised as Prose Edda the friendly stone giant that has been helping you. She revealed her true form after leaving Deadstone Cleft by opening her portal.

Sprig of Luck

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