Session 14: Charging the Darkness Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 14: Charging the Darkness

General Summary

Post battle with King Witchthorn, it grows late into the evening. After defeating King Witchthorn and cleansing the waters it was their belief that the curse was lifted.   As Scraabox performed the last rites over the dead king, he received a vision of the Wellspring of Wisdom. In the vision he saw the grand oak, felled over as they left it, but growing out of the wellspring itself was a gnarled, wicked, tangled tree. He could feel the presence of a curse once more.   As the party leaves the glade where they battled the cursed Wendigo King, the overgrown flora and fauna reminds them that they are in Southkrypt, Old Gnawbone's domain. Desperate to rest, the party is overcome with unease and they are faced with a decision: push through the night or find refuge here and now while they can.   Tobias spotted a fortifiable dwarven structure, which was common to Southkrypt, and the party decided to bed down for the evening. Rest quickly found the heroes, taking shifts through the night.   Galreth was on watch when a rustling of leaves was heard just outside. He exited the structure to find nothing, however upon returning he found Betty hunched over sitting in the center of the room.   “...Betty?” Galreth called out nervously.   The figure rose, towering over Galreth. As it turned to face him, a set of hallowed empty eyes and extended jaw let out a low bellowing moan, shaking the foundations of Galreth’s bravery.   A gurgle of pain accompanied the moan as Galreth raised his gaze and watched as Tobias’ large form dangled from the top of the far wall, his body convulsing in pain.  

Battle Montage!!!

At the resolution of the battle, Scraabox discerned that these creatures were summoned and sent; they were no meager ghosts that just happened to be here. Still late into the evening, the party finished their rest and set out the next morning.   The party prepared and deliberated on where to head to next when Nole, the intelligent fox made his presence known. He came with tidings and a gift from Princess Ishaldra, the new Queen of the Shadowy Glade. He went on to explain how Holgar aided the Princess in reclaiming her rightful place upon her father’s throne. Although it had only been a few hours since Holgar and the Princess departed, in the Feywilds several weeks had passed. Nole explained that when passing to and from the Feywilds the passage of time can be manipulated, which is why one tends to remain on one side or the other.   The gift he presented was a vial containing an inky black liquid with silvery flakes. “An antidote for your son” he said as he handed the vial to Betty. After inquiring what you were to do next, he agreed to accompany you back to the Dusk Circle druids, where Percy remains.   As the party and Nole made their way back east, they couldn’t help but to wonder what happened to make the King break his alliance with Old Gnawbones; furthermore what drove him so mad that he would sacrifice his own daughter? Along the way, Athlaise kept a close watchful eye over the intelligent fox.  

Percy Fly

This troubling thought fled when they arrived back to the Dusk Circle and found everyone but Percy gone. With no sign of a struggle, Betty fed Percy the antidote. His cloudy blind eyes slowly opened and Betty watched as the inky black silver liquid replaced her son’s familiar eyes with the appearance of a galaxy. Percy rose and summoned Sally, a blue spectral salamander that granted him vision through her eyes. Other than the change of his eyes, Percy seemed to be completely fine.   As the party began to question him and uncover the mystery of what happened to him, Nole had disappeared. His footprints trailed off back to the west.

Fox’s Out of the Bag

Percy went on to share the last thing he remembered. He and Shala Thaeral, the Voice of the Circle, were attacked after being caught spying on hobgoblins that had disguised themselves as Zartuss Fey. Among them was a hunched humanoid with tattered robes. Below the tattered robes he saw a canine snout and glimpses of red fur.   Percy confirmed that not all of the druids were found or dead. Some druids are missing, which is how he and Shala saw the hobgoblins. He confirmed that there are several loyalists to Old Gnawbone within the Dusk Circle, which was in-line with what King Witchthorn had claimed.   Percy refused to leave the party or remain behind before he knew that Jack & Dawnaveth were safe. He seemed to not be as worried about Shala, as he too had concerns about the Voice of the Circle and whether or not she had been corrupted along with the forest; being a dryad herself and deeply connected to the cursed forest.   After leaving the Dusk Circle, they went directly to the Wellspring of Wisdom where they hoped to find the remaining members of the Dusk Circle Druids.  
  Upon reaching the Wellspring of Wisdom, wind rattles through the trees. The sound of a death knell echoes through the haunting wood. Mist blankets the clearing before, obscuring the ground and making it difficult to navigate through the brambly, stinging foliage. Suddenly, the forest feels hard and cold. Thick clouds obscure any sunlight from above. Percy grows uneasy and begins to rush ahead.   The party then finds themselves standing before something other than the once Great Oak they had battled with previously. Just a few days ago they left this groove with the tree felled, toppled over on its side. Now standing before you emerging from the Wellspring of Wisdom is a tree charred and broken, as if once struck by a bolt of lightning. Fungal growths seep out of its roots and bark, a sour smell radiates from it. Mushrooms tangled within the bramble start to wiggle and tremble, their heads turning—reaching toward you slowly.   From within the tangles of its bark, the face of Shala Thaeral, the dryad Voice of the Circle you’d spoken to previously could be made out in exaggerated proportions.   “Dawnaveth…” Percy’s voice trembles.   Looking up into the boughs of the tree are the pale matted remains of the beautiful elf, Dawnaveth Dawkins. Her curly red hair lies messily draped over her face, which serves as a beacon against the colorless backdrop of the corrupted tree.

Corrupted Oak at the Wellspring

The party progressed forward and noticed a narrow opening at the base of the tree which descended down into the wellspring. Without hesitation the party descended down into the wellspring and swam through a series of subterranean tunnels that led them deep into the ground and to an air filled cavern. As they progressed, they found themselves directly under the wellspring and at the heart of the Dark Oak. Within the bark of, Shala’s dryad form could be seen; her eyes and mouth containing a necrotic green glow.   As the party stood there in silence momentarily, they learned that she was currently dormant. Quietly Galreth and Scraab entered the chamber, each heading towards different exits of this central cavern. As Scraab approached the Dark Oak in the center, he became uneasy as he could sense a heavy necromantic presence.   In an adjoining chamber, Galreth found the Dusk Circle druid, Jack Shelby unconscious within a tangle of roots. Energy flashed from Galreth’s hands as the roots surrendered Jack’s limp body. Jack’s head lifted up with a familiar glance to Galreth.   With the disturbance, Shala’s body lit up with a green glow as her voice boomed through the chambers, “THE AWAKENING HAS RETURNED.”  

Battle Montage Round II!

Birth of Jack Dawkins

Silence fell over the chamber as Jack shed his canine form. Weary from the battle he stumbled forward and looked straight to Percy. “Where is sh…” before he could finish his sentence Percy glancing back at him just shook his head.   Percy uttered, “Dawnaveth… sh-” but before he could answer Jack glanced around the chamber frantically before letting out a deep grunt and tore out of the chamber. The rest of the party gathered around Scraabox’s dead body. Percy was able to revivify Scraab but left immediately after to follow Jack; Betty follows.   After Scraab was brought back the party explored the remaining chambers to find a large side chamber of what remained of the Dusk Circle druids. Thorny brambles pieced through their lifeless bodies, all connecting them to the Corrupted Oak, which Shala had come a part of.   Scraabox took a moment to perform the final rites over all the bodies as Tobias helped and sneakily rifled through the bodies. Several hours passed while performing the rites.   Up above Percy and Betty emerged from the well under a clear night sky. The clouds and mist had subsided and the thorny Dark Oak had begun to deteriorate to ash. “CRACK!” the sound of a great tree being felled echoed through the meadow.   Following the sound, Betty hurried behind Percy as he made his way around the massive tree growing out of the Wellspring. On the other side Jack was knelt down with the limp pale body of Dawnaveth Dawkins in his arms. The portion of the tree above that held her limp body looked as if it had been torn apart by a ravenous monster.   Betty and Percy stood there for a long moment in silence. As Betty gently put a hand across her son’s shoulder whose head hung low, she could feel the gentle bob of his shoulders between silent sobs. After a moment, Percy approached his dear friend and knelt beside Jack.   Jack head shot backwards as he let out a long loud cry, “Awwuoooooooo!” His wolf cry turned into a primal roar of anger. Percy shot up from his knees and stepped back. Jack gently let go of Dawnaveth as his body began to shake and convulse. His rage endured for only a moment before his human form had shed once again and revealed a much larger lycanthrope form on his already well built, broad shouldered frame.   Jack’s gaze shot to Percy, with an unbridled rage in his eyes. Calmly, Percy exchanged a knowing nod and in the blink of an eye, Jack was gone.
Mad Jack Dawkins was a character inspired by my dad. He created him as a PC to play during a one-shot at Winter War 2018 and I fell head over heels for this villainous devil. He has been a reoccurring NPC throughout all of my campaigns and will always continue to be. Thank you everyone for helping me forge his origin story.

Next Stop: Gnawbone

  After Scraabox finished performing the last rites over the last Dusk Circle druid, he and the rest of the party rejoined Betty and Percy at the surface. Beaten and bloody, they made the short journey back to the Dusk Circle to get a much needed rest.   That evening, Scraabox was able to get in contact with Betty’s best friend Martha to let her know that Percy was safe and sound; “Hey suga bean we found Percy he’s okay! We’re going to see Gnawbones. Are you okay? Love Betty. You can reply to this message. Muah!"   Although the King Witchthorn was defeated and the O’lak Shada curse lifted, Percy pointed out that there is still so much more at stake. The inhabitants of the Kryptgarden Forest have lived in harmony due to the protection of Claugiyliamatar, Old Gnawbone. If she is in danger, so is the entire forest. Percy stated that he would join the party and travel with them to the Deeping Cave, Old Gnawbone’s lair within Southkrypt.   Before finding rest, Scraabox checked in with his supervisor, High Priest Devinash: “Found source of necromancy. Necromancer named Nole, attempting to create a dracolich. Need advice. We’re heading to Claugiyliamatar’s lair. Please reply this time -Scraabox”   Almost immediately the High Priest replied, “Return immediately, do not engage.”   Ignoring the High Priests warning, with a final Sending Scraab sent back, “With all do respect sir, I’ve already died once on this mission. We will not engage but we will investigate. I will report back.”   After a moment, hesitantly the High Priest replied, “I understand, please be safe Scraabox.”
Report Date
10 Nov 2022

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